- May 2018
s18.pdarrington.net s18.pdarrington.net
he gestural has always been important in face-to-face conversations and in the theater, but understanding the gestural mode is just as Figure 1.13 Katie Courlc's Opening to Her first Newscast Figure 1.14 Brian Willlams's Opening to His Newscast ~ t e e, e t; t;. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ e e e e e e e e e e C C C ~ ~ t. ~ ~ ·*' .. • .. • .. • .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • "' ~ ~ • The Modes: How Do They Work? I ----------------important when communication takes place through virtual interac-tions on-screen. Whether we arc participating in a videoconfcrencc with colleagues, a gaming raid with friends, or an online chat with family, the gestural mode provides an important way of connecting (or showing an in.ibility to connect) lo other people
The gestural mode is definitely important when communicating with people . In the supplementary article i chose about the deaf community outrage the interpeter was using sign language which has some aspects of the gestural mode but he was an amateur and effectivly failed to communicate the information he was suppose to relay to the deaf population of the county which caused people to be upset. He was not using this mode to full potential because the message he was sending out to viewers was incoherent and nonsensical.
- Apr 2018
s18.pdarrington.net s18.pdarrington.net
Internet meme,
Internet meme's are multimodal by nature meme's can be text , audio , and visual based of the medium . A popular example of an internet meme would be the pepe the frog meme popularized by 4chan. The meme originated from a comic called boy's club by Matt Furie then became a popular meme online on several messageboards before finally reaching 4chan ,reddit and tumblr. The meme ranged from being depicting the frog as shakespeare to various tastless sexual memes to eventually racist anti semitic memes after yearso n 4chan. I shows you how the meaning of an image can change over time. I've seen the pepe the frog meme used for everything from serious philsophical questions, outright sarcasm, hialrious posts and even out right offensive memes in each meme the visual of hte frog takes on a diffferent meaning due to its presentation.
mutlimodal is characterized by several different modes of activity or occurrence. We use the various multimodal forms of communciation to interpet things in our everyday life from ligustic, to spatial , to visual to aural.
Linguistic Mode ~ The linguistic mode refers to the use of language, which usually ~ means written or spoken word~. When we think about the ways ~ the linguistic mode is used to make or understand meaning, we can consider: ~ • word choice ~ • the delivery of spoken or written text !) • the organization of writing or speech into phrases, sentences, ~ paragraphs, etc. ~ • the development and coherence of individual words and ideas
Basically the linguistic mode of communication is the words chosen to convey information. In the article it is written in a very informal way and the headline uses the word outrage in a over the top fashion. When people are outraged they usually are very angry about something. When i first saw the article seeing the words in the title made me intrigued and wanted to click to see why people were so outraged. Using the lingusitic mode of communcation
Spatial Mode
It is about the arrangement , organization and proximity between objects or people. The spatial mode on the website the article is hosted on has the news content on the left hand side. Meanwhile on hte right hand corner headlines for the most popular latest articles are shown. The title of the article is written in bold letters a title that is used to grab the readers attention. Also on further inspection of the article the video is palce on top of the article after the title to make sure the viewer clicks it before reading the article. This way the reader has an idea of what the article subject matter before actually reading the article. The text is short and spaced after every few sentences so the reader doesnt lose focus and doesnt really give much details. The way the article is written is basically designed to get you to click on due to the clcik bait title , watch the video and come to the same conclusions as the media seen as their no real details given about the situation.
Different media use different combinations of modes and arc good at doing different things. We've all heard the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words." Some-times it is much easier and more effective to use an image to show someone how to do something or how you arc feeling.
when communicating we should always think of the best way to showcase our mssage. Various forms of media combine different communication modes such as visual , gestural, aural or even spatial to effectively communicate their ideas. A picture can be a very good way of communicating an idea based off the subject the matter. For an example when texting back in forth with a friend an emoji can used to show you thought something your friend said was funny.
ne cool thing about multimodality is that it can attend to multiple senses, which is sometimes necessary ii a reader has a preference or need for one mode of communication over another. When creating multimodal texts, authors should always remember that not every reader will be exactly like them, either in culture, society, class, race, gender, or ability. A text should be composed so that readers with limited vision, hearing, or touch-among other possible differ-ences within an audience
This relates to the supplementary article because the article is dealing with deaf people. The majority of society is not deaf so it seems like in the article when making the news broadcast about the hurricane the county leaders didnt take time to look for an official sign language interpeter who could effectively relay the information back to the county deaf population. Also it is telling the reader that when communciating to remember we are not all alike and these differences should be thought about when communicating so you can convey your message succesfully.
