1,040 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. customers


    2. performance


    3. performance


    4. range along

      range, along

    5. date

      time range?

    6. Netbanking

      Are we missing with Emandate as a section here?

    7. For example, if you had 100 transactions in a week and 93 were successful, your success rate would be 93% for that week. You can view the success rate of all the transactions on the Razorpay Dashboard.


      We can place this example under a callout or we can make For Example italic and below that we cane have the content.

    8. Success rate is the ratio of successful transactions to the total number of transactions. It is calculated by dividing the total number of successful (authorised) transactions by the total number of attempted transactions over a given period of time.


      The success rate is the ratio of successful transactions to the total number of transactions. It is calculated by dividing the number of successful (authorised) transactions by the number of attempted transactions over a given period of time.

    9. or

      We can do all the actions so ideally this should be and?

    1. Image here


    2. troubleshooting guide

      Do we have the link? if so please link.

    3. dropdown


    4. dropdown


    5. gives you the option


      allows you to

    6. payroll

      Some images are broken please check once.

    7. advance


    8. payments


    9. ,


    10. incentive


    11. XPayroll automatically

      XPayroll is automatically

    12. After you submit this form, XPayroll will update the employee's payroll for the month when they are dismissed. XPayroll will automatically prorate the employee's salary, so you do not need to put in a deduction manually.


      After submitting this form, XPayroll will update the employee's payroll for the month they are dismissed. It will automatically prorate the employee's salary, so you do not need to put in a deduction manually.

    13. (As shown below)

      Is the screenshot missing here?

    14. Navigate to the People, and search and click on the employee's name to view their profile. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on Dismiss Employee.

      Use number list

    15. However, if you want to exclude an employee from all future payroll processes, indefinitely or until chosen manually, you can just stop salary.


      However, you can stop the salary if you want to exclude an employee from all future payroll processes indefinitely or until chosen manually.

    16. Click on the 'Edit' button, and click 'Resume Pay'.

      Click on Edit button and click Resume Pay.

    17. Navigate back to Run Payroll. Select payroll month and click that employee's profile whose salary you have skipped. Click on the 'Edit' button, and click 'Resume Pay'. Then finalize the payroll again.

      Use numbering and not bullets as these are steps to perform and should be under ordered list.

    18. "EDIT"

      Check the UI once for the format. I assume it should be Edit. Also, bold and remove the quotes.

    19. Click on the "EDIT" button, and then click on "Do not pay".

      Click on EDIT and then click on Do not pay.

    20. "Do not pay"

      Bold and remove quotes.

    21. Go to Run Payroll. If required, select the payroll month for which you want to pause the employee's payroll. If the payroll is already finalised, click on the Make Changes button. Search for the employee by their name. Click on the "EDIT" button, and then click on "Do not pay". With that, you will have successfully stopped the payroll for that month and for that employee.

      Use numbering and not bullets as these are steps to perform and should be under ordered list.

    22. Salary


      Can we include a screenshot here?

    23. salary

      the salary

    24. to not

      not to

    25. payroll has already been executed

      payroll is already executed.

    26. You can still make changes to your payroll if required by clicking on Make Changes . If your payroll looks perfect and good to go, you can click on Request Execution.


      If required, you can still make changes to your payroll by clicking on Make Changes. If your payroll looks good, you can click on Request Execution.

    27. finally


    28. payroll

      the payroll

    29. necessary

      add "." at the end of every point.

    30. execute payroll checklist

      Do we have a link? If so please ad an hyperlink.

    31. automatically


    32. directly


    33. #

      the number

    34. -


    35. -


    36. Run Payroll


    37. loss

      the loss

    38. Run Payroll > Edit > Deductions > Add amount for Recovery / Loss of Pay Days

      Bold UI items here.

    39. instantly


      Add a screenshot.

    40. Additions


    41. Payroll > Edit > Add header


    42. as part of


    43. bonus


    44. a


    45. ,


    46. Benefits


      May be we can add a screenshot.

    47. Taxable

      Bold this as this an UI item.

    48. "flexi"

      bold and remove quotes

    49. they're


    50. tax


    51. benefits in general

      benefits, in general, are

    52. "Flexi"

      Bold and remove quotes.

    53. 'create a custom salary structure'


    54. 'Edit'

      Same as above. Also, please add a screenshot if possible.

    55. 'People'

      Bold this.

    56. structure


      Good to add a screenshot here.

    57. 'Use XPayroll's default salary structure'

      same as above

    58. 'edit'

      Bold this, if this is an UI item.

    59. If PF and/or ESI is applicable to an employee, then you must enter the exact amount required.


      If PF and/or ESI apply to an employee, then you must enter the required amount.

    60. no longer relevant

      Can we make this hyperlink open on a new window?

    61. allowances


      Can we consider removing this word. Seems like it is redundant.

    62. XPayroll by default

      XPayroll, by default,

    63. Warning


      Watch Out!

    64. read about our query redressal process

      Do we have a dedicated page for redressal process? If so please give a link here.

