6 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
It will return the result as a Dry::Monads::Result object which can be either successful or failure.
www.morozov.is www.morozov.is
bind applies unwrapped Success value to the block, which should return a Result object. No-op on Failure
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
- Sep 2017
developingthoughts.co.uk developingthoughts.co.uk
Building a Maybe in JavaScript
js functional programming
- Dec 2015
math.mit.edu math.mit.eduCT4S.pdf1
In 1980 Joachim Lambek showed that the types and programs used in computerscience form a specific kind of category. This provided a new semantics for talking aboutprograms, allowing people to investigate how programs combine and compose to createother programs, without caring about the specifics of implementation. Eugenio Moggibrought the category theoretic notion of monads into computer science to encapsulateideas that up to that point were considered outside the realm of such theory.