- Oct 2023
www.zylstra.org www.zylstra.org
Because it connects the information landscape and the geographical landscape much more intimately.
and now we have IoT sensing etc.
to be able to leave as well as pick up many traces that lead to emergent patterns relevant to the geographical spot I happen to be in.
#openvraag If I would try to phrase what such traces would be now, what would my list be? And what channels/tools would one be able to share them in?
be aware of the presence of others geographically nearby for possible chance encounters. In other words to be able to leave as well as pick up many traces that lead to emergent patterns relevant to the geographical spot I happen to be in.
This still very much so. Although with ubiquity of sharing now, as I hoped for then, I think the probability of chance encounters has actually diminished paradoxically. It's hard to find the right signals in endless algo timelines. I'm more likely to find out someone was in the same spot as me after the fact, than during. Beforehand is mostly impossible these days imo.
That also means that when I am on the road (the hard surfaced ones in the geographical landscape) I don’t want to be cut off from my information landscape in the net. I want to immediately share pictures, get and share info and opinions about the restaurant I am standing in front of wondering whether to have lunch there
We def got that since this '06 post, but did we get it in the way I intended here? In my 2012 talk https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2012/07/the-power-of-maps-beyond-the-map/ and in slide 31 of https://tonz.nl/foss4gnl/ 2018 I point to a much more socially annotated hyperlocal awareness. Not the generic ratings of coffee places we now get, but the ratings of people known relevant to me. (which doesn't scale, I know: would I rather have specific or no hyperlocal info than generic 'wisdom of crowds" opinions?)
In https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2012/07/the-power-of-maps-beyond-the-map/ I also mention the different relationship digital 'nomads' are forming to geolocations.
nfoscape is Faster but Catalyst for Geoscape In geographical space I meet people face to face, have drinks, which is great. But my mobility there is limited and time-constrained, slow, and resource-intensive. On the net, I don’t meet people face to face but through digitally mediated channels. But there my mobility is global and instantaneous, and the speed of interaction and change matches much more closely the speed I need to be able to do all the stuff I find relevant. Through the net I arrange the face to face meetings, through the net I decide where to spend my limited time and resources for geographical mobility
lift out catalyst and infoscape as means towards intentionality (as opposed to timesink and endless scroll that #socmed became) from [[Physical and Information Landscape 20060302150900]]
Information Landscape and Geographical Landscape
right, already covered this in my notions [[Physical and Information Landscape 20060302150900]]
I don't mention here the infoscape as overlay, too early I suppose, although Plazes was a start (webprofiles attached to locations). Layer is from 2009?