1,288 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
  2. Jan 2016
    1. individuals looking to find homes for forsaken chickens

      Perhaps I should set up such a home. Might help defray the monthly food bill.

    2. The upshot has been a sharp rise in abandoned birds.

      Pardon me from asking the obvious-- but why don't people eat these "abandoned" chickens?

    1. When we asked for clarification on what "technology advancements" meant, we were told to file a Freedom of Information Act request (which we've done).

      I think we take this kind of BS as fairly pedestrian unfortunately. "Oh yeah, they said we needed to file a FOIA request." But think about that. Here is a high profile court case that depended on a rare lab technique that was created de novo for this one request, based on a single 1997 study (the info that this test was done uniquely for this one request was in the Netflix documentary).

      Folks have questions about the procedure, and instead of being transparent about what they did, our government essentially says "Fuck you, force us to give it you if you really want it."

      At least we have the docs here, so I guess we should be grateful for that?

    1. After three explosions, many critics are asking if Elon Musk should either pack his bags or scale back his vision for SpaceX.

      Citation please? I've heard no serious arguments towards this end. He'll keep trying and eventually he'll succeed. It may take another year of failures. They're being paid full price for these launches, so from a traditional space services perspective, any experiments he wants to do to recover rocket stages at the end of these launches is really up to him. Who are these theoretical detractors? Strawmen for the purposes of writing clickbait?

    1. Working hard is code for, the system screwed me. It is code for injustice. The system that values wealth accumulation, income inequality and global warming. I have to work 5 jobs to pay my rent, when my rich neighbor is getting richer.

      I can see a perspective on this-- particularly in large organizations where individuals may primarily toil for the upward accumulation of wealth towards executives and shareholders.

      But there is another perspective-- that of the individual scientist, the small entrepreneur, the social worker. Dedicated, passionate individuals performing magic by accomplishing things that others cannot, often unreasonably constrained by time, money and resources.

    1. Trans-Pacific Partnership to open markets, protect workers and the environment, and advance American leadership in Asia

      What about negotiating our rights away in secret, and subordinating sovereign rights to corporate interests? http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/heres_why_the_trans-pacific_partnership_agreement_just_plain_wrong_20150107

    2. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined.  Our troops are the finest fighting force in the history of the world.

      I hope the irony in pairing these sentences was intended.

    3. and going after terrorist networks

      Disagree on the 2nd point. Terrorist networks have vastly less impact on our citizens than many many other things, including citizens shot by police.

    4. Companies have less loyalty to their communities.

      Cue Trump

      Somewhere Trump is eating an Oreo

    5. the United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world.

      Not to rain on this parade, but how much of this is due to unprecedented amounts of quantitative easing? http://www.startribune.com/unease-with-quantitative-easing-is-going-global/363399171/

    1. among them Richard Mellon Scaife, an heir to the Mellon banking fortune, and Harry and Lynde Bradley, brothers who became wealthy in part from military contracts but poured millions into anti-government philanthropy.

      And let's not forget Prescott Bush, father of George H. W. Bush, our 41st president. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar

  3. Dec 2015
    1. "Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success" author Michael D'Antonio reveals a strange ritual Donald Trump does every morning to boost his ego.

      As much as I dislike Trump, this "ritual" is essentially just common sense. If I were running for office, I'd do exactly the same thing. Why deprive yourself of this intel? And the video tapes of him succeeding? Could just be a homegrown form of positive reinforcement that he uses to review his interactions and refine his messaging.

  4. jurnsearch.wordpress.com jurnsearch.wordpress.com
    1. Posted by David Haden

      Thanks for the coverage David, and I absolutely love the OA search engine you've created with JURN. If you read this, reach out to connect with us, I'd love to chat.

    2. over the past 20 years

      We've got our own list too.

    3. The ‘can’, not ‘will’, is probably because the big publishers like Elsevier et al are noticeably absent from the list of Hypothes.is academic supporters.

      Note that it reads "much of scholarship". Even without the majors (though they're already curious), I think we'll get there. What this really requires is momentum and buy-in from users and a majority of publishers, but not necessarily all of them. The browser extensions already give us a way to reach into content we don't control-- but support from major publishers helps us with content that's more challenging, and helps to signal to readers a default solution.

    4. But even in that relatively limited arena, who will do all the hand annotation, moderation, linkrot checking and repair need to keep such a service usable across a billion or more pages and documents?

      These are great questions, lets break them down:

      Hand annotation-- I think this one is easy. People will annotate what they want to discuss, i.e. people's attention will be spent as they determine it should. Clearly not everything will get an annotation-- but then there are many papers that are never even read. However, the more pervasive, standards-based, powerful and user-centric an annotation capability is, the more it will be used. And by that I don't mean the Hypothes.is service, but rather a client through which you can connect with your annotation service of choice.

      Linkrot checking and repair -- This could easily be assisted through automation. I can imagine us crawling annotations periodically (and/or checking them when they're served). Broken links could either be signaled as an issue to the original annotator, or potentially checked against a web archive (e.g. archive.org) and supplanted with a reference there-- or both.

