- May 2015
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
You can’t annotate pages behind paywalls (as you can with our bookmarklet and Chrome extension).
I'd also say there's a real danger that our proxy might be limited by websites that see our proxy traffic and throttle us-- possibly because we've violated a threshold of free use.
So the realm of web applications that extend the browser is now becoming as balkanized as the realm of mobile apps.
I think you try to lay this balkanization at the feet of recent cross-site scripting restrictions that affect bookmarklets. I don't think that's fair. I think people have wanted more complex apps, they've needed true extensions for those, and because browser extension environments are different, there's been the inevitable fragmentation. But this balkanization is not specifically due to recent changes only potentially exacerbated by them.
But a new security regime limits the scope of what bookmarklets can do, and is forcing developers to create browser extensions instead — extensions that must be created and deployed differently for each browser.
This central thesis seems slightly overstated to me. For instance, we created an extension before we even felt the pain of the bookmarklet restrictions-- because we wanted something that didn't need to be specifically activated on each page, but that was always there, as a button on the browser-- and that would stay on when turned on, event after you browsed to a new page. Particularly important for future features that are aware all the time. Also the experience of clicking to install, and having it there permanently is perhaps favorable overall.
Maybe a softer message that highlights that bookmarklets were favorable option in many situations, but they're less effective now and that's a shame.
www.dalilusa.com www.dalilusa.com
فِي إِعْلاءِ شَأْنِ الوَطَنِ وَأَنْ يَعْمَلَ عَلَى مَا يَجْلِبُ السَّعَادَةَ لِلنَّاسِ
A casual glance says selection and annotation of arabic appears to work. I also tested with a potential partner, Johnny West at OpenOil, last year, and he (a fluent arabic speaker) confirmed that our selection seemed to work on Arabic.
(caveat: I could be completely wrong!)
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
The Amtrak train that crashed in Philadelphia was traveling faster than 100 mph, two sources close to the investigation said Wednesday.
I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering: How on earth can this happen? I doubt Amtrak tracks in the NE corridor are rated for 100mph anywhere, so how is it possible that the throttle even goes that fast? And-- clearly a system which limits speed according to local conditions, like curves, isn't beyond our technological capability.
Local file Local file
HathiTrust & OCRC / EBSCO, Proquest
Social Science
Ubiquity Press
Local file Local file
I'd add MIT Media Lab in here somewhere.
Hewlett, MacArthur, Ford, Mott, Wallace, Arnold, Walton are others. Here's a handy link. By the way, the way I found that link, was to google "Education Foundations Hewlett MacArthur Gates", i.e. naming three that I knew, and letting google route me to other adjacent ones. One of my favorite techniques.
Open Educational Resources (OERs)
Rice University Connexions / OpenStax
blog.webrecorder.io blog.webrecorder.io
will triggered
will be triggered
beta.cnx.org beta.cnx.org
- Apr 2015
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
“You demean the office that you hold and you demean the church whom it is your sworn duty to protect and defend and advance,” said Lord Christopher Monckton, a prominent climate sceptic and former policy adviser to the former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. Monckton’s opinions have been refuted by scientists, who have called his statements “very misleading” and “profoundly wrong”.
Why on earth does Monckton's voice continued to get amplified, even via a caveated mention like this? There are plenty of folks with no credibility and similar things to say. Why quote them?
www.food.com www.food.com
2-2 1/2
Too long
twitter.com twitter.com
intentional re-identification is different from accidental re-identification. accidents frequent. intention is hard.
acert.hunter.cuny.edu acert.hunter.cuny.edu
browser extension
Also available as an embed that can be included natively on pages, as well as via a proxy service. (like to this page)
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
resources, we will
This felt slightly awkward the first time I read it.
sync in real time
They’re even more surprised when they learn you can annotate a local copy of a PDF in a way that synchronizes with a web copy of the same PDF.
maybe "a local copy of a PDF collaboratively with someone annotating another local copy, or the same PDF hosted on the web"....
That's a little clumsy... but the key is to capture local:local as well as local:web
And make sure Allow Access to File URLs is checked
Add a bit more space above here to separate these things.
