1,040 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. check AWS-SNS docs for full reference to subscriber side options, subscription filters, and signature validation

      Refer to AWS-SNS for information about...

    2. vishnu

      This is probably a sample PR created by someone called Vishnu. We can remove the name and say "via a PR". Also, see if we can get the link to that sample PR and add it as a reference.

    3. Stage: For Emails: stage-stork-email-callbacks Prod: For Emails: prod-stork-email-callbacks

      Should we put this in the table format for more visibility?

      What do you think?

    4. delivery_callback_requested

      code format

  2. Mar 2023
    1. In the Go live! section, click Enable Widget.


      Click Enable Widget in the Go live! section.

      It is always good to mention the action first.

    1. Connected

      "Created Applications" as per the screenshot.

    2. Curlec Dashboard

      Add dashboard link

    3. Follow these steps:

      To create the test application:

    4. 1. Create Test Application

      Create the Test Application

    1. Given below is a sample code for the Fetch all Payments API.

      Are we missing the code here?

      Or change the sentence.

    1. Razorpay


    2. Razorpay


    3. Refer to the list of supported currencies.

      remove this for Curlec

    4. upi_link mandatory for creating UPI Payment Linkboolean Must be set to true for creating UPI Payment Link.Handy TipsIf the upi_link parameter is not passed or passed with value as false, a Standard Payment Link will be created.

      Hide this for Curlec. UPI is not available.

    5. INR


      Make this change at all places.

    6. ₹


    7. ₹


    8. ₹


    9. INR


    10. ₹


    11. Curlec Dashboard

      Add the Dashboard doc link.

    1. The language in which checkout should be displayed. Possible value is en: English.

      Need to check if this applicable for Malaysia.

    2. imeout optionalinteger Sets a timeout on Checkout, in seconds. After the specified time limit, the customer will not be able to use Checkout.

      Looks like this is a duplicate entry.

    3. Must

      It should

    4. Know more about Orders API.


    1. enter


    2. Given below are the steps to add a sub-merchant from the Curlec Dashboard:

      To add a sub-merchant from the Curlec Dashboard:

    1. Account Activation

      remove this link for Curlec and just say:

      complete the account activation process

    2. Account Activation

      remove this link for Curlec and just say:

      complete the account activation process

    3. Add Sub-merchant

      Add a Sub-merchant

    4. optional

      Put this under brackets ()

    5. Add Sub-merchant

      Add a Sub-merchant using Email ID

    1. from the Dashboard

      Hide this for Curlec.

      Just say Raise a support request.

      Add support link for both IN and MY.

  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. You can manage settlements using APIs or from the Razorpay Dashboard

      Move this to the first para. Above run in postman.

    2. processing


    3. processing


    4. with count

      with the count

    5. with skip

      with the skip

    6. valuee


    7. You can manage settlements using APIs or from the Razorpay Dashboard.


      May be we can have this sentence in the top description. This is somehow not visible.

    8. about all settlements.


      Need not to hyperlink the entire sentence. Can just hyperlink Retrieve information.

    9. 0'

      please use code format instead of quotes.

    10. would


      It's always good to avoid the word "would". This will create ambiguity. You can change it to will.

      The fee will be 0 incase of a normal settlement.

  4. Feb 2023
  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Watch Out!


      It would be good if we place this info before the steps.

    2. Scroll to the PayPal section and click Link Account.

      As per the screenshot, one should go to the Settings and then scroll to the PayPal section. Please change this step accordingly.

    3. payment methods and the transaction limits.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. The same email id should not be used by the merchant for multiple MIDs.

      We normally don't use the term merchants. We refer merchants as "you". Check once. If it is ok to use then my suggestion of the sentence is as below:

      "Merchants should not use the same email ID for multiple MIDs."


      If it is not ok to use, then:

      "You should not use the same email ID for multiple MIDs."

    1. Pass method and provider Parameters

      Code blocks won't look good here. Can we remove it may be.

    2. Order


      Can we hyperlink orders url to this. So that we can avoid the next statement.

    1. Orders API

      Link should open in a new tab.

    2. JS and HTML-based website,

      Link should open in a new tab.

    1. Fetch all QR Codes

      This is not leading to the intended heading. Please check and fix. Looks there is a change in the heading.

  6. Jan 2023
    1. review your application and approve your applicatio


      review and approve your application

    1. -


    2. Cardless EMI as a payment method is not enabled by default. Raise a request with our Support Team to enable this feature.

      Use the standard feature request partial here.

    1. :


    2. Payment Using Native OTP

      No Request and Response Parameters in the below 3 sections.

    3. Payment Using Redirect

      No Request and Response Parameters

    4. :


    5. string


    6. string


    7. string

      Should be integer. Please check.

    8. The following is a sample API request and response for creating a payment:


    9. Sample Code


    10. Know more about Orders API.


      Better to place this after the description of the API.

    11. API Sample Code

      Missing the API description and endpoint here.