      Moderation-- Obviously this is the most important question. If annotation becomes spammy, then users and (particularly) publishers will stop using it. But there are wide variety of strategies we can explore to address this, including community flagging, leveraging groups, using algorithms to identify likely spam and focus resources on it, gating initial permissions by scoring registration email addresses and other such options.

    5. So it seems Hypothes.is needs fixed browser-displayed content, located on a URL that’s never going to break

      We will shortly support annotation of PDFs against their Adobe ID fingerprint. This will remove the need for a stable URL for PDFs, and will enable use cases like annotating PDFs that you save to disk or receive via email from others.

      Otherwise we can also relate two HTML pages to eachother (or to a PDF) if the same content is available elsewhere.

    1. British police officers disarming a man with a machete

      The video I think they're talking about is here, though at the key point the camera points away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX5CPx4RKWw

    1. The company has a reputation for promoting clickbait—think adult pictures of child stars, diet tips, travel slideshows, and other content of that ilk.

      Is the money Taboola offers really worth the degree to which it debases the content it's embedded on? (Don't answer that!)

    1. scribble comments

      Or perhaps, "contribute annotations"?!

    2. There are currently no comments.

      But a bunch of annotations ^

    3. Hypothes.is users have several options for creating and viewing annotations. These include bookmarklets (a simple program within a browser bookmark), browser plugins or adding 'via.hypothes.is/' to the start of any URL.

      We also support embedding the javascript application on a page, so that it's there by default. https://hypothes.is/for-publishers/

  5. Nov 2015
    1. This is why redesigns of other people’s work is pure folly e.g. the new Yahoo logo, changes to Facebook, the New New Twitter, the American Airlines rebrand.

      What? No one should ever try to redesign others' work because they might have less than complete information about the decisions that went into it? "cough" Bullshit!

    1. LetEbe an elliptic curve overQ, and let%[and%]be odd two-dimensional Artin representationsfor which%[%]is self-dual. The progress on modularity achieved in recent decades ensures theexistence of normalized eigenforms

      Like this.

    1. $$\idotsint_V \mu(u_1,\dots,u_k) \,du_1 \dots du_k$$

      Here's LaTeX math support in the pull quote.

    1. \(a^2+b^2 =(p^2-q^2)^2+(2pq)^2 =p^4-2p^2q^2+q^4+4p^2q^2 =p^4+2p^2q^2+q^4 =(p^2+q^2)^2 =c^2\)

      $$\(a^2+b^2 =(p^2-q^2)^2+(2pq)^2 =p^4-2p^2q^2+q^4+4p^2q^2 =p^4+2p^2q^2+q^4 =(p^2+q^2)^2 =c^2\)$$

    2. 1/(1-x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty x^n.

      $$1/(1-x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty x^n$$

    3. mathematics

      $$\begin{matrix} -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & -2 & \ddots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 1 & -2 \end{matrix}$$

    1. Pathologists and radiologists spend years acquiring and refining their medically essentialvisual skills, so it is of considerable interest to understand how this process actually unfoldsand what image features and properties are critical for accurate diagnostic performan

      Saying relevant.

    1. strategic reflection

      How exactly does one reflect ... strategically?

    1. Harassment by Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) has been proposed as a potential contribu-tor to the calf deaths [15,18].

      Add another note.

    2. At least 626 southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) calves died at the Península Valdéscalving ground, Argentina, between 2003 and 2014. Intense gull harassment may have con-tributed to these deaths

      Write something here that I feel passionately about.

    1. ضير وتنظيم ومراقبة كامل المسار الانتخابي مستقبلا، واستخلص بأن هيئة تخت

      مل المسار الانتخابي مستقبلا، واستخلص بأن هيئة تختصر صلاحياتها في المراقبة الحصرية للانتخابات كما ورد في الرسالة الرئاسية الأخيرة، لا تعبر سوى عن إرادة الإطالة في عمر التزوير المتفشي في المنظومة السياسية الوطنية بأشكال ووسائل أخرى.

    1. The conclusion we reached was inescapable: No amount of corporate profit or share price value could justify our participation, however indirectly,


    2. My colleagues and I traveled to Bristol Bay in 2008 to encounter firsthand the land and people put in harm’s way by the proposed Pebble Mine

      Hello, I really don't think so.

    1. Because the proposed pipeline was seen as crucial to the exploitation of these resources,


    2. Nearly every mainstream climate scientist has said that a big portion of the fossil fuels now in the ground must remain there if the world is to avoid the worst consequences of global warming.

      This area here.

    1. The remembrance poppy is especially prominent in the UK. In the weeks leading up to Remembrance Sunday, they are distributed by The Royal British Legion in return for donations to their "Poppy Appeal", which supports all current and former British military personnel.


    1. Developed by Lexus’ F Performance Racing Team, the RC-F GT3 promises plenty of power to offer from the 5L V8 engine it runs on

      Make an annotation

    1. The sources said the attorney general’s investigation of Exxon Mobil began a year ago, focusing initially on what the company had told investors over the course of decades about the risks that climate change might pose to its business.

      If the battlefront on climate change turns to whether extraction industries have misled investors, that will be an extraordinary turn of events indeed.

