6 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2021
    1. Teaching Metadata IG

      "Metadata...presents educators and trainers with continually evolving pedagogical challenges."

      "...a forum for exchanging experiences and advice on the content of curricula and on classroom methodologies"

      "innovation in metadata design, implementation & best practice"

    1. Media Cafe

      Visitors to this Second Life coffee shop could wear their own objects.

      • like the Matrix-styled sunglasses attached to my avatar's nose with its own website. .
    1. M.I.T. OpenCourseWare

      Here, Hypothes.is annotation layer provides a collaborative space for communication. Next, I will post a comment to this old, old blog post, given readers a link to this public annotation.

    1. Shouldn’t Tech Developers (such as yourself) be reaching out to Schools/ Teachers/ Districts FIRST to create and design tech rather than the other way around?”


      Reaching out again with new project MentorsOnline.NET

      Notes: 1st edit of annotation for update of info

      • 2nd use of tag: LTI-test-team
    1. Google Meet training and help

      Scenario: Team building exercise, group tag(s) sorting downstream readers/ viewers (audience).

      Note: First use of tag: LTI-test-team