5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. Stride involves the alternation of chords and single notes (or octaves) in the left hand and the rapid, pianistic figures typical of ragtime in the right
  2. Apr 2022
    1. Focus your attention on the inner loops, where the bulk of the computationsand memory accesses occur.. Try to maximize the spatial locality in your programs by reading data objectssequentially, with stride 1, in the order they are stored in memory.. Try to maximize the temporal locality in your programs by using a data objectas often as possible once it has been read from memory.


  3. Mar 2022
    1. Visiting every kth element of a contiguous vector is called a stride-kreference pattern. Stride-1 reference patterns are a common and important sourceof spatial locality in programs. In general, as the stride increases, the spatial localitydecreases.

      stride-k reference pattern 是指什么?