    1. But the first George Bush, now 91 and frail from a form of Parkinson’s disease, has seen his reputation rise again with the passage of time, and Mr. Meacham


    2. In interviews with his biographer, Mr. Bush said that Mr. Cheney had built “his own empire” and asserted too much “hard-line” influence within George W. Bush’s White House in pushing for the use of force around the world. Mr. Rumsfeld, the elder Mr. Bush said

      Like this.

    1. Divergence of developmental mechanisms within populations may lead to hybrid 15developmental failure, and may be a factor driving speciation in angiosperms

      This is a test message from Dan

    1. However, the well-documented hub position and information-bridging potentialof midline DMN regions indicate that ther

      Like so

    2. An investigation of task-related changesin DMN functional connectivity during a series of both internaland external tasks would provide the requisite investigation forexamining the role of the DMN during goal-directed task

      Say something appropriate here.

  6. Oct 2015
    1. Flat discussion views have their limitations, too.

      It would have really been a service to readers here if you could have explored this a bit. What exactly are the limitations of flat discussions Jeff?

      I'll take the liberty of offering my list:

      Flat discussions:

      1. Don't scale well to many participants. After a very short while the conversation maxes out, and people are talking over each other.
      2. Don't work well on popular posts. This is a variation of the first point, with the emphasis on participants in a compressed period of time.
      3. Force hacks like the use of @mentions at the beginning of lines to target remarks to a specific person.
      4. Get noisy quickly.
      5. Dumb down conversations to the few ideas and few voices that are sustainable before things get too congested.
    2. You're forced to click through to see the responses

      Actually only in older usenet style systems. In forums like Reddit, you don't have to click through anywhere, and the 'collapsor' at the root of any branch lets you quickly "read-by-collapsing' as you quickly decide that each branch doesn't deal with a subject you're interested in.

    3. Better to force people to start a new topic if they want to get off topic.

      In other words, having the conversation you want to have is "getting off topic". Says who? Who decides which conversation is "on topic"? The tyranny of the single loud room, in which only simple conversations can be had by a few folks?

      Not to belabor the point, but the whole point of threading is to allow people to "start a new topic" if they want to "get off topic", but without disturbing those who prefer to continue discussing the thing they were.

    4. Branched discussions are disjointed to follow and distracting

      Often so are normal discussions. Does that mean we shouldn't have them? Conversations are complex things.

    1. preparation


    2. In preparation of the manuscript (Fleming et al. 2015) the authors incorrectly misspelledthe patronym dedicated to Jose Mario Moraga

      Something that I'd like to say.



    1. If I’ve recently made an “Only Me” annotation, and thus it’s the default sticky publish mode for me, then when I respond to a group annotation, the default is still “Only Me”.

      I think stickiness should be for top-level source annotations, not replies.  The reply should default to the parent, particularly for groups.

    1. I’ve invited Dan and Conor there.

      How did you do that?

    2. Textbox for URL seems unnecessarily small but clearly no comfortable width will accommodate https://stage.hypothes.is/groups/Bvd724/2015-10-06-test-narrative

      Agree with this. Wider is better.

  7. Sep 2015
    1. by asking if something makes sense, I’m implicitly asking about a person’s comprehension — their mental process, not my communication.

      I actually don't see it that way. When I ask if "that makes sense", I can just as often if not more likely be asking whether I make sense-- appealing to them as the sensible judge, and implying that perhaps I am the one that is "non-sense".

      Someone who is perhaps overly self-critical might see it the other way around of course, but I don't think the question as stated carries a negative connotation.

    1. New technical specs about China’s new J-31 fighter, a plane designed to rival the American-made F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, popped up on a Chinese blog last week. So who has the advantage — the U.S. or China?

      Wait, not a whisper in this entire article about what utter crap the F-35 apparently is, completely unsuited for many of the fundamental tasks it was designed? The cynic in me is amused that the Chinese may have replicated a turd, the counterpoint of course is that they may have been following the news and fixed the flaws themselves.

    1. beyond-the-PDF

      The first Beyond the PDF workshop was a grass roots affair, held at UCSD in 2011. An except from the page states:

      The goal of the workshop was not to produce a white paper! Rather it was to identify a set of requirements, and a group of willing participants to develop a mandate, open source code and a set of deliverables to be used by scholars to accelerate data and knowledge sharing and discovery . Our starting point, and the only prerequisite to participating, was the belief that we need to move Beyond the PDF (meant to capture a common philosophy, not necessarily to be taken literally). In a heady moment we might also describe our efforts as the desire to contribute to the development of a free and open digital printing press for the 21st century.

      original participants

    1. In reality, they aren’t two separate things.

      Haven't you just contradicted the false dilemma you posed in the first paragraph? I was just about to leave a note there venting a little frustration, but here you've knocked that straw man down. Perhaps recraft the opener instead?

    1. Those two words will instinctively conjure images of Richard Stallman for some, but fear not, there will be no parrots in this piece.

      Richard Stallman is famous for the speaking rider he sends out when he is considering an engagement. The relevant portion:

      If you can find a host for me that has a friendly parrot, I will be very very glad. If you can find someone who has a friendly parrot I can visit with, that will be nice too.