    65. support team at: support@opfin.com


      I think we can hyperlink this email to "Support Team"

    66. ,


    67. All your data is kept on servers in India, behind the best security that Amazon has to offer.


      All your data is kept on servers in India, behind Amazon's best security.

    68. That means that external auditors have looked at our data practices, and have given their stamp of approval.


      That means that external auditors have looked at our data practices and given their approval.

    69. XPayroll Dashboard


      We can hyperlink to Dashboard may be.

    70. 'Pay Employees'

      Bold this as it's a UI item

    71. Advance Salary

      Is the caps of letters A and S are necessary?

    1. "account_number":null, "ifsc_code":null, "beneficiary_name":null

      Add values

    2. terms and conditions

      add t and c link

    3. "percentage_ownership":null,

      add a value

    4. "primary":null, "secondary":null

      Add value

    5. "addresses":{ "residential":{ "street":null, "city":null, "state":null, "postal_code":null, "country":null

      Add values

    1. Payout is being processed by our partner bank.


      The partner bank is processing the payout.

    1. mandatory

      Here it is mandatory and in the following parameters it is optional.

      Looks like these are mandatory parameters. You can just say mandatory here and not mention anything for parameters that are under this.

    2. netbanking

      change this to emandate as we have given the example as emandate.

    1. then


    2. parents

      parents, we

    3. Example - If

      For example, if

    4. In case there are insurance claims made by the employee then no refunds are issued.

      If the employee makes insurance claims, then no refunds are issued.

    5. you a

      you get a?

    6. then


    7. In the case where


    8. I have purchased insurance?🔗

      I purchased the insurance

    9. the


    10. currently


    11. during the policy period

      The question talks about during a year and here it says during the policy period. Please rectify and make the change accordingly.

    12. Plum app


    13. dashboard


    14. No, group policies do not have any No Claim bonus benefit.

      Please check if this is the correct sentence.

    15. have made it possible



    16. added


    17. finalize


    18. Whenever you add a new employee on XPayroll, they are added to your Insurance coverage as well.

      When you add a new employee on XPayroll, they are also added to your Insurance coverage.

    19. bank


      If it is back, then remove the word and just say: we will refund the prorated amount to your XPayroll account.

    20. we refund

      we will refund

    21. employee and once

      employee. Once

    22. Refund -


    23. hospitals

      We can hyperlink the list to this word and remove the following statement:

      The entire list is available here.

    24. Sum Insured

      Same as above

    25. Sum Insured

      sum insured. I think we can bold instead of having the first letter caps.

    26. ICU Rent Limit

      ICU -

    27. Room Rent Limit

      Room -

    28. Room rent

      Room and ICU rent limit:

    29. level


    30. These

      These certificates?

    31. Insurance


    32. Insurance


    33. This is generated by Razorpay for facilitating the transaction with the insurer.

      Razorpay generates this receipt for facilitating the transaction with the insurer.

    34. Payment Receipt

      payment receipt

    35. insurance payment🔗

      Insurance Payment

    36. team🔗


    37. purchase🔗


    38. Policy Design and Insurance plan


      Can we split this into 2 headings?

      Policy Design


      Insurance Plan (Also, P caps)


    39. Reimbursement


    40. Cashless


    41. For any claims, your team can initiate their request directly from the Plum web app


      Your team can initiate their request directly from the Plum web app for any claims.

    42. Plum web app.

      Can we either keep this as Plum web app or Plum app across the doc. Just to maintain the consistency.

    43. Plum web app.

      Plum app

    44. Your team can log into the Plum appusing the same email address that they use for Xpayroll.

      Your team can log into the Plum app using the same email address they use for Xpayroll.


      Check if we can bullet this sentence and the previous paragraph.

    45. insurance requirements - have access to their insurance, view inclusions and exclusions of the insurance policy, get support for their queries and even initiate requests for an insurance claim.


      insurance requirements. You can access their insurance, view inclusions and exclusions of the insurance policy, get support for their queries and even initiate requests for an insurance claim.

    46. onboarding


    47. organisation


    48. onboarding


    49. This

      This receipt

    50. The coverage for your team is active from the time when the payment is made successfully to the insurer.


      Your team coverage is active from when the payment is made successfully to the insurer.

    51. Few important points to get you and your team to speed up:


      Below are a few important points to get you and your team to speed up:

    52. Your organisation must have 2 or more full-time employees started plan is available for organisations that have a minimum of 2 employees. Essential and Premium plans are available for the organisation that have a minimum of 5 employees.

      Your organisation must have 2 or more full-time employees. The starting plan is available for organisations with a minimum of 2 employees. Essential and Premium plans are available for organisations with a minimum of 5 employees.

    53. Pro Plan

      pro plan

    54. Prerequisities


    55. benefits of health insurance

      health insurance benefits

    56. Diseases


    57. Existing


    58. 4 dependent children


      Can we add a link to this plan for more info?

    59. spousesn


    1. Current Account

      Check if we need to caps the letter C and A in the words Current Account. If not necessary, we can update the doc accordingly.

    2. Contact support

      Check if this the correct link.

    3. Pending


    4. Pending


    5. You are not required to transfer funds between multiple accounts.


      You don't have to transfer funds between multiple accounts.

