- May 2022
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
Giving more money to the police, or expanding the number of police, should be opposed, she says, because such actions allow police to harass and incarcerate marginalized people with greater efficiency.
This is a correlative argument by saying the increase of money in the broken system will cause it to become even more corrupt. A little bit further down, it talks about body cams and how with access to do that officers are able to change the footage to their liking.
Kaba emphasizes that the police violence that makes the news — the Black people choked to death, or shot in the back, or killed when police invade the wrong home by mistake — are “just the tip of the spear.” Police killings can capture national attention, and rightly so. But, she told me, “it's the routine and mundane violence that shapes our lives on a real systemic basis, and a structural basis.”
The author uses of civility is through the depiction of police brutality. They know the emotions this will bring up for some readers and try to feed on that empathy.
Of course, there is a utopian aspect to abolitionist thinking.
I believe this is a generalization the author is making. Nothing is a utopian, especially policies in a society or government.
If you assume cops are basically good and just need help doing their job better, then body cameras make sense.
This is a deductive argument, but I believe theres no error in the way it's used
Reformers, or people who defend current police systems, tend to talk as if most police work is beneficial. Officers in this view are friendly, as in the police fictionalized in the comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” or are at least engaged in vital work, as portrayed dramatically in “Law & Order.” But Kaba doesn’t get her view of policing from television. She gets it from talking to Black people and people of color — especially youth, queer people and sex workers — who deal with the police every day.
Although this isn't used as an analogy, it points out the analogy people have with their viewpoints on police. For some, they see these characters on television which ended up persuading their viewpoint on what police are really like.
Her opposition to police and prison starts with the experiences of marginalized people, who have to deal with police and carceral violence every day.
Although I know this from a first hand experience and experience of family members, I think statistics on incarcerated people would benefit the article.
If someone who has never researched this topic reads this, they wouldn't truly understand the gap between marginalized people incarcerated and those not.
Another good statistic that could be used is the recent amount of people that have been released early or with certain crimes being decrimalized and what groups those are.
Black people, 32 percent of the population in Chicago, account for 72 percent of police stops, according to ACLU of Illinois data.
I believe this is a great use of statistics in an argument like this. It instantly responds to the statement said before and shows how even though black people take up such a small percent of Chicago, they are the most stopped.
- Apr 2022
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
When can we all agree to do something? There has to be police reform.
possibly look at statistics of other countries police reform to compare and see what they have come up with.
Most citizens don’t want Congress to “defund the police.”
if there are any statistics on this, they would be really helpful here. what do a majority of americans really think about defunding the police or having a reform?
Too many murders by guns, chokeholds, knees to the back or neck end up in deaths of Black men. This has gone on for decades.
statistics would be useful here to emphasize how often this happens/ happened in the past decades.