2 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
telegra.ph telegra.ph
Wes的英语水平似乎陷入了一个瓶颈,大量的语法错误使得他无法组织起更复杂的语言材料,同时他的词汇量似乎也到头了,不会使用稍微生僻一点的词汇。Wes的外语水平就是出现了典型的石化现象。 石化,也叫僵化,英语叫fossilization,简单说,就是指语言水平锁死在了某个阶段。
- Jan 2023
citejournal.org citejournal.org
Google frames the practices of teachers toward the banking model of education (Freire, 1970), potentially setting up a dynamic wherein the teacher has the most power and students are present to “receive” the knowledge of the instructor (Gleason & Heath, 2020).
This framing is likely the result of an uncritical approach to traditional pedagogic practices, similar to HE faculty who simply teach the way they were taught because "that's how it's done". Unlike faculty, tech tools can't be trained in better or more responsive methods but rather contribute to further fossilization.