1,040 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. Request Parameters

      Response parameters are missing. Please check and add.

    2. POST/payments/create/json Card Payments

      Formatting error please check.

    3. here.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. here.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. _ mandatory if fixed_amount=true_

      Formatting issue please check.

    2. instant refunds.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    3. normal refunds.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. Steps to Initiate Payment Using Google Pay

      Can we just say:

      Initiate Payment Using Google Pay

      Check with the TW and then make these changes.

    2. here

      Looks like a incorrect link. Please check.

    3. UPI Collect Integration.
    4. Success/Error Callbacks section

      Incorrect link. Check and update. Also, don't hyperlink the word "section".

    5. Steps to Detect Google Pay Installation on Device

      Can we just say:

      Detect Google Pay Installation on Device

    6. Razorpay's UPI.

      Broken link.

    1. Handy Tips The new offer wi

      Check for the formatting and fix.

    2. Plan amount

      Add the column heading as Subscription Details. Make this change across the doc.

    3. 300

      Add N/A in the blank cells. Make this change across the doc.

    1. recurring (charge-at-will) payments on Checkout

      Check if we can hyperlink the doc. CAW is a index false document.

    2. Android-specfic - Android Lifecycle Guide.

      Bookmark is not working.

    3. Step 2: Test Integration

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. hosted page
    1. Add

      If these are steps, then should be numbered and bulleted.

    2. Next S

      Add related info section

    3. Step 2: Test Integration

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. gaurav.kumar@example.com.

      remove the hyperlink and put this in the code format.

    5. Orders API.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    6. ininternational

      in international

    1. would

      "would" is not the appropriate word here. Please change the sentence.

    2. revised guidelines

      This should open in a new tab.

    1. regular request parameters passed to create Payment Links via API.

      Remove the hyperlink for the entire sentence and link only to request parameters.

    2. "user_id": ""

      Add the related info sec

    3. Note

      Change this to Watch Out and change the format.

    4. Payment Link Entity

      This link should open in a new tab.

    5. Learn more about Offers.

      Know more about Offers.

      Hyperlink only the word Offers and change the link to:


    6. Learn more about Offers.

      Know more about Offers.

      Hyperlink only the word Offers and change the link to:


    1. GitHub.

      Add related information section.

    2. Razorpay account.

      This link doesn't seems rite. Check and update.

    3. Payment Gateway

      This link should open in a new tab.

  2. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Accept payments from your customers using Razorpay.me URL and Payment Links.


      This should be the first point.

    2. move


      Should we add a link to download?

    1. Server-to-Server Integration

      Add a meta desc. Check with the concerned TW for the information.

    2. S2S JSON V2 (Latest) S2S JSON V1 S2S Redirect

      These links should open in a new tab.

    1. How ePOS Works.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    1. Standard Integration Custom Integration S2S Integration

      These links should open in a new tab.

    1. Create a Virtual Account.

      Bookmark is not working. Please check.

    2. Fetch a Payment API.

      This link should open in a new tab.

    3. Notes section of the API Reference Guide

      This link should open in a new tab.

    4. Customer API

      This link should open in a new tab.

    5. Customer API

      The link should open in a new tab.

    6. Notes section of the API Reference Guide

      The link should open in a new tab.

    1. Wait for the token.confirmed webhook

      remove the hyperlink for the entire sentence and hyperlink only to token.confirmed.

    1. Webhook Event

      All the events should be in the code format. Also, add boomarks.

    2. Webhook Event

      All these events should be in the code format. Also, add bookmarks to all the events.

    3. Webhook Event

      All these events should be in the code format. Also, add bookmarks to all the events.

    4. key = webhook_secretmessage = webhook_body // raw webhook request bodyreceived_signature = webhook_signature expected_signature = hmac('sha256', message, key) if expected_signature != received_signature throw SecurityErrorend

      Use the language name as like in the above code to fix this issue.

    5. Learn how to set up webhooks for recurring payments, available webhook events and sample payloads for these events. Webhooks are the best ways to receive alerts about the authorization payment, the status of tokens and subsequent recurring payments.

      Shorten this and follow the standards

    1. page.

      Add the Related Information section.

    2. Wallet Operations

      The hyperlink should open in a new tab.

    3. accepting payments from the wallet.

      The hyperlink should open in a new tab.

    4. Load money into a wallet

      The hyperlink should open in a new tab.

    1. Following is the list of currently available webhook events for Subscriptions. Subscriptions

      Remove these.

    1. Use the following API to revoke the token.

      Use the following endpoint to revoke the token.

    2. ,


    3. About Tokens


      Good to add a one liner after this heading.

