- Mar 2022
francopasut.medium.com francopasut.medium.com
```latex Start slowly and then increase in ascending until you reach the forte, then decrease in descending until you reach the piano. Then repeat the scales (always in groups of three) with the colors in reverse, that is to start strong and decrease ifno to the floor in ascending, then increase to the strong in descending.\begin{lilypond} \header { title = "C Major Scale" }\layout { \context { \Voice \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver" } } \relative c' {
\clef F c,4-1\p\<\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 e-3\stopGroup f-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} g-2 a-3 b-4 \stopGroup \clef G c4-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 e-3\stopGroup f-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} g-2 a-3 b-4\stopGroup c-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 e-3\stopGroup f-1\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4+1} g-2 a-3 b-4 c-5\f!\stopGroup b-4>\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} a-3 g-2 f-1\stopGroup e-3\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 c-1\stopGroup b-4\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} a-3 g-2 f-1\stopGroup e-3\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 c-1\stopGroup \clef F b-4\startGroup_\markup{gr. 4} a-3 g-2 f-1\stopGroup e-3\startGroup_\markup{gr. 3} d-2 c-1\p!\stopGraceMusic r } \end{lilypond}Perform loudly with the right hand and softly with the left hand, then vice versa. Then switch the \textit{crescendo} and \textit{diminuendo} between the two hands. ```
latex Inline music fragment insertion test: \lilypond{\new RhythmicStaff { \time 3/4 c4( c16) c c c c c c c \bar "|."}}