1,040 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. Verify Tokens. Charge subsequent payments.

      Numbering is broken. Please check.

    2. After creating order

      After creating an order

    3. Google Pay SDK.

      Throwing an error. Please check.

    4. Validate VPA andSaved VPA.

      Validate VPA and Saved VPA

    5. For more details, refer to our PhonePe Switch Integration.

      Know more about PhonePe Switch Integration.

    6. requires approval and requires onboarding)

      requires approval and onboarding.

    7. You can list the available banks using a dropdown for customers. You can obtain a list of bank using the Fetch Supported Methods API.

      You can list the available banks using a drop-down for customers. You can obtain a list of banks using the Fetch Supported Methods API.

      Also, the link is throwing an error please check.

    8. Below are the sample payloads for each payment method.

      Are the payloads missing here? Please check.

    9. Fetch Supported Methods API

      Throwing 404. Please check.

    1. Collect


    2. Learn


    3. Learn


    4. Implement callback_url if your customer's make online payments on browsers such as Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Opera, UC browsers and so on. This is because these browsers do not support i-frame.

      Implement callback_url if your customers make online payments on browsers such as Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Opera, UC browsers and so on. This is because these browsers do not support i-frame.

    5. Verifying the Signature mandatory step lets you confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.

      Verifying the Signature is a mandatory step that lets you confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.

    1. Payment capture settings work only you have integrated with Orders API in your server side. Know more about the Orders API.

      Payment capture settings work only if you have integrated with Orders API on your server side. Know more about the Orders API.

    2. After a payment is authorized, you need to capture the payment made by the customer for the amount to be settled to your bank account as per the settlement schedule. Payments that are not captured are auto-refunded after a fixed time period.

      After payment is authorized, you need to capture it to settle the amount to your bank account as per the settlement schedule. Payments that are not captured are auto-refunded after a fixed time.

    3. To generate an API key in live mode:

      Shouldn't we add the Dashboard video here?

    4. Consider these steps before taking the integration live.

      A suggestion here.

      Is it good to list the steps here and add a redirect?

    1. You can select any of the listed wallets. After choosing a wallet, Razorpay will redirect to a mock page where you can make the payment a success or a failure. Since it is the test mode, we will not redirect you to the wallet login portals.

      You can select any of the listed wallets. After choosing a wallet, Razorpay will redirect to a mock page where you can make the payment success or a failure. Since this is the test mode, we will not redirect you to the wallet login portals

    2. You can select any of the listed banks. After choosing a bank, Razorpay will redirect to a mock page where you can make the payment a success or a failure. Since it is the test mode, we will not redirect you to the bank login portals.

      You can select any of the listed banks. After choosing a bank, Razorpay will redirect to a mock page where you can make the payment success or a failure. Since this is the test mode, we will not redirect you to the bank login portals.

    1. Use the SHA256 algorithm, the razorpay_payment_id and the order_id to construct a HMAC hex digest as shown below:

      Use the SHA256 algorithm, the razorpay_payment_id and the order_id to construct an HMAC hex digest as shown below:

    2. Form.


    3. After creating order and obtaining the customer's payment details, send the information to Razorpay to complete the payment. The data that needs to be submitted depends on the customer's payment method.

      After creating an order and obtaining the customer's payment details, send the information to Razorpay to complete the payment. The data that needs to be submitted depends on the customer's payment method.

    4. (Requires Approval)

      (requires approval)

    5. The merchant/company name shown in the Checkout form.

      Avoid the word merchant.

      The company name shown in the Checkout form.

    6. API Key ID that must generated from Razorpay Dashboard → Settings → API Keys.

      API Key ID that must generated from the Razorpay Dashboard → Settings → API Keys.

    7. notes optional json object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”. partial_payment optional boolean Indicates whether the customer can make a partial payment. Possible values: true: The customer can make partial payments. false (default): The customer cannot make partial payments.

      This parameter is not present in the request please check.

    8. Here is the list of parameters for creating an order:

      Here is the list of parameters and their description for creating an order:

    9. Request Parameters

      Can we make this as a Heading? Also, are we not adding response parameters? Please check.

    10. Invoke Checkout and Pass Order Id and Other Options to it.

      Add a period at the end of the sentence.

      Invoke Checkout and Pass Order Id and other Options to it.

    1. A customer's payment information should never reach your servers, unless you are PCI DSS certified.

      A customer's payment information should never reach your servers unless you are PCI DSS certified.

    2. keys


    3. Checkout

      The letter "C" is in caps, and in some places, it is not. Please check across the doc and update.

    4. at the time of signing up

      Shouldn't the link open in a new tab?

    5. Checkout.


    6. . All payments received on the unregistered websites are failed by Razorpay.

      Razorpay fails all payments received on the unregistered websites.

  2. Jan 2022
  3. Sep 2021
  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. count integer The number of customers to be fetched. The default value is 10. The maximum value is 100. This can be used for pagination, in combination with skip. skip integer The number of customers to be skipped. The default value is 0. This can be used for pagination, in combination with count.

      Give a heading as Query Parameters. Also, check with Abhishek on default value and Max value.

  5. Jul 2021
    1. Watch Out Any request beyond 2147483647 UNIX timestamp will fail.

      This warning is for which parameter?

    2. if fixed_amount=true

      Can we have this as a sentence in the description?