    6. starts


    7. All the transactions and payments that you do from XPayroll will now happen from your current account.


      All your transactions and payments from XPayroll will now happen from your current account.

    8. Do not transfer any funds into this account after the integration since this account will not be accessible by you.

      Do not transfer any funds to this account after the integration since you cannot access this account.

    9. Your RBL Current Account balance replaces the XPayroll Virtual Account on the dashboard and you would see the balance of the current account.

      Your RBL Current Account balance replaces the XPayroll Virtual Account on the dashboard, and you will see the balance of the current account.

    10. advances, compliance

      advances and compliance

    11. This includes

      This visibility includes?

    12. Statement


    13. Dashboard

      Inconsistency of the letter D in some places. Please check and correct this.

    14. In case you wish to remove the approval workflow functionality for payouts happening via XPayroll, contact support.


      Contact the support team if you wish to remove the approval workflow functionality for payouts happening via XPayroll.

      Also, check if the contact support link is the correct link.

    15. RazorpayX.

      Please check quality of the gif. Looks blurred when zoomed in.

    16. RazorpayX Dashboard.

      Broken link.

    17. till the time


    18. RazorpayX.These

      RazorpayX. These

    19. account


    20. If you're seeing Transactions Pending for Approval on the XPayroll dashboard, it means that a few transactions that are pending your approval.

      Try re-wording this. The second statement looks redundant.

    21. There should not be any balance in your XPayroll account before integration. If there’s any balance in your account, you will need to transfer these funds to your RazorpayX Current Account. You can do this by adding the RazorpayX Current Account as a Contractor and transferring the funds to this account. Select Reimbursement / No TDS for the transfer.


      There should be no balance in your XPayroll account before integration. If there’s any balance, you can add the RazorpayX Current Account as a Contractor and transfer the funds to this account. Select Reimbursement / No TDS for the transfer.

    22. Pending


    23. under Profile.

      Please check the quality of the image and the Zoom in functionality. I kinda felt the image is too small when zoomed in.

    24. RazorpayX Dashboard

      Broken link.

      Also, Some issue in the following page. Please rectify. https://razorpay.com/docs/x/xpayroll/integrate/current-account/

    25. contact support.

      Please check if this is the correct link.

    26. In case you wish to switch your plans or are interested in the integration please contact support.

      Please contact the support team if you wish to switch your plans or are interested in the integration.

    27. Pro Plan

      pro plan?

  2. Oct 2022
    1. Cardless EMI

      Emandate? The link is taking us to Emandate section and Cardless EMI is repeated. Please check once.

    2. Cardless EMI

      Emandate? The link is taking us to Emandate section and Cardless EMI is repeated. Please check once.

    3. code string Type of the error. description string Descriptive text about the error. source string The point of failure in the specific operation (payment in this case). Check the card, netbanking, wallets, UPI Collect, UPI Intent, Cardless EMI and Emandate sections to know about the possible values for each method. step string The stage where the transaction failure occurred. The stages can vary depending on the payment method used to complete the transaction. Check the card, netbanking, wallets, UPI Collect, UPI Intent, Cardless EMI and Emandate sections to know about the possible values for each method. reason string The exact error reason. It can be handled programmatically.

      All these should be under error

      Also, all the links in the source and step descriptions are opening in the same tab. Ensure these links open in the new tab.

    4. at


    5. failure


    6. In this sample code, see the description, source, step and reason, indicating that the API failed due to authentication failure for incorrect OTP.

      In the below sample error response, the description, source, step and reason indicates that the API failed due to authentication failure for incorrect OTP.

    7. It can be due to customer action or external factors (Razorpay, Gateway, Bank or Network)

      Add a full stop.

    1. Step 12: Submit Device information to Razorpay API request for submitting SDK data to Razorpay BE:

      Please make this a sub heading and remove Step 12

    2. 3DS2 SDK

      If we have document to this. Please link it.

    3. "3DS2_data": { "message_version": "2.2.0,+00003", "directory_server_public_key": "eyJrdHki

      These parameters are not mentioned in the Response Parameters description. Just check if we have to.

    4. App

      Good to add one liners after each Heading.

  3. Sep 2022
  4. Jul 2022
  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. instant refunds

      Can we make the hyperlinked page to open in a new window?

    2. normal refunds

      Can we make the hyperlinked page to open in a new window?

    3. Normal refund not possible

      Normal refund is not possible

    4. Response Parameters🔗 The response parameters are the same as those mentioned in the Create a Normal Refund API. Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

      There are 2 response parameters. Please check which one to retain.

    5. :

      replace with full stop.

    6. ``id`

      Formatting issue?

    7. string


    8. The response parameters are the same as those mentioned in the Fetch a Payment API. Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Payments Entity parameters table.

      Should we add the response parameters here?

    9. Default value: 10 Maximum value: 100 This can be used for pagination, in combination with skip.

      Check for the formatting.

    10. Query Parameters

      Please mention whether these parameters are optional or mandatory.

    11. :

      replace with full stop.

    12. Fetch QR Code

      Fetch QR Codes

    13. :

      replace with fullstop