16 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
  2. sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
    1. Active site identification, metal detection and interaction of Dof domain structure
    2. Superposition of the Dof domain with predicted 3D structure
    3. Validation of the predicted 3D structure
    4. Tertiary structural prediction
    5. Phylogenetic and motif analysis of sequenced Dof domains
    6. In silico characterization of sequenced Dof domains of cereal
    7. Sequencing of Dof domain and gene
    8. Cloning of Dof genes of sorghum using pBSK vector
    9. Cloning of Dof domain and Dof genes using pGEM-T Easy
    10. Gel elution of PCR products
    11. PCR based cloning, sequencing and in silico characterization of Dof domain and Dofgenes of cereals and millet
  3. Jun 2019