7 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
Intermediate Packets
example of the creation of a buzz word for something not really quite necessary. It's useful to give names to things, but this is just a synonym for a note, isn't it?
definitely not as developed as "second brain"
- Apr 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
As Derrida writes ofthe computer, ‘I don’t feel the interposition of the machine as a sortof progress in transparency, univocity, or easiness. Rather, we areparticipating in a partly new plot’ (2005: 21). H
- Dec 2021
society.robinsloan.com society.robinsloan.com
Does a “Web3” that depends on Twitter for its marketing and coordination channel really deserve the name?
future.a16z.com future.a16z.com
Social platforms will continue to be useful for building audiences
Centralized social platforms became the dominant way for creators and fans to connect. The platforms used this power to become the new intermediaries — inserting ads and algorithmic recommendations between creators and users while keeping most of the revenue for themselves.
Incumbent social media platforms sidetracked this vision by locking creators into a bundle of distribution and monetization.
removing rent-seeking intermediaries