      DON'T buy a parrot figuring that it will be a fun surprise for me. To acquire a parrot is a major decision: it is likely to outlive you. If you don't know how to treat the parrot, it could be emotionally scarred and spend many decades feeling frightened and unhappy. If you buy a captured wild parrot, you will promote a cruel and devastating practice, and the parrot will be emotionally scarred before you get it. Meeting that sad animal is not an agreeable surprise.

      Stallman and a parrot

      (Yes, I know that's a cockatiel)

    1. If' I'm promoting writing for an audience, should I also have all commenting and feedback public?

      I'll give a separate answer, which is that I think there are probably many different models, and hopefully what emerges over time is a spectrum that varies according to context, classroom, strategy, etc.

      I do want to call attention as Jeremy did to the groups feature which is launching in just weeks. That will resolve the overall "public" question, allowing you to easily scope it to the classroom. Further breaking it down to 1:1 interaction, easily is something we've heard before. You of course could do that with 25 groups that you manage, one for each student-- but clearly that's cumbersome. Others have said they want a group mode where contributors can only annotate in a way that the administrator (teacher) can see-- possibly until a config has changed and the group is opened to classwide visibility.

      Mostly we want to know exactly what students would like in order to make annotating more fun, more effective and more rewarding overall for them.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to experiment with us. We look forward to more.

    1. Our Member organization has a high turnover rate, which is a common characteristic found in the direct selling industry.

      Perhaps the reason they have a high turnover rate is because only a very few members make anything approaching a sustainable living. Bill Ackman compares Herbalife to another similar company, Vemma, recently sued for fraudulent marketing practices.

      Bill's presentation is here.

      Relative amounts of compensation

    1. The yellow lane would start at 3mph, allowing people to get on safely at stations, and then build up to 9mph between stations. Once you're up to speed on the yellow lane, you could switch to either the orange or red walkways, which would move at 12mph and 15mph respectively.

      This concept was proposed by Robert Heinlein in the 1940 science fiction short story The Roads Must Roll.

    1. If your company lacks a clear mission, make it your job to facilitate the creation of one.

      Good advice.

    2. This is why redesigns of other people’s work is pure folly e.g. the new Yahoo logo, iOS7, changes to Facebook, the New New Twitter, the American Airlines rebrand. People have no context for the decision making process involved in these projects, no knowledge of the requirements, constraints, organisational politics.

      This is just crazy wrong to me. What, we aren't supposed to touch other people's work, think about other organization's problems (even though clearly we have limited information about their challenges)? Aren't we frequently asked to give an "outsider's perspective", aren't external consultants unburdened by internal politics sought for their fresh perspectives?

      Why stifle this by calling it folly?

      I'd add that if applicants send in their own designs without providing the context that helps show their thinking and informs the employer of why they approached a design in the way they did then most certainly I agree. It's the thinking after all that's most valuable. The last mile of "dribbble"-perfect pixels can be a wonderful but finishing veneer that must lie over a solid foundation. But an applicants failure to do that is decidedly unlike what happens when someone attempts to redesign someone else's work or problem space.

      In fact, one of my all time favorite redesigns is Tyler Thompson's redesign of Delta Airline's boarding pass. What makes it so great, aside from the range of designs produced (and the alternatives sent in by a wide range of others ) is the thought process he leads us through. Clearly the "redesign of others work" in and of itself is not folly.

    1. As is also common among abortion-enabling biotechnology companies, they completely ignored that very few such mothers exist in Spain.

      Which mothers? Expectant ones? Ones with Downs babies (wouldn't have a need for the test probably, unless it's for the next pregnancy). Or statistically are there fewer Downs babies born in Spain for other reasons?

      Oh, and what exactly is "common among abortion-enabling biotechnology companies"?

  8. Aug 2015
    1. The "centrist" position, shared by conservative Democrats and the few remaining moderate Republicans, is that it's happening but we shouldn't do anything about it.

      Citation please.

    2. In fact, most moderates have at least one opinion that is well outside the mainstream of either party.

      What you're saying then is that "most humans" have an opinion outside the mainstream of either party. Should this be surprising to us?

      I'd love to see data on this though. Otherwise it's kind of just conjecture.

    1. 1209

      Collection number should read 1269 according to Plantae Hartwegianae.

    1. Pre-print servers like the arXiv are already taking care of the distribution of the papers, and the peer review, which is responsible for the quality check side of things, can (and might?) be organised collectively by the community on top of that.
    2. Essentially, it is a browser plugin that allows you to read and write annotations anywhere on the web

      It's also available as javascript that can be embedded by site owners, wordpress users, etc. In addition, we have a proxy called "via" that can inject it onto any page on the fly. We have a page that describes the options for publishers.

    3. Also, the ability to be notified (e.g. via email) whenever annotations are written on specific webpages, or websites would be needed

      We agree. This is near the top of our queue right now.

    4. Then, the particular annotations that the group (e.g. a research group at a university) finds most useful can be made more publicly available, if desired.