- Mar 2015
jonudell.net jonudell.net
I think this is an interesting option for the annotator generally, but perhaps not for something that implies a group.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
one completed project
for providing incentive and focus to annotation related development projects
... "to provide financial support to open source web annotation-related software projects."?
like to use to clear the table of distractions
The $ is supposed to clear the table of distractions? Hmm... how about something more like: ... "$40,000 that can go towards supporting the work of developers eager to take annotation further." (annotation shouldn't be capitalized).
to clearly highlight
Perhaps ... "as a new home for the fund. It clearly highlights" ...
researchoninnovation.org researchoninnovation.org
Hi Jeremy. Respond to this annotation-- I'll reply too.
plants.jstor.org plants.jstor.org
tkbr.ccsp.sfu.ca tkbr.ccsp.sfu.ca
Genius is different from other annotation platforms which tend to be browser plugins; rather, it looms over the web which is to say that it precedes the URL—for example, past Genius annotations on the LA Times website can be viewed by Genius users and new annotations can be made by going to http://genius.com/www.latimes.com.
Hypothesis provides this on our homepage, paste a link and you're brought to the linked page, with the application as a layer over it. You can then share that with others. Like this link to this page.
- Feb 2015
ec2-52-10-189-44.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com ec2-52-10-189-44.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
coming to the web
Link this to the about page.
androidfrat.com androidfrat.com
5A @ 20V, 10W
Or, more commonly known as 100W.
- Jan 2015
www.timeshighereducation.co.uk www.timeshighereducation.co.uk
Last week, Tilburg University in the Netherlands announced the cancellation of its subscriptions to the prestigious journals Science and Nature, citing budgetary pressure and an inability to cancel big deals.
One wonders whether moves like this will become the norm. Rather extraordinary. How do students read nature articles?
Local file Local file
$$\left [ – \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + V \right ] \Psi = i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \Psi$$
dro p
$$\begin{equation}x = a_0 + \cfrac{1}{a_1 + \cfrac{1}{a_2 + \cfrac{1}{a_3 + \cfrac{1}{a_4} } } \end{equation}$$
$$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}$$
$$\begin{equation} x = a_0 + \cfrac{1}{a_1 + \cfrac{1}{a_2 + \cfrac{1}{a_3 + \cfrac{1}{a_4} } } } \end{equation}$$
My father once made me write out this poem longhand over the course of a week. Punishment for some terrible transgression, though which I can't recall.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Genius, which was originally called Rap Genius before changing its name last summer, has received $55 million of venture capital funding and broadened its mission beyond music to include restaurant menus and Shakespeare, among other texts
It's worth noting that Genius is implementing a closed source version of a new web standard being developed under the W3C. Alternatives exist!
- Dec 2014
- Nov 2014
openscience.com openscience.com
If you would like to know when and how a new feature will be introduced, there is nothing easier than to just visit the repository and check
Also, we use huboard to manage our overall priorities, backlog and in progress items.
on on-line pdf documents
You can also annotate Local PDF files on your own hard drive. Anyone else with the same PDF file on their machine will be able to see the same annotations-- yes, really. Send someone a PDF via email and collaboratively annotate it together! (Just make sure you have "Allow access to file URLs" next to the Hypothes.is extension in your extension manager).
A Firefox extension should ship in the next week or two.
This problem might be solved thanks to the fact that every comment on Hypothes.is has its own url, which can be shared on social media or via e-mail, so an author can be informed this way (even if it is not the most user-friendly solution).
As you say, in the interim this might work quite well.
There is also no easy way of informing an author that someone has commented on his or her work, especially if he or she is not a Hypothes.is user
We'll be working on a number of strategies for this.
Last but not least, the interface currently works quite slowly, much slower than regular web content. This is probably because of the capacity of servers that host the project.
We'd love to hear any performance issues. There shouldn't be substantial ones. We have plenty of AWS infrastructure spun up to handle current capacity.
Today, the user profile does not offer anything interesting. It does not contain biographical information, avatar, contact, or anything else
We've got an open issue for that (vision/#28). We agree.
Using a specific user name to login, instead of email address, is less convenient and forces users to remember yet another, normally useless, bit of information
The rationale here is to give people a handle, so that they can engage in conversation. Collaborative annotation, beyond the personal use case, is inherently social.
Thus, in my opinion, the possibility of exporting comments from an on-line Hypothes.is application to a desktop application (which could be an extension of the pdf viewer) and back, might be a crucial point for the further development of hypothes.is.
I agree. We'd love to partner with a quality PDF reader app to do just that.
With bookmark programs, current Web browsers provide a limited support to personalize the Web
This is about to change dramatically.
- Oct 2014
project.hypothes.is project.hypothes.is
Hypothes.is Accounts
Who are our new accounts and new annotators (accounts w/ a public annotation) each day.
Hypothes.is Accounts
Who are our top public annotators? (Top 100?)
