- May 2017
sites.google.com sites.google.com
What did the Affinity Space Teach Me?
Hey Melanie, great presentation. This is the second project I have watched that details interactions on reddit. I am seeing more of the value of that space for community interactions. Where else would I have learned that someone had made a song about factoring trinomials? That’s cool. I always liked math, but that would have made learning it more fun. It is great that you felt like part of the community once you started interacting. You mentioned that new ideas presented themselves through your interactions on the space—I love when that happens. That’s the great thing about these communities, brainstorming anything becomes less of a chore. You are usually able to, at the very least, glean a hint of an idea. You made a comment about how you felt like you didn’t have much to contribute because you don’t have years of experience teaching—I think we all feel, or have felt that way at different points in our lives. I get that feeling every day, but those feelings are usually unwarranted. The positive experience you had with your subreddit is encouraging. I like how you described the idea of games and learning and that we should think about what “game” really means. Awesome work!
- Apr 2017
darrenblackman.wordpress.com darrenblackman.wordpress.com
oint of the in game protest is left vague which is a good feature for making the game appealing to anybody looking to organize a protest, however, this became problematic towards the end of the game where there is a final decision to make.
I wonder if a game with a more focused intent would be an effective simulation and get the player more involved.
I also encountered issues that I would not have imagined, such as corporations “donating” products for PR reasons and the possibility of those corporations derailing the message of the protest
Interesting thoght. Great way to support a message and get the word out.
Simulating the organization of a protest encampment was awesome because I was able to experience some of the challenges that go into the organization of a similar protes
That does sound really interesting. Utilizes many of the resource management ideas that are present in many games and placed in a real-world context.
www.grotans.com www.grotans.com
cycle 5 readings, as I couldn’t relate to the topics as much, or to be blunt, didn’t have an interest in the topics
You're not alone. I didn't either. The readings provided some insight into a world I know little about, but I didn't connect with them.
just because I posted it in the wrong area. I think if abuse was monitored this closely, It would help clean up some of these spaces
That is a good point. I wonder sometimes if moderators are more worried about nitpicking things like posts being in the wrong spot than the overall behavior of the community.
postingsbypotter.wordpress.com postingsbypotter.wordpress.com
attention deficit for serious gamers
I see this result as the player's mind surpassing the dull slowness of real life. Playing games influences thinking speed. You have to learn to process information and make decisions quickly to suceed. Serious gamers don't have the patience to deal with the vapid nature of reality. They require more stimulating input than mere non-gaming humans :)
jenjennandjennywor.wixsite.com jenjennandjennywor.wixsite.com
The researchers implemented a game-based system for algebra in which each student designed an avatar and went on “quests” (printing off related pages, watching instructional videos, completing in-book work) to earn points. The main motivating factor for the students was that the highest scorer would not have to complete the chapter test.
Interesting setup. If any class could use a change in methods, it is math. Yawn.
he students could ask for help during game-play, but they indicated that “learning on their own” was difficult.
It is if you don't know how you learn new things and process that information. Where do you start? Am I understanding what I am expected to? I have found through this degree program that I am able to manage just fine, although the added social connectivity we practice via Twitter and Hypothesis is a great help.
postingsbypotter.wordpress.com postingsbypotter.wordpress.com
e ideal of providing a holistic platform for all teacher resources, broken links, inability for detailed searches and lack of depth severely hinder the usefulness of the site.
Thanks for giving us a perspective of the disappointing and functional issues of an affinity space. I like to learn what works as well as what does with any system.
An additional flaw is content areas with broken links
This kind of thing usually turns me off of any site when I run into them.
post comments through status achievement
It takes someone to drive the discussion, to encourage people to want to contribute and bring others into the disussion(s). I agree with you about status acheivements helping to engage more folks.
provide thoughtful and thorough feedback on image composition, exposure settings, and editing techniques.
I have found this to be the case in any of the creative communities I have either participated in, or browsed through.
Participants are also eager to help, which I find contagiou
It sure is.
Is it simply a gamification aspect to the site? Motivation to keep participating? Or, do the badges help your blog gain more visibility? Maybe it’s all of the above!
I think it is all of the above as well. If the badges give you something to achieve that motivates you learn something new, well that's a plus.
It must take some serious commitment to become a regular or leader!
That's a cool feature of the space. It is similar guild ranks in pretty much any MMO game like World of Warcraft. Guild members can be promoted by the owner of the guild, giving that member more responsibility and ways to contribute to the guild.
darrenblackman.wordpress.com darrenblackman.wordpress.com
effort to shift away from acceptance or empathy in society.