    12. Authorization


    13. Razorpay Postman Public Workspace API Sample Code

      Postman uses API sample code rite? Is this correct.


      is it something Dashboard and API

    14. Handle Payment Success and Failure.

      Bookmark is not working.

    15. for

      for the?

    16. (such as customer device or browser data)

      Do we need the brackets here?

    17. latest

      the latest

    18. cards


  7. Dec 2022
    1. Request Parameters

      The format is incorrect here.

      Should have a heading, description of the API, endpoint, code, Req Parameters and Response Parameters.

      Please make the change accordingly.

    2. Response Parameters

      Check and add the related info sec

    1. Check if

      make these steps and bullets. Check with the writer once and then make the changes.

    2. Check CRED Eligibility for Users

      This link should open in a new tab.

    3. Intent Collect

      Bookmark these 2

    4. Intent Collect

      Bookmark these 2

    5. Create Payment Method.

      Looks like this is the wrong link. Please check with TW and add the correct link.

    6. Integrate CRED on Custom Checkout

      Check if this is a bug. If there is no content please add the related content.

    7. eligible

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. Integration Steps

      Check if you can add some screens

    2. Prerequisites

      Place this above the Video

    1. Fetch all QR Codes API

      No Error Response Parameters. Check and add.

    2. Request Parameters

      No Error Response Parameters

    3. Watch Out

      Watch Out!

    4. POSTpayments/qr_codes

      Formatting looks off. Please check and fix.

    1. Checkout

      Check and add related info sec

    2. Customise the appearance of the Payment Links payment request page using Razorpay APIs. Change the labels of the payment details fields, modify checkout appearance, prefill fields and payment method and more.

      Too much content. Try to reduce.

    3. Renaming Labels Changing Business Name Prefilling Checkout fields Customizing Payment Methods shown on Checkout Rename Labels in Checkout Section Implement Thematic Changes in Payment Links Checkout Section

      All these links should open in a new tab.

    4. Renaming Labels

      This link should open in a new tab.

    5. Note

      Handy Tips

    1. our

      remove the hyperlink for the word our

    2. Related Information For different kind of errors that can occur in UPI payments flow, refer the Error reasons documentation.

      This doesn't seems rite. Please check once.

    3. payments orders

      remove these 2 hyperlinks

    4. Subscribe to the Webhook
    5. payments made for the order

      Add this link to the Fetch Payment APIs as a hyperlink.

    6. Notes

      This link should open in a new tab.

    7. Support Team

      Link should open in a new tab.

    1. Business Sub-Category

      The Values column is too confusing here.

      Check with Vinita on whether we can give a downloadable file that contains this list.

    1. Request Parameters

      The order is off here.

      Should have a heading, description of the API, endpoint, Code, Request parameters and then Response parameters.

      Please check with the TW and make the changes.

    2. Customise and rename the labels in the Payment Details section of the Payment Links payment request page using Razorpay APIs. Display labels in different languages, for example, Hindi or Tamil.

      Meta desc is of too much content. Please re-phrase.

    3. Respons

      Add the related info sec

    4. Payment Link Entity

      Link should open in a new tab.

    1. MethodBankTAT Guidelines

      Looks like this table should be within the bullet point. Try changing this.

    2. that


    3. Cr


    4. We recommend that you to have the customer’s mode of payment mode.

      This sentence doesn't seems rite.

      We recommend you to have the cutomer's mode of payment mode.

    5. C


    1. enabling partial payments for Payment Links

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. Contact our Support Team to get this payment method enabled for your account.

      These are not steps and so bullet them.

    2. customer's device.

      Check and add related info sec

    3. UPI Collect.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. UPI Intent

      This link should open in a new tab.

    5. codes

      This link should open in a new tab.

    6. payment methods

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. :

      Formatting or wrongly placed.

    2. Request a Product Activation API :

      Check for the link.

    3. product activation.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. true

      Formatting issue?

    5. Fetch Terms and Conditions API.

      Broken link. Please fix

    6. Appendix
    7. product activation.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    8. Fetch Terms and Conditions API.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. @// should we remove "name", "account_number", "ifsc"

      ? Formatting issue I believe. Please check.

    2. Close a Virtual Account

      Description is missing.

    3. Fetch All Payments

      Description is missing.

    4. Fetch a Payment

      Description is missing.

    5. RequestResponsecopycurl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] \-X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/virtual_accounts \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{ "receivers": { "types": [ "qr_code" ] }, "description": "First Payment by BharatQR", "customer_id": "cust_805c8oBQdBGPwS", "notes": { "reference_key": "reference_value" }}'

      The code should be placed before the request and response parameters. Also, check if the code sample is available in any other SDK languages.

    6. Get Postman Collection We have a Postman collection to make the integration quicker and easier. Click the Download Postman Collection button below to get started.

      We have a new button called run in postman. Check and update.

    7. API Reference

      Check for the left nav.

    8. string

      This should be in the description column with the code format. Please change across the doc.

    9. Customer API.

      This should open in a new tab.

    10. API Documentation.

      This link should open in a new tab.