3 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"Without the right to tinker and explore, we risk becoming enslaved by technology; and the more we exercise the right to hack, the harder it will be to take that right away" - Andre "Bunnie" Huang
hah, we are already "enslaved by technology". ask Ted Kaczynski
our enemies already have hardware backdoors, compromising emissions (tempest), closed-source firmware/drivers/hardware, ... but sure, "feel free"
- Jul 2021
wskg.org wskg.org
And while hunting for caches, he uses some tricks to avoid unwanted attention, like carrying a clipboard. “If you look like you’re working, people don’t tend to pay attention to you.”
Sad that this is the case.
Good tip for espionage though...
- Mar 2017
www.politico.com www.politico.com
President Donald Trump relishes the comforts of his Mar-a-Lago estate for repeated weekends away from Washington, but former Secret Service and intelligence officials say the resort is a security nightmare vulnerable to both casual and professional spies.
Yep. Saw this coming!