- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Royal Strengthen Shift Springs KMM Typewriter by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]
I picked this up from a repair manual, but good to see my reading was correct.
Forming the tabs on the shift assembly inwards will increase the tension and responsiveness of the shift assembly on older Royal standard typewriters.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Royal KMG KMM Typewriter Shift Motion Alignment Balance Upper Lower Case Adjustment Repair by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Royal KMM KMG Typewriter Feet Spacers Original Smashed Rubber Replaced by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]
Squished rubber feet spacers on the Royal standard typewriters can cause interfere with the universal bar and when they do, they'll need replacement.
This is the same sort of interference seen on Olympia SM3s due to their squished/flattened rubber gaskets, though the symptoms are different.
"Phoenix typewriter. Have a Royal day!" <br /> A slightly different sign off from Duane's usual... :)
ROYAL KMM Replacing Type Bar Link Remove Arm Repaired Typewriter by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]
This is roughly what I expected to be the case. I've got to shift the fulcrum pivot wire so I can reattach my Q and @ on a Royal KMG.
Roughly similar to Gerren's video on swapping out typefaces, but with a slightly different technique for speed of doing that. See: https://hypothes.is/a/I_-9rBV2Ee-eMotzy9_Z-Q
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
KMC vs. KMM by [[Richard Polt]]
- Aug 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Did it work prior to replacing the ribbon? If yes, then perhaps remove the ribbon and replace again. See page 19 of the manual here: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKMM.pdf
YouTube also has tutorials for how to thread these. (Also search for the No. 10, KH, KHM, HH, Empress, FP, etc. which also used the same general ribbon spools and set up if you can't find a KHM.) I can*t tell 100% from the photo, but the ribbon looks like it's spooling on clockwise on the right (and vice-versa for the left) and you want it the other way.
Is it not advancing regardless of which direction you have the ribbon going? Usually just one side is not working. You can use this fact to compare the typewriter bilaterally. Watch what's going on with the side that does work and compare it with the side the doesn't. What's wrong on the non-working side?
Often times the spindle on one or both sides is frozen up with dried up grease, oil, dirt, or dust. A small quirt of mineral spirits or lacquer thinner (or other degreaser) will free it up. (Here we use the mantra, a typewriter isn't really "broken" unless it's clean and broken.) See: https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/09/on-colloquial-advice-for-degreasing-cleaning-and-oiling-manual-typewriters/
reply to u/UltimateAiden98 at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1f0nzt8/my_royal_kmm_ribbon_is_t_advancing_what_should_i/
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Royal KMM FPE HH KH 10 T1 B64 Typewriter Ribbon Install Rewind Respool Replace by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]
The spools for the standard Royal typewriters (KMM, FPE, HH, KH, etc) have a custom metal mechanism for their auto-reverse. The spools are known as the T1 (which is the same as General Ribbon part # T1-77B , T1-77BR, and Nu-Kote B64.) If winding on universal ribbon onto them, remove the eyelette which isn't needed and may interfere with the auto reverse.
The function of the mechanism is fairly similar to that of the Remington, but the mechanism is on the spool itself rather than on the spindle.
If necessary, Ribbons Unlimited carries these metal spools: https://www.ribbonsunlimited.com/6N064-Royal-Standard-Electric-Ribbon-64-p/6n064.htm
- Apr 2024
David McCullough, the noted histo-rian and Pulitzer Prize winner, haswritten everything he’s ever publishedsince 1965 on his sixty-nine-year-oldRoyal KMM standard desktop.