Aural Mode The aural mode focuses on sound. Whether we are talking about a speech, a video demonstration, sound effects on a Web site, or the audio elements of a radio program, the aural mode provides multiple ways of communicating and understanding a message, including: • music • sound effects • ambient noise/sounds • silence • tone of voice in spoken language • volume of sound • emphasis and accent
The Aural mode of communication is used in the video presentation showcasing the broadcast. The tone of vocie of the speaker is serious and lets us know that the situation being broadcasted is serious and should not be taken lightly. The aural mode of communicating is used everyday by majority of the population even if you are not talking to anyone you might listen to music , visit a webiste ,play games on your phone etc . From reading the article the aural mode basically is the use of sound and we use htat sound to convey and exhange ideas on daily basis. For example when i get a text message my phone beeps this lets me know a message has arrived and I should check it out. Another example would be the sound my alarm clock makes when it time to wake me up . The sound is a loud ring i purposefully pick that conveys to me its time to get up . This relates back to the article because the aural mode of communicati
Gestural Mode ·1 he gestural mode refers to the way movement, such as body lan-guage, can make meaning. When we interact with people in real life or watch them on-screen, we can tell a lot about how they arc feel-ing and what they arc trying to communicate. The gestural mode includes: • facial expressions • hand gestures • body language • interaction between people ·1 he gestural has always been important in face-to-face conversations and in the theater, but understanding the gestural mode is just as
In the article about the deaf communty the gestural mode is showcased in some of the signing. First while signing the interpeter keeps moving back in forth and instead of looking forward he looks at the speaker. He seems very nervous and not confident and it shows in his body language. The nervousness might have also bene why he had a difficult time relaying back the information. Instead of processing it naturally he is turning to look at the speaker while attmepting to match every word that comes out of the speakers mouth.
The word multimoda/ is a mash-up of multiple and mode. A mode is a way of communicating, such as the words we're using to explain our Ideas in this paragraph or the images we use throughout this book to illustrate various concepts. Multimodal describes how we combine multiple different ways of communicating in everyday life
The supplmental source I choose was an article titled "Deaf community outraged after interpreter signed gibberish before Irma" . The article was about how the deaf community was angry because during hurrricane irma and interpeter used awful signed language that made no sense when people were being giving instructions on how to be safe during the hurricane. The interpreter sign language was awful and made no sense . The sign language relates back to this article because it uses multiple forms of multimodal communication. In the article the visual model is used and shows us the broadcast of the interpeter signing. Also in the article we have aural mode of communication which is the lady speaking over the broadcast giving people caught in the hurricane instructions and last but not least the gestural mode where the interpreter uses sign language to relay back what the broadcast is saying. In the article their was a break down of communication because apparently the interperter was an amateur and signed words like pizza, bear , monster nado ther nonsense during an importnat broadcast. The outrage stems from the fact that due to the hurricane people could have been in danger and the information the interpeter was relaying back to the gneral deaf population was very unreliable. The interpeter failed to use the various modes of communication to effectively relay back to the deaf population what was being said in the broadcast. In the article it is pointed out that the interpeter is an amateur and several people comment on this fact saying a professional should have been provided. It is also pointed out that he should have been facing forward instead of looking at the speaker. The article is perfect example of various multimodal modes of communication and how we use them in our everyday life.
fall2017.rswsandbox.net fall2017.rswsandbox.net
triangulation is often used to indicate that two (or more) methods are used in a study in order to check the results of one and the same subject. In journalism you owuld do this by checking multiple credible sources to see if the information you found lines up and is relaiable.
found that students use search engines as a parameter of trustworthiness. As long as a site is toward the top of a search engine's listings, many of this study's subjects considered it credible
This can relate back to the supplementary article i read about fake news on facebook. People usually are more likely to trust news sources posted by their friends or family who may share ismilar political leanings so when coming across fake news on facebook they are less likely to question the source. A perfect example of this would be on my own facebook page where people post nonsense satire stories from fake news sites where often times when you click on the link it says the story is not real but based off the comments on the article you can tell most people are only sharing based off the headline and may skim over the details while sharing the article with friends on their page.
