10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. Goal 1:"More than 700 million people, or 10 per cent of the world population, still live in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation, to name a few." I think donating cans of food, clothes, water, and house furniture would definitely help those who are in need. Food and water is a big nee of water and there may be days where they aren't able to hunt for food. Clothes are needed for warmth n cold days and on hot days they can use tank tops and shorts. Furniture can be used for when they build their shelter and they're able to have bedding or a couch to sleep in.

  2. Oct 2017
    1. l the people of this great sovereign State and nation, both white and black” (7). While African-Americans are considered evil, Wallace’s words make it seem like he is trying to save them from pure evil, and giving them the opportunities he believes they deserve

      Strong analysis - nice job.

    2. Almost all the claims made by Patricia Roberts-Miller in “Characteristics of Demagoguery” were very intriguing to the mind. It makes you think of the tactics that famous figures utilized to become so successful in their agenda. How exactly did Hitler create an army that subjugated and killed Jews, and get away with it for so long? How do particular religions gather followers and create such deep commitment for their beliefs? How can Donald Trump, as radical as his words and speeches are, become elected as the leader of the United States?

      This introduction does a nice job getting the reader's attention and making the issues come alive.

    3. This also relates to the claim that assuming all youth are digital natives “obscures the uneven distribution of technological skills and media literacy across the youth population, presenting an inaccurate portrait of young people as uniformly prepared for the digital era and ignoring the assumed level of privilege required to be native” (179-180).

      Nice - this is one of B's central claims. You capture it well.

    1. I occasionally dreamed about being Internet famous, whether it’d be through a blog, Facebook, or Instagram. So who knows? Maybe writing on here without having to awkwardly saying it face-to-face could help us connect! I hope we all learn a bit more about each other through the semester and have a great time.

      Thanks for sharing Giselle. There is still time to be internet famous. Perhaps this could be the topic of your final paper.

  3. Sep 2017
    1. baggage” over concision (33). In Niane’s version of Sundiata, Sassouma is described as “malicious” and “wicked” (444) to retain her negative persona throughout the

      Great observation. That was an example that jumped out at me also.

    2. Ong’s characteristics of a primary oral culture can be seen in the two versions of the Sundiata tale. His first characteristic is that a primary oral culture tends to be additive rather than subordinative. In version II of Sundiata, written by John William Johnson, there are plentiful lines where is this illustrated: “Ah! Bemba!/And found some custard apples trees,/And cut one down,/And trimmed it level to her breast,/And stood as if in prayer” (450). This allows a sense of flow and seamless continuation of narrative in Johnson’s version of the Sundiata tale.

      Good example, and a good connection to Ong. Perhaps just explain a bit more fully how the quote illustrates additive style (and repetition).

    3. Thompson addresses people who potentially disagree with him particularly in the subject of Ta-Nahesi Coates. Coates went out of his way to moderate his blogs and delete any abusive comments and posts. H

      Yes, although I think Thompson discusses to address the objection that much of new online writing is nasty and hateful. Coates (and tummeling, as you say) shows you can set up environments where such nastiness is is unable to take over.

    4. Another of Thompson’s claims involves public thinking, in which today’s Internet encourages talking and writing about the same thing simultaneously

      I know what you mean by this, but could include a more precise account of public thinking.

    5. Unleashing ideas in any type of format, whether it be verbally or in typed or written words, helps to express ideas, for “the effort of communicating to someone else forces you to think more precisely, make deeper connections, and learn more” (55

      Yes, this is what Thompson calls the "audience effect."