5 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2024
It is important to be very clear about what you are evaluating, why you are evaluating, and for whom you are evaluating.
--Tener presente qué se está evaluando
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
If they wanted you educated in mathematics, they'd start by saying it's not a science, but a language and it's not about solving problems, but further developing your ability to evaluate by comparison, which is our mind's main method of evaluation....it's actually the only one, our ability to think is entirely based on it and math is just that - evaluation by comparison, it's where learning begins. So instead of teaching you how to further develop your thinking, they shove these dogmatic formulas in your face and frame your mind, essentially hindering your ability to learn, so they can spoon feed you their bullshit. Took me ten years to get over school and actually start educating myself.
- Sep 2022
traficantes.net traficantes.net
xistennumerosos criterios potenciales de evaluación, pero algunos de los másusados son (1) incremento en el conocimiento científico; (2) sostenibilidady conservación; (3) estándares de participación; (4) eficacia económica; (5)equidad mediante la equivalencia económica; y (6) justicia redistributiva
Evaluación de repositorios de información.
- Oct 2019
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Method for Surface Fatigue Damage Evaluation
"Método para la evaluación del daño por fatiga superficial": Se explica cómo se realizaría dicha evaluación del daño con relación a lo planteado anteriormente.
- May 2018
caee.javeriana.edu.co caee.javeriana.edu.co
Es pertinente la pregunta por la relación entre la métrica y el comportamiento, para determinar como la relación entre ellas favorece (o no) procesos educativos de enseñanza-aprendizaje.