The supplementary article i choose was "Debunking Fake News" by Eugene Kelly . In the article it tlaks about the spread of fake news information on facebook and how factcheck.org has agreed to
spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net1103U1G2.pdf10
he basket represents multiple layers of meaning on several different l~vel~. As a material object, it possesses a utilitarian function. For the non-Nanve, 1t is also a Mohegan cultural artif.ict. Through its utilitarian function, it serves to reinscribe Mohegan history and cosmology into everyday life. As a gendered cultural form, the basket is the embodiment of the role of women in passing on not only the basket-weaving tradition but cultural know~~ge as we~. F~nally, as a text, the basket assumes primacy over its newspaper linmg, reducing 1t to a utilitarian function devoid of communicative practice.
Here we restate the importance of the artifact in mohegan culture and how something that is considered communicative in one culture newspapers is reduced to being used for a practical purpose for something that the Mohegan;s themselves consider communicative.
Mohegan Wood--splint Basket The Mohegan manu'da, or basket, pictured here is in the collection of the Con-necticut Historical Society, It ia 12 inches wide, 17 inches long, and 11 inches high. It is rectangular in shape, with sides that curve slightly inward. The rim ia double reinforced and single wrapped, creating a sturdy durable frame. The cover is slightly concave, perhaps from age, with sharply defined comers. The warp and weft of the splits are of medium width. The basket ia decorated on three sides in Mohegan pink and green, and it is fully lined with pages .from an 1817 Hartford, Connectic
Here we are shown how the basket actually looked this gives a visual component to the article which was just words before. The symbols on the basket in a western context are meaningless but defined within the culture it was created in is vast rich and interesting.
spiritual force is present in this Mohegan manuaa. One of the primary symbols of the basket, perhaps the most important symbol found in Mohe-gan culrure, is the four-domed medallion. It is thought to represent the four directions, or four cardinal points, as well as the interrelationship of the soul, earth, and universe.
Just like how the supplementary reading was about a disater destroying historic buildings in italy that were historic symbols of italian culture we see that same symbolism in the four domed medallion. The medallion seems to hold a important part in mohegan cosmology just like cathedrals do to the catholic church. Cathedrals are important symbols in catholic tradition showcasing all types of religiosu symbolism that communicates ideas of christ and christianity that have been passed through time.
ohegan belief and cosmology. T
Cosmology is defined as the science of the origin and development of the universe. in this case mohegan cosomogoly would be the origin and development of the mohegan culture. According to fitzgerald these baskets give us some insight into the development of their culture using symbols and patterns that are unique to mohegan culture.
nn McMullen has suggested that the inscribed texts are political commentaries on the move to Brothertown by a faction of the Mohegan Tribe, spanning the years &om the 1770s to the 1820s. "The message;' she writes, "was that people would lose their Mohegan identity when they left the tribal lands:' 74 Any text is open to multiple readings, but this particular analysis reflects a non-Native bia
Here we get mention of a non native perspective on native culture. Mcmullen makes an assumption based off current perspectives on Native culture and identity. While Fitzegerald has an entire different interpation based on her knowledge of the culture and its cosmology. We often make assumptions based of preconceived notions that can be wrong. In this case the assumption is based off interpetation the problem with the interpation is that is based on non native assuming the natives were sad about the loss of their culture instead of taking nito account the acual history behind the symbols meaning comnig directly from their cosomology. It also highlights fitzegerald point about people not taking the writings on the basket as writings because in western culture we only view written words as a record and are not use to the idea of people communicating without using text at all.
