4 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Somewhere, Steven Kotler compares a flow state to satori. From skimming this wiki page, I don't see it. He did some research into mystical traditions and came to this conclusion. He describes flow as a glimmer of awakening which he distinguishes from (stages of) enlightenment. Satori is obviously awakening and is clearly linked to some stage of enlightenment.
Source? Link it here.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I had extraordinary experience of Consciousness which is written in the book uh in the in fact both books that I that I uh printed where essentially I experienc myself as the Observer and the observe but I retain my point of view I was observing the world that and the world was me because my conscious was in that world that I was observing but I was observing
for - epoche - kensho - satori - awakening experience - Federico Faggin
- Oct 2023
www.wormspit.com www.wormspit.com
I have been working on my brain. Years of therapy, meditation, lucid dreaming, vision work; I’ve been an explorer for most of my life… but recently, I’ve taken a deep dive into a different kind of therapy that I’m going to call non-plant-based-medicine, because the organisms aren’t plants, and the folks who know, will know, and if you don’t know but you’re really curious, please talk to me privately after class. It’s an adventure in non-ordinary consciousness, and the results have been PHENOMENAL. The changes are seismic, and they have radically altered the way I’m interacting with the world. If you see me, and you think, “What got into HIM?” feel free to ask. Later on, I’ll probably be a little more frank about it, but for the moment, I’ve got to be just a bit circumspect. This morning, I had a surprising realization. These little satoris, these moments of sudden awareness, have been rising to the surface and bursting like bubbles in fizzy water; they keep catching me by surprise, and I am living in a constant state of wonder and delight. I have had a slight psychological stammer for the past couple of decades. It hasn’t been terribly noticeable; it shows up when I’m nervous mostly, but it’s been a constant companion. Things like strings of complicated words are difficult for me to get out, and particularly difficult to get out QUICKLY. My mouth would fight with my brain, and I would often end up either making some nonsense sound, or just shutting up. I made myself smaller, I backed away, I hushed myself. I know where it came from, and I’ve talked with my therapists about it, and I’ve worked on it… but it’s been a Thing. It has diminished my shine.
Waking up is happening to more and more people