- Jun 2024
world reach reduction
for the affinitive learning movement to take place, the subject must open themselves to the learning problem. Yet at the same time, they must define a certain area to open themselves to within. This effectively means that a key determinant of the success of the affinitive learning movement is the ability to close off from most of the world.
affinitive self-organizing processes together with others
a description of the way the affinitive learning movement is established as a self-organizing process when a learner enters into dialogue with others.
I have to take myself back and free myself fromdisturbing thoughts so that the content of the learning materialand the insights and contexts of experience expressed in it cancome to the fore in me as unhindered as possible, in order to beable to advance my learning action on a new, more comprehensivebasis
This seems more to relate to freeing oneself of defensive reasoning, tuning in to curiosity as well as keeping oneself within the context of the learning matter. If the content of the learning material does not reflect the learning matter in a way that emotionally relates to the learner's conduct of everyday life, the affinitive learning movement will be hindered by the static and unchanging words in the learning material. Hypothes.is precisely works by letting multiple contexts of experience come to the fore as unhindered as possible.
affinitive attention isan approach that does not exclude, but rather includes, a“letting-go” of material as well as linguistic references tocontexts of meaning, a “leaning back,” gaining an overview,a “distributive” (as opposed to “fixating”) consideration, thelifting of fixations and restrictions by looking at the “whole,”thereby allowing oneself to be guided by “kinships,” beingcarried on from one reference to the next in the networks of
Affinitive attention is the context oriented learning stance. "Letting go of linguistic references to context" likely refers to the paradox of trying to understand a context by having it explained. Contexts are understood more based on emotions and intuition than definitions, operations and logic. Affinitive attention can be compared to abductive reasoning, letting understanding come from intuitive, contextual connections between concepts. Conclusions arrived at in this way is sometimes referred to as "valid guesses".
If, in the course of reflecting and clarifying this diffuse emotionalsituation, the subject develops a feeling that there is something tobe learned about the action problem, that is, a learning problemcrystallizes, and in the process an emotional relationship to thelearning matter is established, and one somehow develops an ideathat this has a significance for everyday action and life that fascinatesand also moves one emotionally
Relating to and contextualizing the learning problem at hand is seen as the emotional mechanism by which the learner understands the limits of their knowledge, and the relates those limits to their everyday life. The affinitive movement in learning is therefore grounded in the ability of the learner to relate the world to themselves.
Holzkamp also recognizes this connection. “Affinitive learning,”he writes, “cannot come into its own by withdrawing influence onthe learning content,” rather “I can only have ‘good reasons’ forallowing affinitive self-organizing processes, if my learning actionas a whole is expansively grounded”
Expansive reasons for learning is connected to the affinitive movement in learning. Affinitive movements in learning are seen as directly dependant on expansive reasoning. Without influence of the content of the learning matter, the learning movement isn't tied to the learners everyday conduct of life. When the context is external to the learner, it can't be relied upon to understand the topic at hand.
- May 2024
“Without such a pre-learnedability to identify and locate,” Holzkamp explains, “one wouldnot be able to understand the new learning matter as anythingspecific to which the learning action could relate”
This is another way of saying that the affinitive learning movement is impossible without a pre-learned context to relate to the world.