- Apr 2020
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
In general, the Earth science community and its subcommunities have perhaps been a little slow in adopting the use of preprints. Several dedicated servers now exist, including EarthArXiv, ESSOAr, and paleorXiv, as well as InarXiv, which researchers use to share some research in the Indonesian language.
Server preprint dapat dibagi berdasarkan:
- Feb 2018
osf.io osf.io
Artikel ini sangat menarik karena memberikan solusi kepada masalah sehari-hari. Siapa yang tidak ingin aman saat menggunakan kompor gas. Pasti semua orang bukan.
- Jan 2018
openscience.com openscience.com
a country-level preprint repository
There are many repositories built by universities across Indonesia. However, the usage is fairly minimum without a good promotion, internally to the academic community as well as externally to the stakeholders. we don't know exactly what's the problem, but strangely, when we introduced INArxiv in mid August 2017, the public responses had been so overwhelming. Had the existing repository been lacked of scholarly communication strategies, or simply less knowledge about managing a repository, but this preprinting movement finds its way inside the mind of many Indonesian scientists.
This article shows the current state of Indonesian open access scientific publishing as of 30 Nov 2017. The date is important because it's keep on progressing.
So what I did was to access the DOAJ database, in 30 November 2017. The reason to use it for it is oneof the biggest free online database of open access publication, with 10,565 Journals, 7,650 journalssearchable at Article level, from 122 Countries, with 2,743,765 Articles.
Contoh riset sederhana dengan biaya murah dan tidak memerlukan perangkat mahal.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Twenty-two journals among the 23 journals participating in the survey allowed authors to cite non-English materials in their papers.
Ini bukti bahwa jurnal LN juga membolehkan penulis menyitat sumber yang tidak berbahasa Inggris. Jadi kalau Anda ingin menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan sedang menulis makalah untuk dikirim ke jurnal LN, maka tidak ada halangan bagi anda untuk menyitat dokumen yang ditulis oleh rekan-rekan penulis dari DN. INArxiv bisa jadi salah satu media yang tepat untuk kebutuhan itu.