      The phenomenon you allude to here is something that I've wondered about. People may want to evolve their thinking in a more restricted circle and, once it's refined-- or they're more confident it won't get ridiculed-- circulate it more widely. It will be interesting to see if this is how it's used.

    5. If annotations could be restricted to sub-groups then people will be more inclined to write annotations.

      This is literally the thing we are working on right now and will ship next!

    1. In graduate literature seminars across the country, you’ll find eager students doing their damnedest to produce superficially clever, “contrarian” readings of works of literature. Part of the reason is how little gold’s left in classic works of literature after a century and change of interpretative strip-mining — and part of it is simply because graduate literature seminars are populated by people heavily invested in being considered clever by their peers.

      As an english major myself, I often wondered just how many 10s of thousands of years into the future college freshman would be digging through Macbeth and To Kill a Mockingbird for the smallest new angle. But yeah, I'm sure by the time you're in graduate school the stakes are though the roof.

    1. Ooof. Frowny face.

      I think the most interesting part about the Daily Telegraph story is that they actually made a correction as a result.

      UPDATE (07/08/15):

      Here is the list of statements that have been removed (or modified) from the original version of The Telegraph article:

      “River Thames could freeze over in 2030s when Northern Hemisphere faces bitterly cold winters, scientists say” [original subtitle of the article] “The earth is 15 years from a “mini ice-age” that will cause bitterly cold winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have predicted.“ “[…] in such a way that temperatures will fall dramatically in the 2030s.“ “In a presentation to the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, she said the result would be similar to freezing conditions of the late 17th century.“ “This had helped create a picture of what would happen in the 2030s.“


    1. Echoing the remarks of Miley Cyrus and other celebrities who are increasingly embracing notions of sexual fluidity, Stewart added she doesn’t think declaring one’s sexual identity is such a necessary idea anymore. “I think in three or four years, there are going to be a whole lot more people who don’t think it’s necessary to figure out if you’re gay or straight,” she said. “It’s like, just do your thing.”

      God, this can't come soon enough. Thank you.

    1. The education of the future, as I see it, will be conducted through the medium of the motion picture… where it should be possible to obtain one hundred percent efficiency.”

      Obviously the prediction was a bit off, but the success of primarily video oriented education approaches, like Khan academy 100 years later, does suggest that he was on to something. (Biased though he obviously was!) There is something immediate, visceral and compelling about video as a medium for education.

    1. Unlike hypothes.is, together.js is meant for small groups to privately discuss the content, not for public annotation.

      We're just about to release private group annotation, specifically to address this commonly requested feature!

  9. Jul 2015
    1. The South Carolina senator and GOP presidential candidate responded Wednesday to Donald Trump giving out his personal phone number with a dramatic one-minute video, titled, “How to destroy your cell phone with Lindsey Graham.” As the title implies, the video shows the senator mercilessly destroying a phone

      Since we all know that smashing your phone is an effective countermeasure when someone publicizes your personal (and portable) mobile number.

  10. www.openthegovernment.org www.openthegovernment.org
    1. To improve cybersecurity in the United States through enhanced sharing of information about cybersecurity threats, and for other purposes

      Test annotation

    2. To improve cybersecurity in the United States through enhanced sharing of information about cybersecurity threats, and for other purposes.

      Here's what a sample annotation might look like.

    1. problem

      I'll note that the photo is one of construction, not crumbling. :)


    1. he 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act gives Congress 60 days to review the deal before Obama can begin lifting sanctions. In theory, they could vote to block US sanctions relief, which would violate the terms of the deal — effectively killing it

      Skeptical lawmakers were further irked Monday after the United Nations Security Council unanimously endorsed the deal before Congress had vetted it, which some members viewed as a slight to the legislative branch.

    1. “The video was not edited,” spokesman Tom Vinger told The Washington Post. “There was a technical issue during upload.”

      No way no how. It's completely impossible for a video to appear (poorly) edited, complete with gaps and repeats, because it was "affected in the upload". To point out the obvious: 1) Modern error correction, and 2) even absent error correction, any upload error would result in a spectrum of possible outcomes none of which would in anyway remotely resemble the editing of a video in this way.

    1. What will new technologies mean for the sharing of personal annotations?

      It quite likely could present a challenge to serendipity if we don't consciously create ways to encourage the sharing of the personal.

    1. Westphalian

      From Wikipedia:

      Scholars of international relations have identified the modern, Western-originated, international system of states, multinational corporations, and organizations, as having begun at the Peace of Westphalia

    1. “This is what changed my mind, is being able to do [sequence genes] 10 million times faster than they used to be able to do it … and being able to eliminate the ones not suitable for farming and susceptible to diseases and so on. We’re farmers, and we want them to come out the way we want them.”

      Isn't the issue more how the ruthless business practices of Monsanto lead them to abuse the leverage that GMOs give them in controlling much of the world's food supply? If you want to have a conversion on the nutritional merits of GMOs, why go to Monsanto to do so?

    1. The research suggests that the cost of producing battery packs for electric vehicles has fallen dramatically between 2007 and 2014, to lower price points than previous optimistic projections had expected

      Image Description

    1. “This is one of the youngest surfaces we’ve ever seen in the solar system,” Jeff Moore of the New Horizons Geology, Geophysics and Imaging Team said in a statement.

