5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2018
www-jstor-org.proxy.library.georgetown.edu www-jstor-org.proxy.library.georgetown.edu
Perhaps epideictic rhetoric isbest regarded as any discourse that does not aim at a speciÆc action but isintended to inØuence the values and beliefs of the audience.
Epideictic rhetoric
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The application ot: this p~in~iple t? a~tual situations, however, reqmres cntena to 10d1cate which categories are relevant and how their members should be treated, and such decisions involve a recourse to judgments of value.
To connect back to Perelman's discussion of Aristotle, forensic rhetoric always calls back to epideictic rhetoric.
that, namely, of b1:inging abo~t a consensus in the minds of the audience regardmg the values that are celebrated in the speech.
It is useful to think of epideictic rhetoric through Nietzsche.
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
The Epideictic speaker is concerned with virtue and vice, praising the one and censuring the other. The forms of virtue. Which are the greatest virtues? Some rhetoric devices used by the epideictic speaker: "amplification," especially. Amplification is particularly appropriate to epideictic oratory; examples, to political; enthymemes, to forensic.
Examples of Epideictic rhetoric. virtue and vice
There are three kinds of rhetoric: A. political (deliberative), B. forensic (legal), and C. epideictic (the ceremonial oratory of display).
divisions, or three kinds of rhetoric