- Mar 2020
www.merlot.org www.merlot.org
This website has numerous online resources that my staff can utilize immediately in grades K-8 as we are transitioning to online instruction. I found this site on Michael's hypotheses page and I appreciate the recommendation I will be introducing the site to our teachers at our virtual meeting on Monday. 5/5
scholarworks.umt.edu scholarworks.umt.edu
Instructional Technology Theory Alignment with Practical Application During Student Teaching
An older but still relevant article on giving preservice teachers exposure and practical user ways of integrating technology into their teaching practices. 3/5
citejournal.org citejournal.org
Preservice Technology Integration throughCollaborative Action Communities
Steps to building a preservice program that integrates technology utilizing collaborative, content based programs, and authentic teaching program at University of Houston. Assessing the need, designing program implementation, setting goals based upon the need, and assessment of program success are all steps in the design process of a preservice technology program. 4/5
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
Individualized Instruction as a Faculty TrainingStrategy for Technology Integration
The study results showed that developing and implementing an effective individualized training program for instructors helped instructors in the implementation of technology into the individual courses that they created. 4/5
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
What Is a Modern Learning Environment?
A modern learning environment includes connected devices, audiovisual tools, and purposeful furniture that allow students to learn in a variety of ways. Ideas included flexible seating and utilizing student tech tools to their full capabilities. 3/5
www.goguardian.com www.goguardian.com
9 Unique Ways to use Technology in the Classroom
Creative and practical ways to integrate technology into the classroom that can be an easy first step into technology instruction for teachers whom are just beginning to implement technology into their teaching practices. Collaboration and communication are the top benefits of implementing tech into the classroom. 5/5
scholarsphere.psu.edu scholarsphere.psu.edu
Technology and the Assumptions of Andragogy
Six assumption of andragogy by Knowles, Holten, and Swanson are included to further the readers understanding of andragogy followed by useful ways of incorporating the six assumptions into instruction 4/5
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
#echnology based instruction and language learning either face-to-face or online can include so many mi$ed methods and techni5ues of the instruction
Written by an NAU alumni and gives practical implications on how to implement tech into face-to-face or online adult ESL instruction 5/5
cms.azed.gov cms.azed.gov
1Vision: Preparing Learning Communities to succeed in College and Careers in a global society through technology.Arizona Department of EducationAdult Education ServicesTechnology Plan for Arizona Adult Education
Tech plan for adult education in Arizona offers guidance i the areas of learning and teaching, as well as program operations It is still in draft form since 2015. I did not even know that this document existed. 3/5
nevadasadulteducationcommunity.wdfiles.com nevadasadulteducationcommunity.wdfiles.comPart 41
Technology as Delivery Mechanism
Technology as a way of differentiating instruction for each individual student using individualized learning systems. This approach would indicate that all students would have an individualized education plan and not just SPED students. 4/5
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
These 21st century skills include
Its interesting that this article was written in 2007 any yet 13 years later we are still trying to convince teachers why tech instruction is important. I also liked the bullet points on the necessary tech skills that are needed in the 21st century. 4/5
citejournal.org citejournal.org
During the undergraduate program students take one technology course.
The article focused on connections to education theories through technology integration and ideas included requiring an undergrad tech course to better help them navigate tech. Ways in which to embed themes into each course using technology. 5/5
scholarcommons.sc.edu scholarcommons.sc.edu
several tools/teaching strategies for higher-level technology integration were specifically reported.
Several teaching strategies for the integration of tech into the classroom: Flipgrid, digital breakouts, and skyping were recommended and explained how to use them effectively into instruction. 3/5
www.nmefoundation.org www.nmefoundation.org
how is Technology currenTly Being used To helP s TudenTs and Teachers meeT The demands of sTudenT-cenTered learning?
Excellent examples of how schools have transitioned to student centered learning by adding technology into all aspects of learning such as instruction, practice, and assessment. 5/5
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
why teachers of aK-8and K-5schoolunderusedor failed to integrate technology to support learning.
The study focused on specifically on looking at why K-8 and K-5 teachers do not integrate technology into their teaching. Results of the study showed that lack of professional development and the need for collaboration and tech acuity is needed for teachers to be able to integrate tech into their instructional practices. 4/5
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The Context of Adult LearningAndragogy, SDL, and especially transformative learning theory
A comprehensive list of articles and textbooks that relate to andragogy and is broken down into subgroups that include adult learning, meeting different expectations, and many more! 5/5
assets.cengage.com assets.cengage.comuntitled1
Integrating EducationalTechnology into the Curriculum
The article is very user friendly and effectively describes how to integrate tech into curriculum. Curriculum would be student centered, engaging, and promote higher levels of learning. 5/5
www.emerald.com www.emerald.com
Themes on a high level of confidence, the importance of professional development and training, self-motivation, and excitement about the way technology can enhance the learning, along with concerns over the lack of infrastructure and support for integrating technology, and about the ability of students to use the technology tools for higher ordered thinking surfaced.
I think sometimes when we are integrating tech we forget to think or consider how the teachers feel about integrating tech and their preconceived notions and concerns. 5/5
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Adult learning theories have been divided in the literature into the following categories: instrumental, humanistic, transformative, social, motivational, reflective, and constructivist learning theories.
The article does a good job of organizing adult learning theories in a comprehensive way. 5/5
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)
Online collaborative learning theory focuses on collaboration among students, enhancing knowledge, through the use of online learning 3/5
sites.google.com sites.google.com
In order to prepare students for the demands of this new century change in the way teaching and learning occurs must take place. Learning environments must become more authentic, by giving students the opportunities to use higher order thinking and problem solving skills connected to real world applications (Fouts, 2000). It is this need along with the change in the current student population that has led to the rethinking of learning theories and the revamping of learning environments. These new theories whose foundations are based on older educational theories are vastly different in their methods of teaching and learning.
I like the idea of creating authentic learning environments for higher order thinking, engagement, and promoting problem solving skills for 21st century learners. 4/5
lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com
(1) increasing access to educational technologies, (2) increasing the use of technology for instructional purposes, and (3) improving the effectiveness of technology use to facilitate learning.
Tech Framework needs to include: increase access to tech, increase tech instruction, use tech to facilitate learning 4/5