2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Sword identifies four cornerstones that anchor any successful writing practice: Behavioral habits of discipline and persistence; Artisanal habits of craftsmanship and care; Social habits of collegiality and collaboration; and Emotional habits of positivity and pleasure. Building on this “BASE,” she illuminates the emotional complexity of the writing process and exposes the lack of writing support typically available to early-career academics. She also lays to rest the myth that academics must produce safe, conventional prose or risk professional failure. The successful writers profiled here tell stories of intellectual passions indulged, disciplinary conventions subverted, and risk-taking rewarded. Grounded in empirical research and focused on sustainable change, Air & Light & Time & Space offers a customizable blueprint for refreshing personal habits and creating a collegial environment where all writers can flourish.

      via Chris Aldrich h. annotations. Author posits succesful academic writing rest on behavioral, artisanal, social and emotional habits. That last part of this blurb suggest a connection to [[Personal Knowledge by Michael Polanyi]]'s point.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. A knower does not stand apart from the universe, but participates personally within it. Our intellectual skills are driven by passionate commitments that motivate discovery and validation. According to Polanyi, a great scientist not only identifies patterns, but also significant questions likely to lead to a successful resolution. Innovators risk their reputation by committing to a hypothesis.

      Knower / observer not separate from the universe, not outside the system boundary Vgl [[Systems convening landscape als macroscope 20230906115130]] where the convener is integral part of it too, not an external change agent.