11 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Sunnyvale taps AI to translate public meetings

      Sunnyvale taps AI to translate public meetings


    2. The adoption of AI translation is cheaper than hiring human translators. Garnett said the city pays $112.50 for every hour the service is used, and has so far paid about $4,308 for more than 38 hours of usage. Hiring an human translator would cost the city up to $400 per hour. “This creates a much smoother dialogue than using live interpreters,” she  told San José Spotlight. “We likely would have needed two to four live interpreters to accomplish what we are doing with Wordly.”

      The adoption of AI translation is cheaper than hiring human translators. Garnett said the city pays $112.50 for every hour the service is used, and has so far paid about $4,308 for more than 38 hours of usage. Hiring an human translator would cost the city up to $400 per hour.

      “This creates a much smoother dialogue than using live interpreters,” she told San José Spotlight. “We likely would have needed two to four live interpreters to accomplish what we are doing with Wordly.”

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Frederick Wang  · rpnteSsdoo89ithth333t5u09auu7ul1cg8h4595l29f65609837a9m54h06  · Shared with Public group[徵中英文口譯]2024一月18-21台北市面試OK每天至少$3萬新台幣MTS口譯團隊17年來參與無數國際課程與會議試用/面試後評價四顆星以上每天$2萬台幣及以上;出國會議食宿全包,每人每天實領$3萬台幣及以上;我們五顆星口譯每天$5萬起跳(2014有每位口譯$6000美元一天,六天的口譯案,以及2023十一月,海外30天供食宿的案子,兩位口譯每人各拿新台幣$1xx萬,有開立發票為證)All reactions:10 10






  3. Dec 2023
    1. When you run your Python program using [CPython], the code is parsed and converted to an internal bytecode format, which is then executed inside the VM. From the user’s perspective, this is clearly an interpreter—they run their program from source. But if you look under CPython’s scaly skin, you’ll see that there is definitely some compiling going on. The answer is that it is both. CPython is an interpreter, and it has a compiler.
    1. Recap

      In this article you started implementing your own version of Python. To do so, you needed to create four main components:

      A tokenizer: * accepts strings as input (supposedly, source code); * chunks the input into atomic pieces called tokens; * produces tokens regardless of their sequence making sense or not.

      A parser: * accepts tokens as input; * consumes the tokens one at a time, while making sense they come in an order that makes sense; * produces a tree that represents the syntax of the original code.

      A compiler: * accepts a tree as input; * traverses the tree to produce bytecode operations.

      An interpreter: * accepts bytecode as input; * traverses the bytecode and performs the operation that each one represents; * uses a stack to help with the computations.

    2. The interpreter accepts a list of bytecode operations and its method interpret will go through the list of bytecodes, interpreting one at a time.

      ``` from .compiler import Bytecode, BytecodeType


      class Interpreter: def init(self, bytecode: list[Bytecode]) -> None: self.stack = Stack() self.bytecode = bytecode self.ptr: int = 0

      def interpret(self) -> None:
          for bc in self.bytecode:
              # Interpret this bytecode operator.
              if bc.type == BytecodeType.PUSH:
              elif bc.type == BytecodeType.BINOP:
                  right = self.stack.pop()
                  left = self.stack.pop()
                  if bc.value == "+":
                      result = left + right
                  elif bc.value == "-":
                      result = left - right
                      raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown operator {bc.value}.")


    3. The interpreter is the part of the program that is responsible for taking bytecode operations as input and using those to actually run the source code you started off with.
  4. Nov 2023
    1. 清晰音質是同步口譯的必要條件,請大家告訴大家


  5. Jan 2021