4 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
builtin.com builtin.com
Good guide on how to write pseudocode.
- Apr 2021
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
substitute /one space or more/ for /newline/ globally
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
the aggregation algorithm is roughly equivalent to the following pseudo code
- Apr 2016
cssanalytics.wordpress.com cssanalytics.wordpress.com
While there are assets that have not been assigned to a cluster If only one asset remaining then Add a new cluster Only member is the remaining asset Else Find the asset with the Highest Average Correlation (HC) to all assets not yet been assigned to a Cluster Find the asset with the Lowest Average Correlation (LC) to all assets not yet assigned to a Cluster If Correlation between HC and LC > Threshold Add a new Cluster made of HC and LC Add to Cluster all other assets that have yet been assigned to a Cluster and have an Average Correlation to HC and LC > Threshold Else Add a Cluster made of HC Add to Cluster all other assets that have yet been assigned to a Cluster and have a Correlation to HC > Threshold Add a Cluster made of LC Add to Cluster all other assets that have yet been assigned to a Cluster and have Correlation to LC > Threshold End if End if End While
Fast Threshold Clustering Algorithm
Looking for equivalent source code to apply in smart content delivery and wireless network optimisation such as Ant Mesh via @KirkDBorne's status https://twitter.com/KirkDBorne/status/479216775410626560 http://cssanalytics.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/fast-threshold-clustering-algorithm-ftca/