I choose "Historical treasures lost, damaged in Italian quake" as my supplmentary source. In this article it talks about how a recent eathquake has destroyed /damaged hundreds of cultural/historical sites. Two sites that were in destroyed according to the article was the " Cattedrale di Urbino, an ancient Roman Catholic cathedral in the city of Urbino" and the "The San Giuliano cathedral in the town of Macerata " . According to the website freedictionary a cathedral is defined as "The principal church in a diocese, so called because in it the bishop has his official chair or throne (freedictionary) . Italy is the birth place of the catholic church so this defintly has improtant meaning in italian culture and relates back to main article by fizgerald in how people use things besides traditonal writing to tell their history. Everything from the design of the cathedral down to the various paintings inside communicate ideas about italian culture from the past and what it meant to the people who painted them. The italian toursite turismomacerata states that the only remnant is the capital was a parish church dedicated to Saint Julian and its existence dates back to 1022 ("Cathedral of San Giuliano"). This supplementary in away highlisghts western bias because italians recorded a large portion of their history so alot of this information is freely available on the net for anyone to read. The Mohegans recorded but not in a traditional western sense so you ahve to have knowledge of the culture and some access to the community to actual learn their history. Also in western culture people that ahve written language are often seen as more advanced than culutres who don't have a written language. When people see that a group doesn't have a written language they can easily dismiss their culture and its unique hsitory which has been done with the mohegan people due to the fact they didn't record things in a traditional way that we are used to in western culture.
Cathedral - Definition of Cathedral - Synonyms, Pronunciation, Spelling from Free Dictionary, www.freedictionary.org/?Query=cathedral..
“Cathedral of San Giuliano.” Turismomacerata, Turismomacerata, www.turismomacerata.it/en/cathedrals/cathedral-san-giuliano.
ndians made baskets and other woven objects long before European and other settlers reached American shores, and they continue these cultural prac• rices to this day. The baskets and other objects are often covered with symbolic designs containing insightful readings into the particular culture from which they originate, According to the specific cultural context, the designs may take the form of figures, geometric shapes, or A.oral patterns. Baskets, which were and still are ceremonial and utilitarian objects used for transportation and storage of items, prayer ceremonies, and traditional games, fu
so here we see that baskets and other objects are commonly see across various different indian tribes. They used these baskets for pracical purposes and as a way to communicate ideas and share their history. This relates back to the supplementary readining about the hisoric buildings destroyed in italy. The two discussed in the article were both used for paractical purposes and definitely communicate ideas about the beliefs and customs of the culture it was created in showing that in all cutlures people use forms other than traditional writing as way to showcase their ways of life.
o read the Mohegan narrative of the basket, we must make a critical move that elides the Western print symbolic system in favor of traditional Mohegan communicative practices:
this means we need to omit the western perspective on printed writing and try to understand these baskets in the context of the culture it was created in which makes perfect sense.
S4 • The Mohegans Many of these basket sellers, noted for characteristics ranging from wit to sto-rytelling to musicianship, became legendary figures in the communities they visited. Few late nineteenth-century northeastern Native baskets were signed by their makers (a practice that is culturally Western).68 The narrative that un-folds in the textual surface of a basket is not an individual creation; it belongs to the tribal community. Authorship, then, is communal rather than individual,
In western culture we someone is the author of a work tey usually take credit for it with a signature but in Mohegan culture ownership of works belonged to the entire community . In a sense this means authorship is often collaborative and not done by an individual sometimes with people adding on to the work.
he Mohegan word for painting, wuskuswang, is the same word used for writ· ing, inducting painted baskets in a long textual tradition that includes decora· tive birch bark etching, beadwork, wampum belts, and the written word. These practices comprise systems of signification that were and are read as texts. Because they do not conform to Western conceptions of writing, they have been dismissed, ignored, and largely excluded from the historical record, thus obscuring the long history of Native texts and textualities.
Basically Fitzgerald is saying that the Mohegan have a rich cultural history that still hasn't been unearthed to due to western bias on the unconventional methods they use to write in their culture.