5 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
www.economist.com www.economist.com
Ausführlicher und gut recherchierte Artikel über den aktuellen El Niño und seine möglichen ökologischen wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen. Die globale Erhitzung erhöht in vielen Regionen das Risiko, dass es durch den voraussichtlich starken El Niño zu extremen Wetter-Ereignissen, Enteeinbrüchen und Epidemien kommt, in dramatisch (via @RuthMottram).
Infografik: https://www.economist.com/img/b/1000/1153/90/media-assets/image/20230826_FBC223.png
- Mar 2022
www.vodex.co.uk www.vodex.co.uk
Carbohydrates contain sugar, starch, hydrogen and oxygen – so they make a good fuel source in the right circumstances. When flour particles have a very large surface area and when suspended in air, in the right mix,they have a large supply of yet more oxygen.
www.airpurificationinc.com www.airpurificationinc.com
According to some reports, food processing is the largest category for combustible dust explosions in manufacturing, accounting for almost 25 percent of incidents.
I should ask about this in our interview.
- Jul 2019
lifelines.readthedocs.io lifelines.readthedocs.io
Non-proportional hazards is a case of model misspecification.
The idea behind the model is that the log-hazard of an individual is a linear function of their static covariates and a population-level baseline hazard that changes over time.