30 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2018
    1. Even though they had the tapes, Pescovitz and the rest of the team still needed to secure permission to use copyrighted material.

      This is related to the research we have to do and citing our sources in pictures and in the annotated bibliographies. This kind of linguistic metadata is very important across all works. Even people who are trying to send messages to aliens on behalf of human species have to credit their sources.

    2. “Yes, the Voyager record is a gift from humanity to the cosmos, but it’s also a gift to humanity,” he said. “It’s a manifestation of what we can accomplish through creativity, passion, and science. It instills a sense of hope and possibility in people.”

      The Voyager record is literally a representation of the human species. it is all of our creativity, language, communication and metadata in one project.This record was meant to convey a message to someone who has never seen or been to Earth. Much like my aids quilt project where I have to link and convey a message on my website to someone who may not have any prior knowledge topic. Using metadata helps convey this message and it shows in the Voyager record.

    3. “It was absolutely sublime,” Pescovitz said. “The quality was like nothing we’d ever heard.” Sound engineers then transferred the audio on the tapes to digital files.Here’s an excerpt of the remastered audio:

      After listening to the remastered audio I was moved by all of the different languages and modes that we humans have to communicate. Through music and different instruments, to different languages, and to using animals to portray who we are. The sample also included an aural introduction as to what this tape was doing which gave it a spatial mode and recognition to the organized contents of the work.

    4. ound engineers first stuck the tapes into an oven and literally baked them, which prevents them from deteriorating, then put them on a vintage reel-to-reel player. Everyone in the room sat back and listened.

      First, I did not know that baking a tape prevented them from deteriorating. The science behind that blows my mind. The second part of this passage must be so powerful if I was in the room. I can imagine all the hard work and you finally get to listen to the original tapes. The room must have been deathly quiet and everyone just closed their eyes and listened and got chills. In this situation an aural mode of communication was the best option and would have the biggest impact.

    5. Pescovitz and his collaborators called Sony about them, and an archivist eventually found the tapes sitting in an underground, climate-controlled warehouse in western Pennsylvania.

      This relates to what we have been doing in class and using research and the help of archivists to find materials. This was also mentioned in the linguistic metadata in the subtitle of the page and provides more information. The original tapes were not touched for over 40 years and sat in a warehouse. Seems to be a little selfish to me.

    6. CD-ROM in 1992, and about two years ago NASA uploaded the nature sounds and greetings on SoundCloud, without the music. The lack of a vinyl version, even in the days of digital, seemed like a missed opportunity.

      This passage shows an example of multiple mediums of aural communication. This record was actually already released on CD and then partially released onto a website and app called Soundcloud 2 years ago. It is just now being released onto vinyl. These are 3 different mediums of aural communication that are targeted for different audiences. Vinyls are more for the baby boomer generation and modern hipsters like me, Soundcloud is for the millennials and CD-ROM are for the generation before them. This would mean that each generation wanted to hear this record and the producers wanted everyone to hear it as well.

    7. “When you’re seven years old and you hear that there’s a group of people who are creating a phonograph record that’s actually a message to extraterrestrials and attaching it to two space probes and launching it into the solar system and beyond—it sparks the imagination,” Pescovitz said. “That stuck with me.”

      Today this idea is not as big as it was back in 1977, we have countless movies and horror films and documentaries about interacting with aliens. In 1977 however, this was only 8 years after the moon landing. People began to believe that space travel was possible and that alien interaction was imminent. This is why when a group of people created an aural mode of communication to be launched into space it was and still is such a big deal.

    8. The target audience for the contents—popular songs, sounds from nature, photographs, spoken greetings in dozens of human languages and one whale language—was, and still is, an alien civilization capable of deciphering the instructions on the cover to learn about one small world in the universe.

      This passage is a great example of using multiple modes of communication and it should be if we are trying to give a message to aliens who may or may not understand us. The Voyager Golden Record incorporates four of the five modes of communication. Aural in the sounds from nature, popular songs. and the greeting in dozens of human language and the one whale language. Visual in the form of photographs, Linguistic in the writing on the instructions and overall descriptions. Last but not least spatial on the title on the record. This passage also helped me to understand what the golden record was and why it carries such a weight. It was made for any aliens to understand Earth.

    9. The Voyager Golden Record was never really intended for human consumption.

      At first this sentence did not make sense to me due to the word choice consumption. When I hear this word I think about eating and I thought the golden record was one of those fancy dishes made out of thin gold and then somehow got turned into audio. This was not a very good use of linguistic modality in the form of "word choice" and the "development and coherence of individual words and ideas"

    10. Forty Years Later, the Golden Record Goes Vinyl The audio comes from the original tapes that sat untouched in an underground warehouse since the Voyager launched in 1977.

