6 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2020
www.mouser.com www.mouser.com
Both SCL and SDA lines are open drain I/Os. They should be connected to external pull-up resistors (e.g. Rp = 10 kΩ).Important notice:in order to correctly select I2C as interface, the interface select (SEL) pin must be pulled to GND before or at the same time the sensor is powered up.
Are they grounded already...SCL corresponds to cable 2 and SDA cable 3
refer to placement: https://hyp.is/Xz22oHkGEeqQGeNAv2Jknw/github.com/brannow/sps30
3Hardware Interface Specifications
This is showing the description of each pin?
github.com github.com
To my guessing this is showing the placement of the pins
github.com github.com
Get Port of the Connected Sensor
This is now public.
- Feb 2020
www.adafruit.com www.adafruit.com
PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor and Breadboard Adapter Kit - PMS5003
I thought that i would look around some more for a chaper version than the one that i went and spent $50 on, and if this is a better sensor then i can always return it through amazon.
- Jan 2020
chem.libretexts.org chem.libretexts.org
2.1: FlowCharts and Python
Do we need to create a separate .doc for the critical thinking questions or do we need to add them to the homework assignment?