      I assume there's a component of distance from the asteroid belt that factors into the age calculus. In other words, Pluto might look "young" as measured by impacts but one presumes that the opportunity for such impacts over time drops dramatically as one moves to the outer boundaries of the solar system.

    1. The lawsuits, filed by the National Association of the Deaf, which is seeking class-action status, say the universities have “largely denied access to this content to the approximately 48 million — nearly one out of five — Americans who are deaf or hard of hearing.”

      How quickly we move from praising to criticizing innovation. How rapidly should we expect full accessibility for what's produced in all contexts?

  11. www.consilium.europa.eu www.consilium.europa.eu
    1. In this context, the ownership by the Greek authorities is key, and successful implementation should follow policy commitments.

      This is an example.

    1. "Trump Org EVP Michael Cohen says an intern accidentally posted questionable photo; apologized and immediately deleted".

      So it's not just the tweeting of the photo-- it's the construction of the photo in the first place from sources. Another intern?

    1. he noted that neither account carried the company's blue check marks indicating authentic ownership.


    2. In a May 8 tweet, the account said that "the general will soon return." Then, in a July 6 tweet, the account said, "Everything comes for those who know how to wait."

      There's a doubt that this account isn't accurate? That Chapo and his environment wouldn't have been under intense scrutiny after these remarks-- potentially even resulting in his relocation-- seems extraordinary.

    3. Take it all with a big grain of salt, as neither Twitter nor the Mexican government has verified the authenticity of several messages.

      I'd say the evidence tilts in the direction these are probably authentic.

    1. U.S. oil giants Chevron Corp and ConocoPhillips both stressed that they act in full compliance with U.S. law, and ConocoPhillips stated it is not engaged in business discussions with Iran. Exxon, the world's largest publicly traded oil company, declined to comment.

      Now of course, all of these have foreign subsidiaries which could fully engage.

    2. Some of the most influential business lobby groups have been largely muted on Iran, in contrast to their more active role in pressing for an easing of sanctions against Cuba and Russia.

      Again, all these make perfect sense viewed through the lens of business interests.

    3. At least three Republican candidates said on Tuesday they would do so.

      Easy to say for candidates now, much more difficult if the administration were actually to try to re-establish the sanctions / policy post-election.

      The wild card here of course is Israel, and how they factor into all this.

    4. At least three Republican candidates said on Tuesday they would do so.

      Easy to say for candidates now, much more difficult if the administration were actually to try to re-establish the sanctions / policy post-election.

      The wild card here of course is Israel, and how they factor into all this.

    5. "Democrats as well as Republicans are still very strongly in favor of maintaining primary sanctions against Iran on the Hill for various reasons, and it's hard to see that dynamic changing in the near term."

      Well, because they can still maintain their principled stand while the major corps don't care anymore. Politically perfect compromise?

    6. "It (the deal) will not result in a green light for U.S. companies in most cases to resume business in Iran," said William McGlone, a lawyer who specializes in export controls and sanctions at Latham and Watkins in Washington.

      No, only for "US companies that are not multinationals". I'd be curious to see a list of the companies that might want to engage here that fit this filter.

    7. The deal also allows the U.S. government to license foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies to operate in Iran, which was banned by Congress in 2012.

      Pardon me for my cynicism, but to (state the obvious) what this means is that the big players just sidestep around this stuff while the smaller players are blocked by it. Just another data point on how the system continually tips towards the largest multinationals.

    8. Iran's agreement with major world powers to curtail its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions opens up the world's fourth-largest oil reserves, second-largest natural gas reserves and an 80 million population to multinationals.

      Suddenly things all become so much clearer, don't they?

    1. The truck driver was chased down the highway by attackers in Audis shooting Kalashnikovs.

      Subtle. Maybe just sneak in and steal the artichokes back later?

    2. The Wi-Fi antenna failed.

      Let's be a little more clear here. I think the implication is that the PIN codes and their associated mappings to containers, once stolen via USB-drives can also be intercepted wirelessly (i.e. in real time when containers arrive)? And this of course implies that the codes are transmitted in the clear.

      And the port wasn't unaware of this problem, even the potential of abuse, from the very get go?

    3. Whoever has the codes can pull into the terminal, enter the PIN into a keypad, wait as robot-controlled loaders put the container on their truck, and drive off—sometimes minutes ahead of the cargo’s legitimate owner.

      That this is even possible is astonishing. The only security is whether you can type a pin into a keypad?

    1. It is an ancient Martian

      Voici une annotation de test. Faites votre propre ou de répondre à la mienne.

    1. 26.51

      What's great is that the actual numbers are so much better than this. I'm clocking this at 5 seconds, not 26.

    1. Alexis Tsipras arrives in Brussels for an emergency summit after his referendum

      Hmm.. first question: Why is he traveling to Brussels? He should invite them to Greece to negotiate there.

      You're always weaker traveling to the venue of your counterparty. He's probably done that enough by now. Time to switch turf.