      This title and subtitle gives linguistic metadata about what this article is about. I did not know what the "Golden Record" was before the subtitle helped to clear things up a little. Based on the metadata it seems as if "The Golden Record" is well known and that this is a big deal. Maybe it just isn't to me because I have never head of it.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. They don't understand why this bias toward the physical matters nor why it works. But they will learn after six or eight weeks of practice that it does work. And about that time, they will start to smile because their thinking on paper is clearer, their writing has become vivid, and they themselves can finally see what they are talking about.

      I for the first time in a while am actually happy about my work and am taking even more pride in the way it is turning out. In using a physical and concrete website as well I am able to showcase my work and have shown my parents and a couple close friends my work. My meaning has been clear, precise, and descriptive. I can finally "see what I am talking about." I can capture an abstract idea and analyze a feeling and emotion from a physical object such as a quilt panel and found that it is easier than just focusing not the abstract idea. This is the main idea of the Maguire text and what he wishes teachers to incorporate and I believe that every lit class should be this way. If we incorporated the ideas of Haltman,Fowler,Maguire,and Orwell into every writing it would make them great.

    2. Henry Fowler coined the term "abstractitis" for this multiplication of abstractions, about which he said:A writer uses abstract words because his thoughts are cloudy; the habit of using them clouds his thoughts still further; he may end by concealing his meaning not only from his readers but also from himself.

      I have suffered from the literary disease many times when I get stuck in my writing and have to reach a word count. My writing starts off to be originally clear but the meaning gets blurred over time due to the fact that I have run out of things to say because I am not being concrete or descriptive in my writing. In rading the Haltman text and seeing all the many ways to combat this disease I will have to continuously re-read it to improve my writing when I get stuck,

    3. Few will notice that the terms relationship, wealth, productivity and market society need definition or examples.

      I have become one of those few in my own personal writing skills.Whenever I come across a word that I do not comprehend or would like to know more about why one selected that word I pull up a new tab and use the definition to understand the writers point of view to understand what message the writer is trying to convey. I had to do this a lot to decipher the meaning of the Haltman text. It has helped the most though; however, during my research on my Gil Scott-Heron AIDS panel. During research I came across a lot of words that made it hard to understand what a writer was trying to say about Scott-Heron's life.

    4. When you think of a concrete object, you think wordlessly, and then, if you want to describe the thing you have been visualizing you probably hunt about until you find the exact words that seem to fit. When you think of something abstract, you are more inclined to use words from the start, and unless you make a conscious effort to prevent it, the existing dialect will come rushing in and do the job for you, at the expense of blurring or even changing your meaning.

      This quote by George Orwell perfectly helps give supporting evidence to the thesis of this text. It not only gives a expert opinion, but masterfully puts the thesis into words. A concrete object requires you to describe something that can be explained through senses and can be very descriptive; however when describing an abstract idea, or something in your head it is so much harder to gather the thoughts in your head and put them down into a comprehendible writing. This entire quote could also be the thesis of the Haltman text, if you make a conscious effort to focus on being descriptive on an object your vocabulary will be precise and clear and make your writing very comprehensible.

    5. They will just move those vague terms around like checkers on a board, repeating them, and hoping that through repetition something will be said. The resulting paper will be mush.

      I have often done this in my own personal writing and it is interesting to see if from a professional perspective.The Haltman work and Maguire both mention how to work on and help to make this mush into magic. I have also learned over this first unit that being more descriptive leads to more information and more detail and not mush like we have been led to believe. Mrs. A has repeatedly said this during class and Haltma and Maguire have enforced that idea too. As i Have been doing my research I have found this to be true, the more you go in depth in your research and your writing the more there is to talk about. I believe in one's writing there needs to be a deeper pursuit of your subject and I believe that it does help by giving a concrete topic.

    6. I wanted to remind her what she knew but had forgotten: that abstractions are what you get when you pull back from (or abstract from) concrete reality -- from the world of things.

      I really like this point that Maguire made, I feel that it is a lot harder for students to learn based upon someone's ideas and what is going on in their head. If you can see and smell and touch something it is much easier to obtain your own ideas and your own interpretations and lead to more original and unique writings. I am seeing why we are doing the AIDS quilt as our first project. Something that is concrete reality. To continue with my previous post it is of utmost importance that you first focus on a concrete idea and from that you can gleam the "more abstract, conceptual,or even metaphysical aspects of that culture that they quite literally embody," as Haltman says.

    7. Like the teachers at New Dorp, I believe in conscious skill instruction and over the years have made my own list of missing skills. One is the skill of giving specific concrete examples in an essay.

      This is very similar to the Primary text in that it reinforces the title of not writing with ideas but with objects. Haltman had a very conscious and specific desire for one to be more descriptive and vivid in the description of concrete items. This type of writing makes it easier for readers to picture and allows them to relate to and imagine one's writing. I have been using this kind of writing in my primary source description and it has helped my writing. These texts are very parallel in their main ideas.

