40 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. The markets and level of ubiquity of these items in their heyday are so dramatically different that this is certainly an apples and oranges comparison.

      However, if you want to compare the artist/users of the instrument to their machines, which is a way of potentially intuiting a potential answer to your question (one which is highly subjective), you might go by who was using particular typewriters of the time. Here's some data to consider: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/typers.html

      For that rough era in American-made machines, you'll see peak engineering/manufacturing in the 1950s out of the Smith-Corona Super Silent, the Remington Quiet-Riter, and the Royal Quiet De Luxe. Design, touch, and tuning can all be such subjective measures here so as to heavily Muddy (the) Waters ('52 Gibson Les Paul Gold Top/'58 Fender Telecaster) on style, quality, and popularity amongst the cognoscenti. Peak quality in the 60s had broadly moved to post-war Germany and Italy with machines from Olympia (SM3, 4, 5, 7, etc.) and Olivetti respectively.

      For my personal money, in American machines of the time, I love the design and performance of my well-tuned, and mostly restored 1950 Royal KMG. However, the current market certainly wouldn't indicate a broader beloved status for these the way you'll see for Stratocasters. (You'll also find some horribly maintained and un-tuned machines out there on the market, which is why so much of the antique and vintage typewriter market pricing is so wildly out of whack.)

      A separate flavor of question certainly, but if you're looking for a solid performing typewriter to pair aesthetically and temporally with a '64 Strat, I'd go with a Royal FP ('57-62) (which came in Royaltone or Pearl Dark Gray smooth, Royaltone or Pearl Light Gray smooth, Willow Green smooth, Sea Blue smooth, Cameo Pink smooth (Petal Pink) , Brushed Aluminum, Sandstone smooth, and Coral Rose) or the smaller Royal Futura 800 ('58-'63).

  2. Jul 2024
    1. Royal KMM FPE HH KH 10 T1 B64 Typewriter Ribbon Install Rewind Respool Replace by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]

      The spools for the standard Royal typewriters (KMM, FPE, HH, KH, etc) have a custom metal mechanism for their auto-reverse. The spools are known as the T1 (which is the same as General Ribbon part # T1-77B , T1-77BR, and Nu-Kote B64.) If winding on universal ribbon onto them, remove the eyelette which isn't needed and may interfere with the auto reverse.

      The function of the mechanism is fairly similar to that of the Remington, but the mechanism is on the spool itself rather than on the spindle.

      If necessary, Ribbons Unlimited carries these metal spools: https://www.ribbonsunlimited.com/6N064-Royal-Standard-Electric-Ribbon-64-p/6n064.htm

    1. Royal HH & FP typewriter shipping help by [[Typewriter Justice]]

      Advice for how to package a heavy standard typewriter for shipping. Two heavy rubberbands to hold the margin release buttons to protect the escapement. Then plastic wrap to keep the carriage from moving during shipment. Then protection for the knobs and carriage return levers put into a first box. Then packing peanuts in a second box, fill to completely full and tape closed.

  3. May 2024
    1. => 箭头函数的匿名性是 => 的阿喀琉斯之踵。这让我不能遵守刚刚所说的命名原则了:阅读困难,调试困难,无法自我引用。


    2. 顺便说一句,匿名的意思是什么?具体来说,函数具有一个 name 的属性,用于保存函数在语法上设定名称的字符串值,例如 "helloMyNameIs" 或 "FunctionExpr"。 这个name 属性特别用于 JS 环境的控制台或开发工具。当我们在堆栈轨迹中追踪(通常来自异常)时,这个属性可以列出该函数。


      因此推荐使用 const foo = ()=>{} 的形式来写函数。借助ES6能够从名称引用中给匿名函数推导出名称


    3. 我们将在本书的后续中大量使用闭包。如果抛开整个编程来说,它可能是所有函数式编程中最重要的基础。希望你能用得舒服!


    4. 在所有编程,尤其是函数式编程中,最强大的就是:当一个函数内部存在另一个函数的作用域时,对当前函数进行操作。当内部函数从外部函数引用变量,这被称作闭包。



    5. 将其他函数视为值的函数是高阶函数的定义。函数式编程者们应该学会这样写!


    6. 这个隐式函数输出在函数式编程中有一个特殊的名称:副作用。当然,没有副作用的函数也有一个特殊的名称:纯函数。我们将在以后的章节讨论这些,但关键是我们应该喜欢纯函数,并且要尽可能地避免副作用。


    7. 但是,改变一个外部作用域的变量,就像我们在 foo(..) 中所做的赋值 y 一样,只是实现隐式输出的一种方式。一个更微妙的例子是通过引用对非局部值进行更改。



    8. 我不是说,你只能有一个 return,或你不应该提早 return,我只是认为在定义函数时,最好不要用 return 来实现流控制,这样会创造更多的隐含意义。尝试找出最明确的表达逻辑的方式,这往往是最好的办法。



    9. 提示: 在这里我十分建议你花一点时间来思考:是否需要避免函数有可重构的多个输出?或许将这个函数分为两个或更多个更小的单用途函数。有时会需要这么做,有时可能不需要,但你应该至少考虑一下。



    10. function foo() { var retValue1 = 11; var retValue2 = 31; return [ retValue1, retValue2 ]; } var [ x, y ] = foo(); console.log( x + y ); // 42

      在编写React Hooks时会很自然用到这种写法:

      js const [xxx, fetchXXX] = useXxx()

    11. 如果你没有 return 值,或者你使用 return;,那么则会隐式地返回 undefined 值。 如果想要尽可能靠近函数式编程的定义:使用函数而非程序,那么我们的函数必须永远有返回值。这也意味着他们必须明确地 return 一个值,通常这个值也不是 undefined。