Hypothes.is Accounts
Average user name length
Hypothes.is Accounts
What are the top account email domains & TLDs (top 50, top 100?)
Annotation bodies
What is the average body length in chars?
Annotation bodies
- What is the average length of a selection
- What is the longest / shortest selection
Annotation bodies
That contain tags
www.w3.org www.w3.org
And collaboratively!
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Open question about how we refer to this in terms of engendering public trust.
www.dailydot.com www.dailydot.com
- Sep 2014
motherboard.vice.com motherboard.vice.com
www.mondaynote.com www.mondaynote.com
Via John Mitchell...
medium.com medium.com
project.hypothes.is project.hypothes.is
Is there a subtitle here that can help explain Catalogue? I'm not quite sure in what way you mean this.
who's using h, noted, AnnotatorJS, Open Annotation
- Forks of?
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
It's pathetic. But censorship by companies controlling privatized political space is now almost a norm. Facebook is implementing its own "laws" for social behavior and politics. Even Twitter has now folded; censoring for example, leaks about the New Zealand prime minister just this week and some time ago banning Anonymous Sweden after a request from that country. High volume publication+control of publication by powerful organisations = censorship, all the time. We have to fight to create new networks of freedom. The old and powerful always become corrupt.
Words to consider carefully.
- Aug 2014
ar.wikipedia.org ar.wikipedia.org
محمد محمد مرسي عيسى العياط وشهرته محمد مرسي
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.eduWelcome1
- Jul 2014
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
government reported Wednesday
And this
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.eduWelcome1
Scalar is a free
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.eduWelcome1
Scalar is a free, open source publishing platform
Sounds cool
epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
unsplinterable glasses
docs.hypothes.is docs.hypothes.is
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Driven by the doctrine of manifest destiny
Force login works now, which is great.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
annotation is presented or integrated into services
I'm not sure this is true. Is it? Does the tool really need to be fundamentally different in design or integration? Different use case, different archetype. But what are the key differences you see?
What kind of discovery? I get curriculum development.
learners in pedagogy
Like... students? Not sure what this means.
- Jun 2014
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
there remain challenges to annotating specific “states” within these environments
Like what?
representing interactive modeling or input-driven simulations
Not sure what this means.
then annotation must be particularly sensitive to the context of the use of educational materials
Maybe the solution is to enable copyediting features and to use them when appropriate?
If objects are immutable and likely to remain in the original context in which they were first published
I'm not sure I understand this. I think we generally assume the annotatable part of the web to be either fixed content, or stable enough that an anchor can persist. So-- is this qualification necessary?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
As the last thing, change the URL to be /applicationhelp
to use our
Or forum
Show the image.
Add the image
Replace with current image.
Enter the activation code
I don't think this is up to date. Do we still do activation codes?
Replace image with recent one.
Change image. We don't have Claim a username anymore.
sign In
Sign in
- May 2014
“make a new comment” icon
The comment icon is the "plus" sign at the bottom of the three tools visible when hovering over the speech bubble tab of the sidebar.
www.shuttleworthfoundation.org www.shuttleworthfoundation.org
Location should be default sort. Progress bar when annotations are being loaded. Searching document should also search comments
wiki.shuttleworthfoundation.org wiki.shuttleworthfoundation.org
A: Collaboration: How can we encourage/support collaboration while personalizing practice and doing practice online? Peer collaboration and teaching can be very effective techniques for learning. Teaching something helps the teacher learn it more effectively. Working in groups to solve problems helps students overcome obstacles, and through convincing and arguing helps them elaborate on their own understanding. If students are doing online practice, can we still benefit from peer collaboration and instruction? Consider online and offline techniques in an individual classroom. What might be possible in a MOOC?
Group A:
- Annotate the document
- Live chat
- Exercise specific chat / more general chat
- More senior grades tutoring
- Take a photo of the page, tweet / instagram, etc
- For MOOCS, subgroups of optimal number
www.nolmecolindor.com www.nolmecolindor.com
They would of course say a lot of stuff in response to the request for evidence; the trouble is that what they said wasn’t evidence (let alone good evidence).