    8. It's a crucial question for those who want to reform the teaching of writing, because once you ask what skills are missing, you can make a list and start a counter-attack.

      I notice how it is also important that in anything you wish to reform and make better this type of analyzation works. From teachers, to students, to ,mechanics, to managers. One must first assess and list what answers they would like to find or problems they have so that one can improve and reform their work. I have found this helpful when I am stressed out with schoolwork; I would just take a step back and list out what has to be done and when so I do not forget anything and I can plan out my time. This relates to Haltman's point that no information at all is a total failure. One must ask questions and want to improve or you will not move forward. Like Maguire said, it is only "once you ask what skills are missing, you can make a list and start a counter attack." If I do not get any other takeaways from this article I will make sure that I remember to use this skill more often.

    9. What skills do these students lack? She quotes Nell Scharff, an instructional expert brought in by the school, as saying, "How did the kids in our target group go wrong? What skills were missing?"

      This was an important skill that Haltman and Prown talked about. The first step to any good writing is to ask questions and deduct in order to come up with a good analysis. I recently did this in my own project where I came up with a list of at least three research questions that led to me finding some very good sources and finding answers and pathways that I did not even expect. I wonder if the author expected to find what he was looking for or kept an open mind.

    10. The Secret to Good Writing: It's About Objects, Not Ideas

      This statement is very similar to the thesis of the primary text. Haltman was very focused on transforming your ideas into physical and emotional descriptions of objects. I enjoy how the title grabs your attention by telling you the "secret" immediately instead of making you read to decipher what it is.

      The title makes me ask what is the difference?, Why will it only be good and not great? The dictionary difference between a idea and object is: an idea is defined as a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. An object is a person or thing to which a specified action or feeling is directed.

      Based upon information alone I feel relates to Haltman and makes your writing better by sorting your suggestions and possibles courses of action into something specified and descriptive and elaborate. This answers my second question because if you do this your writing will be just "good".

    1. British archaeologists have uncovered a 10,000-year-old crayon that provides a tantalising glimpse into the lives of Mesolithic settlers.

      This "crayon" represents a time period where ten thousand years ago, someone had something they wished to express to other people. A crayon is a visual aid that adds color and and meaning to a work. The word "ochre" means a brownish red which can mean many things such as blood, or love, or a connection with the earth. Both of these definitions are important to know in this text to see ow this "crayon" "records the shape and imprint of otherwise more abstract, aspects of that culture that they quite literally embody.” (Haltman) According to the passage we are able to take a "tantalising glimpse into the lives of Mesolithic settlers."

  3. Jan 2018
    1. Thepointistobegintorecognizethewaysinwhichtheobjecthascreateditseffect.

      This is an important part because it incorporates pathos and emotions in the descriptions of materials.

    2. Aresearchprospectus

      A research prospectus is the same as a research proposal.

    3. PROWNIAN ANALYSISDescription→Deduction->Speculation->Research->Interpretive Analysis

      This flow of writing is important for delving into any topic.

    4. Ratherthansayingwhatavisualimagemeans,descriptiontellsushouranimagehasopeneditselfuptoaninterpretation.”

      Here Haltman is claiming that it is better for authors to describe an object or picture rather than saying what something is so that the reader can use one's imagination.

    5. Thekeytogooddescriptionisarich,nuancedvocabulary.

      This is an important part because it will be helpful in future writing. It is also relevant because this sentence proves true within this text.

    6. Whenwestudyanobject,formalizingourobservationsinlanguage,wegenerateasetofcarefullyselectednouns,adjectives,adverbs,prepositions,andverbswhicheffectivelydeterminetheboundsofpossibleinterpretation.

      This sentence describes the overall thesis of this text

    7. Insearchingoutanobjecttointerpret,thesearefactorstobekeptinmind.Moreover,suchpolaritiesandoppositionsoffereffectiveanalytic"hooks”ofuseinorganizinginsights

      It is important that in when analyzing and describing an event or object that we use the right language that is helpful to the reader.

    8. WhereasscholarswillfindValueinparticularhistoricalinterpretationsproposedbycontributorsconcerningateapot,cardtable,cigarettelighter,cellarette,telephone,quilt,moneybox,corset,parlorstove,lavalamp,footbridge,locket,foodmill,orArgandlamp,studentswillfindvalueprincipallyinlearningfromthemodelsthatthesereadingsofferofhowsuchinterpretationcanbecarriedÖut.

      Students do tend to look at the bigger picture and not what the little things in the picture mean. This is a blessing and a curse and I think we should pay attention to the details more.

    9. methodology

      What is "methodology"?