Those who hold to these regressive ideas are lashing out--a cornered dying animal in its last death throes.
metaphor for releasing the anger
As I see most video games.
violent media, like video games, are one factor in many that lead to physical world violence, but not the major factor.
I have said this before: Violent media is a reflection of our violent culture. Not the other way around. We are constantly at war with someone, or something.
held by ignorant or intolerant groups like NOM or IOF. Giving those people the chance to vent frustrations in a simulation is awesome
I think it is brilliant. Use the game to send a message and take out some agression at the same time. Since it isn't purdent to smack ignorant people upside the head in real life.
emilysmayy.com emilysmayy.com
even if the content of the game is violent. With 50+ participates (ages 52-93) the authors set a study to measure their hypothesi
This is amusing. Seniors playing Grand Theft Auto V.
I think what we learn from them is unique for everyone. With so many variables to consider, how can we really measure the impact games have on learning, therefore, shifting society’s opinions about new media?
I think our attitudes toward assessment have to change along with our ideas of teaching. I feel it is difficult to evaluate a students' understanding of an idea through game-based learning with a straightforward quantitative test.
jenjennandjennywor.wixsite.com jenjennandjennywor.wixsite.com
great list of the pros.
ollowing @ replies. I found it difficult to find who was referencing what and in what order. Though I'm sure with practice, this would become easier
It sucks that you have to dig a bit to find the original poster's thread to get the gist of what is being said--then you miss out on what has been going on while you were digging about.
No "edit" feature. I've come across this issue more than once...noticing a small, easily correctable mistake that is IMPOSSIBLE to fix due to no tweet "edit"
That's something that has irked me too, but I have slowly come to terms with it.
anniemelzer.wordpress.com anniemelzer.wordpress.com
Tweet chat
I need to join one some time.
Students in John Ullman’s classroom made a fun walk thru of Colonial Williamsburg
That's neat. Cost effective field trip.
: I am maybe the worst Minecraft player out there, especially compared to seeing what children are capable of.
I doubt it. I don't watch where I am going and fall down crevices every time.
www.grotans.com www.grotans.com
eaders kicking players at the very end of a 2 or 3 hour raid because they didn’t think that player did their fair share.
yup, or they get are denied any of the loot.
quire a 2-3 hour commitment
Any raid that I have been involved with--it took 2-3 hours just to get the thing going. So much arguing, shuffling players' groups, etc. I don't have that kind of time.
y posts from players offering to teach raid
now that is cool. I haven't come across anything like that in the WoW forums. You can find vids on YouTube, but that doesn't get you into the content first-hand.
he problem with finding groups through the in-game search is that parties often require players to share their loadout (armor, weapons, stats) before they can join. More often than not if you’re anything other than awesome, you’re not getting a group.
Same thing with Warcraft.It's irritating.
paulzastrocky.wordpress.com paulzastrocky.wordpress.com
that gaming journalists were pushing a social justice agenda
I see nothing wrong with this. All writing has an agenda, but to complain that someone is producing content with the aim of social justice is warped thinking. I do agree that being in bed with the industry and not disclosing those ties is unethical.
any journalists would disagree even about a drink. I know journalists that won’t even accept a bottle of water from someone they are interviewing.
I wouldn't have thought of this, but it makes sense. I would decline as well.
s or at least include a disclaimer in the story
If I post about a product, I make a note that it is not a sponsored article--I just happen to like whatever it is
kyleandrewroberts.wordpress.com kyleandrewroberts.wordpress.com
The article goes on further to talk about how to set up a show and how to involve the community in it
That does sound like a great idea.
elow is a painting that I created
Brilliant! I've let my skills pretty much wither and die. It's been over twenty years, but I have to get back in the habit. I miss it.
) I could see how the loss of passion for teaching begins
Having to be involved in all the administrative tasks rather than the creative ones, you find yourself removed from you initial passion. It is easy to slip into that rut.
saflynn8487.wixsite.com saflynn8487.wixsite.com
How do we get to a place where playing games does equal being a gamer?
Those that exclude just need to stop being obnoxious weiners about everything.
The essence of this strategy was to accept females into the gaming circle, but only under the guise of female gamers being considered “casual” gamers as opposed to “hardcore” male gamers
Many male gamers think that they are part of a special breed, better than everybody else just because they might be good at pressing buttons on a controller. It's nonsense and makes for a toxic environment.
Social constructions are fluid and susceptible to change, but the established participants involved are not always keen on the change. Just like in the previous human rights movements of the last few decades, a change in the status quo could mean a threat to the status gained by the participants in the social group being changed. Fear of losing something motivates the group members to take a firmer stance on what defines the identity of the group. To help reestablish the masculine traits in the gamer group, three strategies were employed that spanned the gaming and non-gaming worlds.