    12. 通过不同的输入值让一个函数重载拥有不同的行为的技巧叫做特定多态(ad hoc polymorphism)。


    13. 程序员这样定义函数的原因之一是,更容易通过同一个函数来重载不同的功能。最广为人知的例子就是 jQuery 提供的 $(..)。"$" 函数大约有十几种不同的功能 —— 从 DOM 元素查找,到 DOM 元素创建,到等待 “DOMContentLoaded” 事件后,执行一个函数,这些都取决于你传递给它的参数。


    14. 回想一下,术语 Arity 是指期望函数接收多少个参数。Arity 为 1 的函数也被称为一元函数。在函数式编程中,我们希望我们的函数在任何的情况下是一元的,有时我们甚至会使用各种技巧来将高 Arity 的函数都转换为一元的形式。


    15. 只要可能,无论我们的语言和我们的库或框架允许我们达到什么程度,我们都应该尽可能使用声明性的和自解释的代码。



    16. 数组解构


    17. 无论采取什么行为, ... 都会让实参数组更容易操作。那些我们使用实参数组 slice(..),concat(..) 和 apply(..) 的日子已经过去了。

      也就是有了... 就不需要使用 arguments 来操作实参数组了

    18. 牺牲向后的兼容性




    19. foo(..) 期望三个实参,因为它声明了三个形参。这里有一个特殊的术语:Arity。Arity 指的是一个函数声明的形参数量。 foo(..) 的 Arity 是 3。


    1. 最好的代码是可读性高的代码,因为它在正确的(理想主义)和必然的(正确的)之间寻求到了恰到好处的平衡。



    2. 我们将在下一章更深入的讨论这个问题。但是你可能写过一些命令式的代码,像 if 语句和 for 循环这样的语句。这些语句旨在精确地指导计算机如何完成一件事情。声明式代码,以及我们努力遵循函数式编程原则所写出的代码,更专注于描述最终的结果。


    3. 你知道研究过这个话题的专家给出了怎样的数据吗?我们在维护代码过程中 70% 的时间花在了阅读和理解代码上。 也难怪全球程序员每天的平均代码行数是 5 行。我们一天花七个半小时用来读代码,然后找出这 5 行代码应该写在哪里。


    4. 根据以往经验你可能知道,有时候花很多时间“编程”其实只是读现有的代码。我们的大部分时间其实都是在维护别人的代码(或自己的老代码),只有少部分时间是在敲新代码。


    5. 信任是什么意思?信任是指你通过读代码,不仅是跑代码,就能理解这段代码能干什么事,而不只是停留在它可能是干什么的层面。


  4. Aug 2022
    1. and free of globals

      Ah! This remark highlights a fundamental difference in understanding between two camps, which I have been (painfully) aware of, but the source of this confusion has eluded me until only just right now. (Really, this is a source of frustration going back years.)

      In one camp, the advice "don't use global variables" is a way of attacking a bunch of things endemic to their use, most notably unnecessary coupling to spooky state. In another camp "no global variables" is understood to mean literally that and taken no further—so you can have as much spookiness as you like, and so long as the value is not directly accessible (visible) from, say, another given piece of code appearing at the top-level ("global") context, as with the way i is bound to the activation record in this example but is not accessible outside the scope of getGetNext, then you're good.

      That is, there are two aspects to variables: visibility and extent, and the first interpretation seeks to avoid the negative effects on both dimensions, while the second is satisfied by narrowly prohibiting direct visibility across boundaries.

      I find the latter interpretation bizarre and completely at odds with the spirit of the exhortation for avoiding globals in the first place.

      (What's worse is the the second interpretation usually goes hand in hand with the practice of making extensive use of closures, which because they are propped up as being closely associated with functions, then leads people to regretfully refer to this style as functional programming. This is a grave error—and, to repeat, totally at odds with the spirit of the thing.)

    1. they're called objects, and everybody has them

      Even most ostensible FP practitioners who swear they don't.

    1. Related: much of functional programming is not even functional. Closures end up doing a lot of heavy lifting, despite being at odds with what FP claims to be.

  5. Jul 2021
    1. Using multiple copies of a neuron in different places is the neural network equivalent of using functions. Because there is less to learn, the model learns more quickly and learns a better model. This technique – the technical name for it is ‘weight tying’ – is essential to the phenomenal results we’ve recently seen from deep learning.

    1. Functional programming implies much more thanavoiding goto statements, however.It also implies restriction to localvariables, perhaps with the excep-tion of a few global state variables.It probably also considers the nest-ing of procedures as undesirable.
  6. Dec 2020
    1. Note: The examples in Listings 10-17, 10-18, and 10-24 declare variables without giving them an initial value, so the variable name exists in the outer scope. At first glance, this might appear to be in conflict with Rust’s having no null values. However, if we try to use a variable before giving it a value, we’ll get a compile-time error, which shows that Rust indeed does not allow null values.
  7. Dec 2019
    1. The easy, functional-programming concept that a component can receive both functions AND data as arguments

      Injecting a function, a fp concept, to enable testing

  8. Jul 2019
    1. Given a dataset of transactions, the first step of FP-growth is to calculate item frequencies and identify frequent items. Different from Apriori-like algorithms designed for the same purpose, the second step of FP-growth uses a suffix tree (FP-tree) structure to encode transactions without generating candidate sets explicitly, which are usually expensive to generate. After the second step, the frequent itemsets can be extracted from the FP-tree.
  9. Mar 2018
  10. Jan 2018
    1. Whereas normal type classes represent predicates on types (each type is either an instance of a type class or it isn’t), multi-parameter type classes represent relations on types
  11. Sep 2017
  12. Apr 2017
    1. Coupling your data and code adds the additional problem that if you want to use a function at a certain point, you have to find a way get its object to that point.