8 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
  2. May 2021
    1. (

      In the previous chapter, Ar. identified one key element in having virtue of character: voluntary action. However, as Ar. explains in this chapter, decision (prohairesis) in actions is necessary in order to be virtuous. But what is decision? Here, Ar. conducts a brief initial investigation into the nature of decision. Ar. excludes the possibilities that decision is appetite, wish, or judgement. He concludes this paragraph by indicating that decision is the product of prior deliberation.

      1111b4- 1112a15 No that the voluntary...chosen before other things.

    2. So

      Having identified the cases in which action is not voluntary, Ar. finishes this chapter by telling us what voluntary action is: it is those actions which are initially caused by us (find their origin in us) and in which we are aware of the particulars of the situation. He also argues that even actions caused by non-rational desires are in a sense voluntary.

      1111a22-1111b3 So, given that counter voluntary...to count these things as counter-voluntary.

    3. Wh

      After examining one condition which renders an action involuntary (forced actions), Ar. moves on to examine the other condition: ignorance. His main claims in this section are thus: most actions performed in ignorance are involuntary, but can be counter-voluntary to the extent that the agent regrets being the cause of those wrongdoing; an action performed in ignorance is either involuntary or counter-voluntary, whereas an action performed because of general ignorance on the part of the agent is voluntary.

      1110b17-1111a21 What comes about by force...and involve regret.

    4. T

      Then, in order to get a better understanding of which actions can be considered voluntary, Ar. begins to delineate those actions which are forced or counter-voluntary. His view is that actions are involuntary if forced or performed in ignorance, and actions are forced if the cause or impetus of the action began external to the agent and if the agent contributes nothing to the action. Thus, in so-called mixed cases where agents willingly perform actions which seem counter to their desire, the action is ultimately voluntary, since the origin of the action is in the agent. Furthermore, we often praise and blame appropriately in these situations, recognizing the difficulty of the circumstances while still considering the actions of the agent to be voluntary. Lastly, the pursuit of pleasure and fine things does not force us, as we are free to judge for ourselves whether we do a thing, and because that judgment comes from us, we are not forced to purse pleasure.

      1110a1- 1110b15 The counter-voluntary... for shameful ones.

    5. (

      Ar. starts by pointing to the importance of voluntary action as a necessary component for either a person to praise or blame another's actions or character.

      1109b30 -1110a1 Since, then, excellence ...forcible correction.

  3. Jan 2020
  4. Aug 2016
    1. function(context, locals)

      context.locals as seen in a plunkr example

      var template =$parse( "libs[i]" ) ; this.libs=["ng" ," jquery", "bootstrap"] ; for(i= 0; i< this.libs.length; i++) {

      output = output + '

    2. ' + **template(this, {i: i}) **+ '
    3. '; this.parsedMsg = 'The project uses
        ' + output + '
      '; [ link here - http://plnkr.co/edit/IXo5QqKNfhCsnOGLzM4J?p=preview]