You see this in all facets of society. It is childish, shelfish, and greedy. Me, me, me, mine, mine, mine. Rubbish.
a gender disparity exists in the world of gaming.
It confuses me as well. A lot of ugliness swirling about out there.
- Mar 2017
paulzastrocky.wordpress.com paulzastrocky.wordpress.com
e. Users are supposed to “attempt some level of self-analysis” in their post.
this is a good rule to have. would make a more coherent discussion space.
- Feb 2017
saflynn8487.wixsite.com saflynn8487.wixsite.com
Gamification is not the same as game based-learning. Gamification does not always promote the core practices of “good games” which in turn does not always lead to “good learning.
well stated
anniemelzer.wordpress.com anniemelzer.wordpress.com
been successful for hundreds
Depends on how you define success. I would say that the model has been passable at best. It has been, in general, the only model we have had.
www.grotans.com www.grotans.com
I don’t want to be downvoted!
It's bound to happen. I get thumbs downs on my youtube from time to time. Just post stuff and keep posting stuff. You will have more positive than negative responses.
kyleandrewroberts.wordpress.com kyleandrewroberts.wordpress.com
I reiterated the importance of the visual elements of communication and emphasized that the most successful team would win due to these skills and not those of technical competence.
understandable way to equalize the parcipants and keep the focus on the material.
ation or my points would be lost. That is when I introduced to the students that we would be playing pictionary.
clever idea
s totally enjoyed themselves and I hope that this lesson carries through in their art work in the futur
I am sure it was more memorable for them making it easier to recall the context and what was being taught.
kyleandrewroberts.wordpress.com kyleandrewroberts.wordpress.com
this type of learning style could be harnessed for today’s students, it would be very powerful.
by the end of this course we will have harnessed this power in order to destroy the galaxy. Wait, I think I got that wrong...
udents will look to the games that they play for inspiration
There is some great artwork produced for games. The concept work alone is impressive. There is a lot for kids to emulate and study with that genre of digital art.
of felt like Neo from the Matrix,
great analogy.
paulzastrocky.wordpress.com paulzastrocky.wordpress.com
It’s up to the learner whether or not they are going to proceed in a more difficult campaign mode.
It's nice to have the control over the difficulty and sometimes even the parameters of the game itself.
relevant to the mission the user is loading. I love that—it educates and makes use of time while you’re waiting.
I do to. A lot of games have started using loading screens for tips about the upcoming mission, or the game in general. They also usually use concept, or other artwork for something to look at too.
It included flowcharts, tips, and information on levels, characters, strategies, maps, and much more
I only played the first starcraft. The second one is enticing too. Including that kind of complex information for a game is nice for reference and learning more about how to get better along with just playing the game.
shynagill.wixsite.com shynagill.wixsite.com
It would always recover itself and allow me to resume play, but it was pretty concerning when it first happened.
just save it frequently. Game crashing on any system is an inevitability.
g my character, I was extremely pleased with the vast amount of options to customize its appearance and personality.
I appreciate games that give a lot of options for creating a character. It makes the game world more diverse and allows for more personal expression. Though sometimes all of those options can be overwhelming and I will just pick a random configuration to just get into the game.
I would build a home, live in it for awhile, then tear it down and start all over.
I tried the first one out and thought it was interesting. I got silly with it by testing the system. I built four walls around one of the sims to see what would happen, give them no way to clean dishes, or just let the trash pile up.
digitalfireside.blogspot.com digitalfireside.blogspot.com
is a card-based game with the theme being,
The first thing I think of when I hear "card-game" is "boring." But there are some complex ones out there. This sounds like one. I have gotten into Magic the Gathering battle card game a bit recently.
onders, and use it to accomplish a learning objective. An interesting byproduct of this game, is the fact that I now, for the first time, can name all the seven wonders of the world!
As long as a game has the history, names, dates, etc. correct, then they can be great for education. The actual design of the game is a whole other matter.
anniemelzer.wordpress.com anniemelzer.wordpress.com
that to truly appreciate or learn using this ancient game one would have to practice often.
You would start to see patterns emerge and repeated through the course of the games. The outcomes of those patterns give you insight in to what you can do the next time around.
anniemelzer.wordpress.com anniemelzer.wordpress.com
victory of peace is always a victory of many not one.