I've witnessed this on both halves of the climate debate. Both sides will defend their position with equal vigor-- neither can usually command much in support of it.
epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
Sentence like this.
docs.hypothes.is docs.hypothes.is
issue h/758
Interframe communication [x] Being able to target an iFrame for use with Epub.js and others. [ ] Enable turning off h. from page action icon (issue h/468) Unit/functional testing basic hooks [ ] front-end (punt to after breaking out the frontend?) [x] back-end
Lost the proper indentation here
[ ] Social views (issue h/535, [specs](https://docs.google.com/document
[ ] Link-only annotation view (issue h/424) /d/1bXRjm7rL8xlwsb-kXiRfxSeB8qLShSzmG1MP6cB7JI8/edit?usp=sharing))
s3.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com
This essay explores the idea of intellectual communication and its improvement through the development of a shared academic language based on these and other universal analytical and evaluative concepts
Our task then is to see if we can use these principles and others to implement a framework for deliberation on human knowledge.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Testing too!
stellar iso lation
this is a test
arxiv.org arxiv.org
hot Jupiter
Is Jupiter really hot?
- Apr 2014
math.berkeley.edu math.berkeley.edu
well suited for undergraduate students
Annotate this.
epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
Lilke this.
sfgov.legistar.com sfgov.legistar.com
machine - readable format
In just the same way,
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
asserted governmental
Multiple statements
www.rawstory.com www.rawstory.com
but if the universe were only 6,500 years old, how could we see light from anything more distant than the Crab Nebula?
Great point neil
- Mar 2014
math.berkeley.edu math.berkeley.edu
annotate it.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The president said the United States and other world powers rejected Russia’s annexation of Crimea, a region of Ukraine that voted to secede on March 16.
That's probably not going to work.
lappland.io lappland.io
You will notice that the review includes a complete transcript of the online annotations; see below for why
The link to @hlapp's stream for this article is here
So in the end my experiment caused more work rather than less for the journal staff.
We're hosting a workshop on peer-review and annotation May 15-16 in Washington, DC. Perhaps someone from F1000 could participate.
ideally, a journal would have set up the Hypothes.is Annotator for itself such that comments entered by a reviewer would automatically be tagged uniquely such that they can subsequently be linked to the review and reviewer.
Commonly requested. We have a stub issue for this here. (Just created).
Google Chrome
Firefox coming soon. Others to follow after that.
Most online annotation platforms don't, or don't yet work on PDFs
Ours does! The current Chrome extension supports annotation of PDFs using an included version of Mozilla's PDFjs.
and in fact not even advertised on the front page
Yes, we haven't felt it quite ready to promote on the home page just yet. We're close though!
it really applies to the article as a whole than some part of the text.
We already support "annotations" (i.e. traditional comments) that refer to the whole article that would be appropriate for this. It's possible that perhaps there is a role for a template of some sort for journal reviews that could live in the body of annotations like this.
The comments I made using Hypothes.is became public immediately6, though presumably a journal-hosted version could keep them private until checked and approved.
This will be possible with Groups which we're in the process of designing now, and will be developing shortly.
But this loses many of the advantages of using online annotation to start with, such as easy pinpointing of text position, establishing a conversation thread, and making the conversation accessible to the public, unless some way is found to keep offline and online versions in syncrony.
Exactly. It feels better to stick with rendering annotations for various purposes dynamically--rather than moving them to PDF as the preferred archival form.
There is no direct way to create a PDF yet from Hyppthes.is annotations, leaving print-to-file as the only alternative
If you could pull a stream of just the annotations from the article reviewed, and even scoped to just those from the reviewers, would that work? One could print the results of that stream to PDF easily through browser features outside of H.
The Hypothes.is platform doesn't yet have a URL that resolves as the review annotations as a whole, or a single annotation on top of the online text7
This feature we've called Direct Linking. It should come relatively soon after our 0.1 release. Our roadmap is here, and updated frequently.
The URL interface that exists for retrieving review comments (the "stream" interface) shows them in reverse chronological order (most recent first), and for now there is no option to control the ordering
This feature we call "View / Sort". We're implementing it first for the sidebar--there's a working demo here. The stream should follow quickly, since the stream and sidebar are closely related. There's a separate issue for that here.
as the
in order to?
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
contained higher amounts
Having a conversation.
SNS from TTF
Make a comment;
17 weeks after transplantation. Ten of these mice developed tumors. In the remaining 23 healthy mice
Actually, no.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
something new
junior officer
Zaharie Ahmad Shah
Hey... I knew this guy in high school.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Sergei Y. Naryshkin
Hey I knew this guy.
doc-04-8g-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-04-8g-docs.googleusercontent.com
epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
While you annotate.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
President Obama
- Feb 2014
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
inflaming an increasingly volatile situation, Viktor
Like that
Viktor F. Yanukovych
I knew victor
Viktor F. Yanukovych
I knew him in high school
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Scottish Episcopal
Like so
Charles Kennedy
Hey... I knew this guy in high school.
indianexpress.com indianexpress.com
killing of FC personnel
Into an annotation
Irfan Siddiqui
Like so.
epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
Ishmael, muttered
Like so.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
International Committee of the Red Cross
Their web address is here:....
