6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Adler’s start-up of the Paideia group led to hisousting from the Great Books Foundation’s board of directors in 1987,on grounds of conflict of interest.
    2. One of the people to whom he dedicated The Paideia Proposal was JohnDewey, his old nemesis,
  2. Jan 2019
    1. paiaeia
    2. paideia

      A paideia is similar in concept (though not identical to) to our idea of a curriculum or pedagogy; it's essentially a course of study that a Greek youth would begin at a young age and continue into their late teens. Interestingly, it is a holistic program, one that encompasses all areas of intellectual and physical pursuit. Quintilian's 12-volume Institutes of Oratory, referenced here, is a kind of instruction book for such a program. As Lanham notes, the goal here was to ultimately cultivate a virtuous, learned man that might participate productively in political life.
