11 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2022
Five years later, the facts on the ground have finally changed. I no longer believe that this bargain is worth it for most new applications.
Transpiling with Babel ushered in the era of horrendously complicated transpiling pipelines and tooling. Writing the JavaScript of the future wasn't free. The price was an ever expanding web of complexity. This clearly wasn't the finish line.
- Mar 2021
opalrb.com opalrb.com
Opal is a Ruby to JavaScript source-to-source compiler. It comes packed with the Ruby corelib you know and love. It is both fast as a runtime and small in its footprint.
hyperstack.org hyperstack.org
we used `backticks` to jump into native Javascript to use moment.js
In regular Ruby, `` executes in a shell, but obviously there is no shell of that sort in JS, so it makes sense that they could (and should) repurpose that syntax for something that makes sense in context of JS -- like running native JavaScript -- prefect!
Hyperstack gives you full access to the entire universe of JavaScript libraries and components directly within your Ruby code.Everything you can do in JavaScript is simple to do in Ruby; this includes passing parameters between Ruby and JavaScript and even passing Ruby methods as JavaScript callbacks.There is no need to learn JavaScript, all you need to understand is how to bridge between JS and Ruby.
Think JavaScript is your only option for the front-end? Think again. Hyperstack is a Ruby DSL, compiled by Opal, bundled by Webpack, powered by React.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Emscripten is an LLVM/Clang-based compiler that compiles C and C++ source code to WebAssembly
The Unity, Godot, and Unreal game engines provide an export option to HTML5, utilizing Emscripten.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Examples include Closure Compiler, CoffeeScript, Dart, Haxe, TypeScript and Emscripten.
A source-to-source translator, source-to-source compiler (S2S compiler), transcompiler, or transpiler[1] is a type of translator that takes the source code of a program written in a programming language as its input and produces an equivalent source code in the same or a different programming language.