2 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2024
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Worth, Robert F. “Clash of the Patriarchs.” The Atlantic, April 10, 2024. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/05/russia-ukraine-orthodox-christian-church-bartholomew-kirill/677837/.
A fantastic overview of the history, recent changes and a potential schism in the Orthodox Church with respect to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
- Oleksandr Drabynko
- Timothy Ware
- Revolution of Dignity (Ukraine)
- The Great Schism
- Orthodox Church of Ukraine
- third Rome
- Cyril Hovorun
- Patriarch Bartholomew
- read
- Russian Orthodox Church (Ukrainian Orthodox Church)
- Monastery of Simonopetra
- Yevgeny Prigozhin
- Wagner Group
- Feast of Saint Andrew
- St. Panteleimon Monestary
- schisms
- monks and liquor
- Vladimir Putin
- Constantine
- References
- Ioannis Lambriniadis (Elpidophoros of America)
- Andrei Tkachev
- Athos
- Phanar
- Igor Cheremnykh
- Sinfonia
- Patriarch Kirill
- Viktor Yanukovych
- Ecumenical Patriarchate
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A Loyalist to the king, William Franklin and his father Benjamin eventually broke relations over their differences about the American Revolutionary War, as Benjamin Franklin could never accept William's position
You can see this type of schism at work in today’s society. News media is full of stories of families that have become divided over politics and, more recently, some of the conspiracy theories that are running throughout society - Quanon.