Just made me think of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn
war immediately ponder the actual after math of their destruction. Just this morning, I was reading an article about a zoo in a war torn country. The animals haven’t been fed in days and the government is letting them starve to death
Humane behavior is detrimental to conflict. Everybody can win much more through mutual respect, cooperation and collaboration. But greed is a difficult beast to kill.
paulzastrocky.wordpress.com paulzastrocky.wordpress.com
The strategy involved was sometimes secondary to winning until I realized that winning is second to the strategy that achieves it.
I used to play a large board game called Axis&Allies. the context of the game was WWII and the five factions would battle it out with troops, tanks, airforce, and naval ships. Sometimes games could last more than three hours.
vicious game play I’ve experienced).
Risk can get that way. ruthless.
- Jan 2017
lizgallagher10.wixsite.com lizgallagher10.wixsite.com
with my daily puzzling about what my sons are getting out of Minecraft,
Minecraft is a pretty deep game. Players have to manage resources, craft items for building and survival. You can even create complex circuit and switch systems for various reasons. It really engages the imagination as you can build and create what you need to get whatever job done you want in the game.
I play around with the game every now and then. I even got to create a short course for summer camp kids to teach them 3d animation using Minecraft characters and envrionment. Minecraft is used in education as well.
postingsbypotter.wordpress.com postingsbypotter.wordpress.com
is not whether a violent video game encourages violent behavior, most would call that common sense
there is little evidence of this assumption. Of the tens-of-thousands of kids who play violent video games you'd think that there would be utter chaos in the streets. I am sure there is an effect on impressionable minds. I see violent video games a reflection of our violent war-obsessed culture we live in which kids are exposed to on a daily basis. We have elevated violence to an interactive art form through video games.
reate intrigue and passion and these elements are absent in many of the traditional classrooms
the basis of the whole "but school is boring" sentiment.
anniemelzer.wordpress.com anniemelzer.wordpress.com
what are the best ways of engaging a game player, while working through complex problems.
that's the one question that I would like the answer to. Of course there is no one right answer as every need and every game will be different. We will have to create answers that are conditional to the context they are applied.
here is a limitless amount of self exploration that games can provide
It is great for people with overactive imaginations. Helps feed that hunger
TV for hours, playing games with people they have never met.
It is interesting--destroying monsters and saving the universe with complete strangers is a hoot.
www.grotans.com www.grotans.com
more social and collaborative ways of learning to read, such as through massively multiplayer roleplaying games (MMORPG
I wonder what kind of effects these types of games can have on reading for learners. The social dynamic opens up the experience than a single-player experience.
hink a video game’s ability to encourage reading goes a bit unrecognized
I can see how the engaging nature of video games can keep the learner's interest to the reading.
This was never a problem for me when it came to video games
There are a lot of games that I zoom past the reading so I can get to the pewpew and fun stuff. But you miss out on much of the story that way. The final fantasy games and other rpgs I always read though.
out-dated at this point, there a
I'm looking forward to the remake...
, yet I was still drawn to all of the reading and enjoyed every minute of it.
FFVII--such a great game
www.grotans.com www.grotans.com
be pretty entertaining and interactive, as they bring gamers together over a common shared interest
I didn't thing it would be entertaining either, but found myself watching and enjoying it.
I am curious about the types of skills that can be learned from this type of game as well as other online worlds.
I have heard guild wars 2 has a great community. I kind of got turned off by the WoW community when many people really got uppity about things and just couldn't enjoy the game. They took it far to seriously. It's a game. Have fun.
But that is when I started to realize that I was interested in observing the behaviors and analyzing in a way how the dynamic worked in MMOs
I own 65 games
I am a console junkie, so I end up trading games in after a bit. I only own a handful at any time. Steam is a great platform. Great deals quit often.
Rocket League.
Haven't played it, but looks fun.
darrenblackman.wordpress.com darrenblackman.wordpress.com
Or learning games like The Oregon Trail that opened my mind to the length, in distance and time, that gave me perspective to the hardships that were faced by settlers on the trail and giving me a connection to what I subsequently learned about the pioneers on the trail.
back in the day, I really liked that game. It was challenging and kept my interest even when everybody died. I remeber hunting rabbits, or deer, or something.
Does the digital set of code give students the freedom to rehears their actions in a digital world, protected from real-world consequences? Or are games to structured or to full of ulterior motives to provide true learning opportunities?
Depends on the design of the game, but both characteristics can be true.
mrssandler.com mrssandler.com
Throughout this class I am hoping to gain a better understanding of gaming and the power it can play in a child’s learning
I am insterested in how gaming can empower adults' learning as well.
I am not much into gaming in my personal life but I do enjoy playing some games on my phone.