Lakhdar Brahimi
Hey, I grew up with this guy.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
House Republican
Hey, it works now!
- Jan 2014
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
President Obama’s
Hi Bama!
Pell Grants for low-income college students
I used one these when I was a kid. Bring em back!
epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
Like so.
Corlears Hook
like so.
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
The universe resemble
power divine
Like so
Thus far hath one of steep Parnassus' brows Suffic'd me
That's fascinating! Who is Parnassus?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
William Kristol
Create an annotation. Saying something insightful.
semiaccurate.com semiaccurate.com
Basically, with Ultrabooks, once the bad guys are in, there is NO way to get them out without voiding a warranty and desoldering flash chips. Luckily, Microsoft security, aided by McAfee software, all built on an platform designed by people who don’t even understand the basics, has your back, protecting your valuables with walls of rice paper obscured by blizzards of press releases.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
When the user is building a trail, he names it, inserts the name in his code book, and taps it out on his keyboard. Before him are the two items to be joined, projected onto adjacent viewing positions
I love this early UX imagining of the linking/annotation process by Vannevar. What's notable here of course is that he suggested that creating links between things was a function that something visitors (trailblazers) could do. In a sense, to him the notion of a hypertext link, and a clickable annotation w/ two targets were mutually interchangeable ideas. Today, these are distinct. The idea that a visitor can do this, is only possible within the emerging idea of Open Annotation as we understand it now. It's why those of us exploring it are so excited about its potential.
- Dec 2013
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
stratigraphy concerns the events between its bounding surfaces as well as the nature of the boundary itself
Create an annotation here.
docs.webplatform.org docs.webplatform.org
maybe kill this comma
docs.webplatform.org docs.webplatform.org
Adding and searching custom tags
Our current interface supports creating ad-hoc tags. We are planning some additional features in the future (reference to external ontologies, auto-suggest, etc #142). Is the current capability sufficient for Phase 1 MVP?
If emails responses are sent to mailing list, links to those emails (or body text) should be added to annotation thread
In other words, if I reply to an email , a reply annotation should be created. This would be expected functionality in any basic email notification scheme. This is included in our issue #1004.
Credentials for identity (W3C, WebPlatform.org)
EDIT: Changed to Phase1
Show annotations on demand
We support this now, via a "show annotations" toggle
Annotation server hosted on WebPlatform.org
Available now.
Persist annotations across different versions of same spec
With an embedded canonical URL this is available now.
Toggle annotation functionality on or off
Exactly what is meant here? With the extension, it can be activated-- i.e. turned on, but we're still working on turning it off! #468). We also have a "show annotations" capability, to allow highlighting of all source level annotations on the page. Will a Phase 1 demo be done w/ an extension, or via direct embedding of JS on a given page?
EDIT: Changed to Phase1 at @tilgovi's suggestion below
Reflecting comments in the mailing list
Sending email notifications clearly seems like Phase 1 scope. How exactly annotations would be reflected to a mailing list and how that would be configured, needs to be spec'd. issue #1004
Allow admin curation of links (adding links, or removing irrelevant links on same thread)
Can you describe in more detail?
Consider adding tags in new custom email header
Exactly what you mean should be spelled out here. Feels like this is either Phase 2 or 3.
Alert users when they start annotating an older version of a document (requires knowing the current version)
This feels like Phase 3.
Consider sending a custom headers via email, so replies can be federated, keeping discussion threaded and complete
Suggesting Phase1
Optional: Add special "classes" of annotation, such as tests results, that display differently in the spec than simple text annotations (perhaps as icons for browser support)
You say "display differently in the spec". In what way? By color, by style of highlight, etc. Suggesting this be Phase 2 or 3.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Some functions of physical books that seem to have no digital place are nevertheless being retained
Tell me about these functions!
www.philly.com www.philly.com
Their research was published in the light-hearted Christmas edition of the medical journal BMJ on Thursday
Like so.
British doctors who carefully read Ian Fleming's series of James Bond novels say the celebrated spy regularly drank more than four times the recommended limit of alcohol per week.
I used to read these stories.
thedeadcanary.wordpress.com thedeadcanary.wordpress.com
Great Pacific Ocean
I love the ocean!