    2. Washington is bringing its immense diplomatic power to bear, calling openly on the EU to put "Greece on a path toward debt sustainability" and sort out the festering problem once and for all.

      Why? I don't understand the US's position in all this.

    3. Greek premier Alexis Tsipras never expected to win Sunday's referendum on EMU bail-out terms, let alone to preside over a blazing national revolt against foreign control.

      Source please? Is this well understood at this point, or something newly revealed here?

      I'm skeptical that Alexis wouldn't understand the sense of the people better than this.

      We already know for instance that "Oxi" or "no" is a word so deeply embedded in the Greek psyche that "Oxi day" is a national holiday celebrated October 28 in commemoration of the rejection of another European ultimatum, this one from Mussolini of demands to enter and occupy greece in 1940.

  12. Jun 2015
    1. That happens in the private sector, and almost never happens in the nonprofit sector.

      Source please. Is the implication that non-profits continue to suck on the foundation teat, even if they're completely failing to accomplish any objectives? In my experience, that may be possible for a while, but not in perpetuity. And non-profits may not pivot, but if they fail they'll most certainly shut down, which leaves their founders and team available to contribute in positive ways to society elsewhere. "Pivoting" if you prefer.

    2. The point there: I think we’re close to the point where a new generation of learning platforms will make it much easier for groups of educators to make extraordinary learning environments. That’s what I’m looking for.

      At Hypothes.is we agree! We just think there's a role for non-profits to participate too. That doesn't mean we won't pursue investment in the future, it just means we care a ton about our alignment with those we're serving.

    3. invoking something like the “Research at Work” award

      Wait, this looks awfully like a non-profit grant to individuals that are doing important work, not a seed-round to a startup company.

    4. Private capital is sort of ruthless and relentless about following good ideas, and it will abandon a good idea for a better idea.

      Indeed. It also cares little if nothing for the users of the technology--except insofar as they drive the monetization and exit valuation of the organization. So long as those are aligned, great.

    5. It’s not like you’re going to make substantially more money; it’s not like the rewards are connected to scale.

      This begs the question, "What is the end goal?" Clearly most folks don't scale their non-profit to make more money, because most don't start non-profits to make money in the first place. And, why wouldn't the impact of non-profits accrue with scale? Wikimedia has more than tripled in size in the last ten years, but they're also the seventh largest site on the Web and a critical resource for humanity. I'd say they're hitting the ball out of the park, and their 250 employees and $50M annual budget are responsible for a large part of that.

      If your reward is impact, and impact increases with scale, then isn't the reward greater with scale?

    6. If you run a nonprofit, tripling its size just means you get triple the headache.

      Really? But you could say the same about a for-profit too. Triple in size, get triple the problems. Headaches come with people, and they are a natural result of larger orgs. My first company had 550 people when we sold it to Sabre in 2000, we had all kinds of headaches that we never had when we were only 3 people in the back of a travel agency.

    7. By 2006, I was a bit discouraged after having worked with 400 nonprofit organizations and having really none of them achieve the sort of scale and success that they had hoped for.

      This feels like hyperbole. I would assume that Gates probably funded a wide range of non-profits, from startups to established institutions. The implication here is that these 400 orgs were startups that had a choice between a non-profit model and a for-profit one, and chose the former to their detriment.

      Obviously this statement is being made in the context of his leaving Gates and starting his own company and venture fund.

    1. She pushed back against Lauer's suggestion that she had been "deceiving people," saying, "It's a little more complicated than that."

      Is it really? Explain. If people don't understand the nuances of your identity in the way you do, then isn't that deception?

    1. Freedom of the Press Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping support and defend public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government.

      And bless you for that.

  13. ssl.washingtonpost.com ssl.washingtonpost.com
    1. privacy and anonymity?

      Another bit

    2. What steps are taken to protect my privacy and anonymity

      Yes, I really want to know more about this.

    1. If even a quarter of Facebook’s 1.5 billion users were willing to pay $1 per month in return for not being tracked or targeted based on their data, that would yield more than $4 billion per year — surely a number worth considering.

      I would gladly pay $1 a month, or even $10 a month, for a service that actually served me, was based on open source technologies and open protocols, and that allowed me and others to innovate on top of it in ways that were constructive to the community.

      But then, that wouldn't be facebook would it? Diaspora tried a model like that a while back. I still wish they could have succeeded.

    2. Ad-based businesses distort our online interactions

      A related, secondary problem is that venture-backed businesses create tensions where monetization either immediately from subscription or advertising, or eventually via "exits" (very few actually IPO and become self-sustaining long-term) must happen in order for investors to recoup their original capitalization. The premise that the business launches on, when the service is usually free and the need to identify recurring revenues is in the distant future, becomes slowly perverted, distorted, and compromised until it's sold or shut down. There are few examples of scaled social networks that have avoided either. Twitter and facebook are the two primary examples, but there the constant pressure to generate more and more revenue pushes the in directions which threaten the original value proposition. Google+ seems to be on a path to shut-down.

    1. It’s time for something smarter, something that has been brewing for years as research inches forward on computer vision.

