- Jan 2017
www.hastac.org www.hastac.org
One wanted to write essays as part of the XPs. Another mentioned sketching, mapping, and planning as activities that he found both fun and educational. Many participants mentioned a strong preference for video and photographic content over audio or text-based content.
All making oriented.
engage and compete
We saw this in Lucas Blair's writing too.
Another large theme that surfaced was the need for social interaction
Not all
teens wanted learning experiences like the games and apps they already use
Important here; connected to things they already use.
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
It is actively moving in all the currents of society itself.
In our networked age, knowledge is more mobile (note: I edited) than ever before and activity moving in all currents of society. What are the implications then for our institutions of learning?
worthy, lovely, and harmonious
Love it!
Barely made it to the end. Thank you all. Looking forward to continuing these conversations. xo
The common needs and aims demand a growing interchange of thought and growing unity of sympathetic feeling
This sense of common needs is similar to "shared purpose" in connected learning.
I love the chapter on shared purpose in this book btw: Teaching in the Connected Learning Classroom (http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/books/teaching_in_the_connected_learning_classroom)
instead of a place set apart in which to learn lessons
radical (see above :)
It is radical conditions which have changed, and only an equally radical change in education suffices.
looking up "radical"
Google says: relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
educative forces
implications of thinking of educative forces ... energies ... push/pull ...
with actualities
That this revolution should not affect education in other than formal and superficial fashion is inconceivable.
So what are the impacts of a changing media ecology and globalization on education today?
the growth of a world-wide market as the object of production, of vast manufacturing centers to supply this market, of cheap and rapid means of communication and distribution between all its parts.
Now international; globalized.
is the industrial one
The one that comes to mind for me today is our rapidly changing media environment.
It was a matter of immediate and personal concern, even to the point of actual participation.
Love this sentence. What would we say today is a "matter of immediate and personal concern, even to the point of actual participation."?
in shops which were constantly open to inspection and often centers of neighborhood congregation
I love thinking about this potential here as sites of learning.
Let us then ask after the main aspects of the social movement
Connected Learning report starts in a similar place. They write "We begin with an analysis of current economic, social, and technical trends that frame the educational challenges faced by many countries, especially in the Global North – including the contraction of economic opportunity, growing inequity in access to educational and economic opportunity, and the risks and opportunities of media engagement."
Can we connect this “New Education” with the general march of events
Key question here and also in ED677.
the separation of theory and practice
I have real concerns about this separation and its implications for learning and for democracy. I think it separates learners in our systems as well as thins the learning that is possible for all. It strikes me that it also gets more at the heart of what Dewey is writing about than examples that could otherwise be described as practical versus intellectual -- that whatever our pursuit we must integrate theory and practice.
Knowledge is no longer an immobile solid; it has been liquefied
Knowledge is no longer an immobile solid; it has been liquefied.
(Highlighting this quote because I like it! :)
growing, one former is worth a thousand re-formers,”
I love the description of growing and forming together in contrast to something being re-formed or someone who re-forms.
Yet the range of the outlook needs to be enlarged. What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the community want for all of its children.
The challenge.
Exciting what we can do with texts (in this case a lecture) like this that are shared and/or in the public domain.
Thank you to the folks at Marginal Syllabus, specially @remikalir and @onewheeljoe for their support for this discussion.
John Dewey
In 2012 I heard John Seely Brown give a keynote at the DML Conference where he said that "perhaps John Dewey (and Marie Montessori) were 75 years ahead of their time" when driving models of education that brought the learner into the flow of what they were learning. Maybe, he posits, "their intuition was right but their toolset was wrong."
I was so excited by this thought and have been wondering it ever since. So how might we do what JSB does in his speech and recast some of John Dewey's work here from 1907 in today's networked age?
JSB described his goal is to create an "arc of life learning that scales." I am wondering about equity in connected learning and teaching.
See: http://dmlcentral.net/the-global-one-room-schoolhouse-john-seely-brown/
- Dec 2016
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
(ps. I only got this far tonight. will finish in the morning.)
this is not a natural landscape. Programmers and executives and editors and designers, they make this landscape. They are human beings and they all make choices.
So important. Both that it is a landscape, a system/ecosystem. And that it is not natural. It is made.
We have no way of knowing how our personal data is being mined and used to influence us
There are tools out there ... and I need to move back to Firefox.
Here's one: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/lightbeam/
Again, we have no way of knowing
No way?
measuring responses and then adapting and evolving based on that response
It claims to have built psychological profiles using 5,000 separate pieces of data on 220 million American voters. It knows their quirks and nuances and daily habits and can target them individually.
individually notice. not just collective/aggregate.
This is a propaganda machine
This is a propaganda machine. Here is a tool to fight it: http://propaganda.mediaeducationlab.com/
Cambridge Analytica
"Better Audience Reach" their website says. With a lot of pictures of DT.
they are being used to track and monitor and influence anyone who comes across their content
right. motive.
This is an entirely circular knowledge economy that has only one outcome: an amplification of the message.
Interesting to think about the shapes here, ie. "circular" knowledge economy.
and it’s learning
t’s motivated by ideology, by people who are quite deliberately trying to destabilise the internet.”
The motivation here is interesting. Challenging mainstream media - I can get that. Destabilizing the Internet? That is more confusing. Control ultimately I guess?
Facebook was just one of the hosts
FB as host
Facebook is
Facebook is ...
Pro-democracy activists are using the internet more than ever but at the same time
What about pro-democracy scholars? What about all the work locked up in university libraries, journals, etc. Would it make a difference if more of that content was out there? What skills also need to be developed?
malfunctioning autocomplete suggestions
at this point I think this idea of a "direct answer" is more the question. how are those being decided and by whom?
This was Google’s question. And this was Google’s answer
When I see auto-fills I think to myself "this is what others have googled" not what Google is questioning. Which is probably the healer way to think. this is true, right ... the questions are populated by others doing the same thing? or are they really questions Google pulls from content? or both? I realize I don't even know.
I hadn’t gone looking for it. But there it was.
not sure what to say here so just highlighting for emphasis.
- Nov 2016
tech.ed.gov tech.ed.gov
schools are faced with a growing need to protect student privacy
wondering what the students and teachers roles are in this; choice/agency as a learning making decisions about privacy
Across the board
really? do we know of examples we could share here where these conversations or work with new teachers is happening well and/or emerging?
Okay, personal rant ... What part of the brain do you not use when you are being social and emotional? I've never understood this.
Anyway. ;)
Sophisticated software has begun to allow us to adapt assessments to the needs and abilities of individual learners and provide near real-time results
Teachers do this already. In what ways does the technology improve or shift things here? Important to remember that this is what teachers do. See this article: http://datasociety.net/pubs/ecl/PersonalizedLearning_primer_2016.pdf
In addition, the roles of PK–12 classroom teachers and post-secondary instructors, librarians, families, and learners all will need to shift as technology enables new types of learning experiences.
I think this sentence puts the technology in the drivers seat instead of the other way around.
These stakeholders include leaders; teachers, faculty, and other educators; researchers; policymakers; funders; technology developers; community members and organizations; and learners and their families
I think this sentence is interesting ... opens up the possibilities beyond the classroom. What are the visions for this? How does this really become possible?