- Feb 2023
- Oct 2017
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
It is important to note that much of the early cultural resistance to imperialism on which nationalism and independence movements were built was salutary and necessary.
Cultural resistance to imperialism ultimately resulted to the idea of nationalism and independence in specific places that weren't being governed correctly or fairly. These specific places felt out of place or were feeling that they weren't even part of the world rather just a part of another bigger country or nation. They are reclaiming their identity by claiming their independence. They become their own nation/race/category, what ever it may be. This is where we see the idea that they were simply being part of an Empire, but they desired to become their own for their own identity's sake (culture/race) so they begin to advocate against imperialism. The fact that these places/categories/race were trying to separate themselves from powerful empires resulted in those empires' to crumble to ruins as they began losing power.