I heard this comment from a few people that they aren't into gaming, but they play games on their devices.
saflynn8487.wixsite.com saflynn8487.wixsite.com
life slows down, thinking slows down, but you never really see how true it is until you witness it for yourself. Playing board games helped me to hone my thinking skills again and made me start looking at my world for problems to solve
It's a weird feeling, isn't it? That is one of the reasons I play video games. Keeps my mind exercised.
The one thing that a lot of people lose as they get older, yet I think it is the most important thing to retain.
son, we can find common ground through play
I remember arguing politics with another player in World of Warcraft. We clashed a bit, but when it came to accomplishing a shared goal in the game those differences were gone for the moment.
jenjennandjennywor.wixsite.com jenjennandjennywor.wixsite.com
writer, the character development through dialogue, action and reaction is something that intrigues me most perhaps because I am seeing real people react in real-time to actions and sequences playing out on screen
I tend to focus on those aspects as well when I am playing or watching video games. I like to examine narrative and storytelling in games.
That werewolf chase through a haunted, blue-pixeled forest plagued my dreams. After several forays into my parents bedroom I was forbidden from watching that game ever after.)
Goes to show what an impact games (video games in this instance) can have on players. I have had emotional reactions to games, not to the point of running to my parents bedroom--i was too old for that, but impactful moments that I still remember.
, I have always latched onto the stories and characters and feeling of the game, rather than with a desire to play or "beat" them myself.
There are thousands out there that stream their gameplay for others to watch. You can find these streams on YouTube or Twitch.tv
I thought it was a novelty at first, but come to realize that it's a real thing that many people enjoy.
postingsbypotter.wordpress.com postingsbypotter.wordpress.com
he importance of finding a passion and working towards mastery while gaining transferable skills is a path that every individual should undertake.
Our system of education should nurture these individual passions, so they don't get lost in the quagmire of life.
It is foolish to disregard this innate desire of students, rather that passion should be harnessed and used to infuse knowledge utilizing this highly effective conduit.
Well stated. Ignoring this is counter-productive and will only hinder their growth, turning them into bitter, cynical creatures like me :)
Through my experience as an educator
Not being an educator myself, It helps to get that first-hand perspective.
“Can we play a game today?
No. Do your multiplication tables. That may be an old reference :)
Play comes naturally when you are fully present, engaged, and take pleasure in the activity at hand
Good way to put it. "games", or "play" don't have to mean the type of games you listed above. I feel like I am playing when I am creating graphics, or writing. So competition, winning, or success aren't necessarily the purpose of games or play.
learning journey that I’m sure will be full confusion and frustration
This describes many learning journeys I have been on. I hope that this isn't the case for you with this class.
- Jul 2016
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
Daily Create: show us a martian https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/756637335320600576
Daily Create: contrasting emotions https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/755847576608382976
Daily Create: design a really bad logo https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/755847161841983488
medium.com medium.com
I cannot shake loose the feeling that this message was thrown like a crumpled note from the back of a classroom, haphazardly landing at the feet of an educator who has little choice but to either read a scribbled insult or toss the garbage aside
great comparison.
invite you to read (and join!) conversations that are both critical of and supportive of the messages I have delivered
I applaud your openess in inviting discussion regarding this affront. It is the only way to move forward and hopefully change some minds for the better in the process. I can only hope to aspire to be as forgiving in situations such as this :)
However, I have to ensure that this year you 1) calibrate your voice on twitter to meet the tone of COLTT as to not upset others and 2) ensure that you ad
That's ridiculous. The only thing that comes to mind is "to hell with them." I know, that's maybe not the most articulate way to express frustration, but I have always reacted to reppresive authority in this way--don't try to shut me up or dumb me down. Yes my take may offend 'others,' but--tough.. And for the sake of everyone else involved in or reading this discussion: the views expressed in this comment are solely those of me: Brian Rocz aka Rocz3D.
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
Another Daily Create https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/753364847840985088
Daily Create 2: Retro Power! https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/753004636517330948
Daily Create 1 https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/752664771355242496
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
NASA Juno spacecraft made it to Jupiter and is sending back stunning images.
I know! I love all space stuff. I was glued to the tv when the first Mars rover landed and they waited for the first images to come back.
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
Daily Create 2! https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/752173381793947652
Daily Create 1 for the week: young me, now me
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
Forgot to put the link to a Daily Create yesterday.
- Jun 2016
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
How about another TDC https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/747921459050217472
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
The Daily Create I did yesterday and forgot to post here.
I was looking for a pulp book cover for this Daily Create, but... https://twitter.com/Rocz3D/status/742527165774761985
Daily Create: What's on the Dark Side of the Moon?
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
narrateannotate.wordpress.com narrateannotate.wordpress.com
My first daily create.