2 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A knower does not stand apart from the universe, but participates personally within it. Our intellectual skills are driven by passionate commitments that motivate discovery and validation. According to Polanyi, a great scientist not only identifies patterns, but also significant questions likely to lead to a successful resolution. Innovators risk their reputation by committing to a hypothesis.
Knower / observer not separate from the universe, not outside the system boundary Vgl [[Systems convening landscape als macroscope 20230906115130]] where the convener is integral part of it too, not an external change agent.
- Aug 2024
mcld.co.uk mcld.co.uk
p46 Ecology has "succeeded" in changing politics "by introducing objects that had not previously belonged to" politics, but also failed because it's so often a marginalised party, and often placed in opposition to "economics" etc, the opposing needs then given greater salience. -- This is the core concern that comes back in his 2023 co-authored booklet: ecology is really about everything, not a fringe interest -- it encompasses economic concerns etc -- so how can we turn that truth into a political reality?
Key observation, ecology surrounds everything. Vgl [[De Europese dataspace als eenheidsmarkt 20200120144254]] waar mensen niet snappen dat je er per def in zit.
Comes from [[On the Emergence of an Ecological Class by Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz]] january 2023. Schultz is a Danish sociologist, Uni CPH and Aarhus School of Achitecture.