    4. Query Parameters

      Add mandatory or optional here. You can check with the TW who handles this doc for the information.

    5. Integration

      Add the Related Information section.

    6. ˍ

      Remove this. Or check for the formatting.

    7. Razorpay APIs.

      The hyperlink should open in a new tab.

    1. Response Parameters

      There are 2 Response Parameters. Please check and retain the correct one.

    2. multiple

      multiple or all? Same applies to Heading as well.

    3. You can share the short URL with customers to accept payments. You can print and download it. You can create QR Codes for single or multiple use and for specific or all customers.

      Add these points before the endpoint.

    4. _ mandatory if fixed_amount=true_

      Formatting issue? Please check. This part should ideally in the first column along with the payment_amount

    5. This is an on-demand feature.

      Add information about how to avail this feature.

    6. You can create and manage QR Codes using APIs or from the Razorpay Dashboard


      We can have this in the intro para.

    7. This is an on-demand feature.

      Add information about what has to be done to avail this feature. Something like:

      Contact support team.

    8. qr_HMsVL8HOpbMcjU

      full stop

    9. Payment ID.

      Bookmark is not working. Please check.

    10. Customer ID

      Bookmark not working. Please check.

    11. Get


    12. Post


    13. Payment id

      payment_id. Code format.

    14. Payment id

      payment_id. Code format.

    15. Post


    16. Get


    17. Payment id

      payment_id. Code format.

    18. Payment id.

      payment_id. Code format.

    19. The URL is wrong or is missing something.Ensure that you use the correct and complete URL without any spelling mistakes.

      The error is about payment_id. Cause and solution doesn't have anything specific to payment_id. Please re-check once.

    20. Payment id

      payment_id. Code format.

    21. Payment id

      payment_id. Code format.

    22. method


      Add an example. Something like: For example, A POST API should be executed only using POST method.

    23. Post


    24. Get


    25. The URL is wrong or is missing something.Use the correct and complete URL.

      Error talks about ID. Cause and solution doesn't have anything about the ID. Please re-check once.

    26. Customer id

      customer_id. Code format.

    27. Customer id

      customer_id. Code format.

    28. Customer id

      customer_id. Code format.

    29. Customer id

      customer_id. Code format.

    30. method


      Add an example. Something like: For example, A POST API should be executed only using POST method.

    31. Post


    32. Get


    33. The URL is wrong or is missing something.A Get API is executed by Post Method.Ensure you have the correct and complete URL.Use the right method.

      Check if the cause and solution are correct. This has different entries. https://betasite.razorpay.com/docs/razorpay/qr-codes-api-errors/api/qr-codes/#error-response-parameters-1

    34. method


      Add an example. Something like: For example, A POST API should be executed only using POST method.

    35. Post


    36. Get


    37. The URL is wrong or is missing something.Use the correct and complete URL.

      Check if this is the correct cause and solution. Coz, in the previous table we have the same error and the cause and solution are different. That is related to QR Code ID.

    38. Get


    39. Post


    40. timestamp

      Unix timestamp? Please check once.

    41. Get


    42. Post


    43. Use the correct method.


      Add an example. Something like: For example, A POST API should be executed only using POST method.

    44. Customer id

      customer _id. Put this in the code format.

    45. Customer id

      customer_id. Put this in the code format.

    46. Data sent for a field is invalid, for example, when the data sent for type is abc , instead of the acceptable value.

      Suggestion: Data sent for a field is invalid. For example, when the data sent for the type parameter is abc instead of the acceptable value.

  3. Nov 2022
    1. addons


    2. addons


    3. subscription


      Change everywhere across the doc

    4. payment not

      payment is not

    5. { "error": { "code": "BAD_REQUEST_ERROR", "description": "Link expire by cannot be lesser than the current time." } }
    6. subscription


    7. in Authenticated

      in the authenticated

    8. subscription


    9. subscription


    10. subscription


    11. in order to


    12. , that is,

      endpoint. For example,

      place the url in the code.

    13. This error occurs when the time passed in the expire_by parameter is comes before the time at which the parameter is passed.

      Try rewording this sentence. Something like.

      This error occurs when the time passed in the expire_by parameter comes before the time the parameter is passed.

    14. That is, the


    15. Subscriptions feature

      Please link these words to the below link: https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/subscriptions/#flash-checkout

    16. , that is,

      endpoint. For example, https://api.razorpay.com/v1/plans/plan_K8lVuxetc2OGR8 Place the example in the code as like we have for plan_id.

    17. { "error": { "code": "BAD_REQUEST_ERROR", "description": "offers is/are not required and should not be sent" } }

      Ideally this shouldn't here at all. Let's check with Sudan again on this.