7 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2016
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
Daily Create
Daily Create Paperback Paradise! This is somewhat creepy but oh well!
Daily Create
My very literal interpretation of the cover art for Fifty Shades of Grey. Say hello to EL James's bestselling novel, Close Up of a Tie.
Daily Create
Daily Create
Daily Create
I was looking for a pulp book cover for this Daily Create, but... https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/742527165774761985
Daily Create
Even Fitzgerald can't stay away from technology! Week 2 Daily Create#1
- tdc1618
- Daily Create
- #tdc1618
- dailycreate
- #ilt5430
- week 2
- ilt5340
- TDC1618
- ds106
- ILT5340
- #ds106, #ILT5340, #tdc1618
- DS106