2 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. A knower does not stand apart from the universe, but participates personally within it. Our intellectual skills are driven by passionate commitments that motivate discovery and validation. According to Polanyi, a great scientist not only identifies patterns, but also significant questions likely to lead to a successful resolution. Innovators risk their reputation by committing to a hypothesis.

      Knower / observer not separate from the universe, not outside the system boundary Vgl [[Systems convening landscape als macroscope 20230906115130]] where the convener is integral part of it too, not an external change agent.

  2. Aug 2024
    1. p46 Ecology has "succeeded" in changing politics "by introducing objects that had not previously belonged to" politics, but also failed because it's so often a marginalised party, and often placed in opposition to "economics" etc, the opposing needs then given greater salience. -- This is the core concern that comes back in his 2023 co-authored booklet: ecology is really about everything, not a fringe interest -- it encompasses economic concerns etc -- so how can we turn that truth into a political reality?

      Key observation, ecology surrounds everything. Vgl [[De Europese dataspace als eenheidsmarkt 20200120144254]] waar mensen niet snappen dat je er per def in zit.

      Comes from [[On the Emergence of an Ecological Class by Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz]] january 2023. Schultz is a Danish sociologist, Uni CPH and Aarhus School of Achitecture.