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- Apr 2024
writingslowly.com writingslowly.com
We can’t master knowledge. It’s what we live in. This requires a radical shift of worldview from colonialist to ecological. The colonial approach to knowledge is to capture it in order to profit from it. The ecological approach is to live within it as within a garden to be tended. The two worldviews may well be mutually incompatible, though this matter is hardly resolved yet.
Vgl [[Netwerkleren Connectivism 20100421081941]] / [[Context is netwerk van betekenis 20210418104314]] [[Observator geeft betekenis 20210417124703]] . I think K as stock is prone to collector's fallacy. My working def of K is agency along lines of Sveiby. Such K is always situated in the interaction with the world, networks of meaning as context. This as K isn't merely purified I (DIKW pyramid is bogus), it's weaving I, experience, context, skills into a meaningful whole, and it needs an agent to decide on what's meaningful.