10 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Global environmental inequality refers to "the expression of an environmental burden that would be borne primarily by disadvantaged and /or minority populations or by territories suffering from a certain poverty and exclusion of these inhabitants
Definition of GEI
- Oct 2020
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s, and in this feeling, they are often quitecorrect: What ordinary men are directly
Quote for Weber
edimension.sutd.edu.sg edimension.sutd.edu.sg
Read Lesson 1 and attempt Reading Quiz - Lesson 1
edimension.sutd.edu.sg edimension.sutd.edu.sg
2020 COMMON - 01.011 : Professional Practice Programme
Remember to do!
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Bootstrap is centered around components (at least last I used it), and it has some JS-enabled things.
What is bootstrapping
completely #nocode
is this a possible solution? #nocode
Is there a better way to use Twitter?
Research Twitter growth strat
Access to MVP after registration?
Is this a good idea?
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Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It
Read this book
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