      While this is certainly cool tech, it would be much better if google’s camera app let me tag (yes, annotate!) and organize my photos with my own meaning at the point of capture, or shortly thereafter. Trying to infer the content of photos and how they’re important to me later is a kludge. Probably still useful I suppose, but lets do some simple things first.

    1. The chitosan-loaded chewing gum HS219 does not affect serum and salivary phosphorus levels in Japanese HD patients with hyperpho sphatemia

      Clearly the chitosan gum industry was behind this thing to begin with. Science prevails.

  14. May 2015
    1. როგორც სამინისტროს თანამშრომლები პირად საუბრებში აცხადებენ, თავდაპირველად გადაწყვეტილი იყო ბურკიაშვილის დანიშვნა მინისტრის პირველი მოადგილის ვაკანტურ თანამდებობაზე, რაზეც უარი თავად მინისტრმა ნოდარ ჯავახიშვილმა განაცხადა.

      ამჟამად ჯავახიშვილს ორი მოადგილე ჰყავს თენგიზ შერგელაშვილი და ეკა სეფაშვილი. სამინისტროში ვაკანტურია პირველი მოადგილის თანამდებობა და საავტომობილო გზების დეპარტამენტის თავმჯდომარის პოსტი.

    1. 自觉把维护公共安全放在维护最广大人民根本利益中来认识,扎实做好公共安全工作,努力为人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安编织全方位、立体化的公共安全网。


    1. По данным издания Presse Ocean, "Севастополь", так же, как и "Владивосток" будет стоять в порту в ожидании окончательного решения французских политиков относительно их судьбы.

      Напомним, Париж отказался передать России заказанные ранее "Рособоронэкспортом" два вертолетоносца типа "Мистраль" по причине политических разногласий, возникших между странами из-за ситуации на Украине и присоединения Крыма к России. Сумма контракта составляет 1,2 миллиарда евро. При этом, по условиям договора, в том случае, если Франция не передаст суда российскому заказчику, ей придется выплатить неустойку в размере 10 млрд евро. Хотя во время последних переговоров, французкие представители предложили России "забыть" о "Мистралях" за сумму в 785 млн евро.

    1. পাঠিয়েছেন। এবারে এনক্রিপশনের পক্ষে নিজেদের অবস্থান ঘোষণা করেছে জাতিসংঘ। বাকস্বাধীনতার জন্য এনক্রিপশনকে প্রয়োজনীয় একটি টুল হিসেবে অভিহিত করে এনক্রিপশন ব্যবস্থাকে যথাসম্ভব শক্তিশালী করে তোলার আহ্বানই জানানো হয়েছে জাতিসংঘের পক্ষ থেকে।

      এই প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে, ‘এনক্রিপশন এবং নিজের পরিচয় প্রকাশ না করার ব্যবস্থা, এককভাবে কিংবা একত্রে ব্যক্তির মতামত এবং বিশ্বাসের সুরক্ষায় একটি ব্যক্তিগত গোপনীয় ক্ষেত্র তৈরি করে থাকে।’ এই ধরনের টুলস ব্যক্তির মতামত প্রকাশের জন্য আশীর্বাদস্বরূপ জানিয়ে প্রতিবেদনে সতর্ক করা হয়েছে, এনক্রিপশন সফটওয়্যারকে কোনোভাবে দুর্বল করার অর্থ হলো এর সক্ষমতাকে কমিয়ে ফেলা। এমন সুযোগ তৈরি হলে ব্যক্তি তার প্রয়োজনে কোনো পরিচিতিমূলক তথ্য গোপন রাখতে ব্যর্থ হবে বলা হয়েছে এই প্রতিবেদনে।

    1. Climate change is bad enough, so let’s cut emissions before geoengineering becomes too tempting to resist

      This is the kind of either-or thinking that plagues the geoengineering debate.

      We must lower emissions, as aggressively as possible. But we must also aggressively explore--at the very least research-- any other pathways which could mitigate some of the worst of what's coming our way. To wait until things are much worse than they already are is the pinnacle of foolishness.

      Just how long do you expect it would take to properly research the technologies, models and conduct field trials for an aerosol intervention? If we need 10-20 years to do so, should we wait until we're really screwed (which we may already be), or get started now?

    2. When the stability of our biosphere becomes dependent on the stability of our human infrastructure, we’re baking in an automatic climate crisis to the next catastrophe. We really shouldn’t place future generations in the position of facing two catastrophic risks at once.

      This is incredibly poor thinking.

      You're assuming that the risk of doing nothing and suffering 4-6 degrees of warming is somehow equivalent to the risk of taking some action to mitigate the worst (but not all) effects of that warming. Clearly there are significant unknowns to the aerosol approach to solar geoengineering, which is why we should strive to learn more about it, not dismiss it out of hand.

      You talk about 4-6 degrees of warming like its somehow a linear progression from the 1+ degree we're experiencing now. However, that's hardly the case. 4-6 degrees will fundamentally restructure agriculture, fresh water distribution, habitable population areas, and innumerable other things. Modern civilization depends on an extraordinarily complex interrelationship of economic flows, supply chains, and necessities that have finite elasticity and resilience. Already in California, where a huge fraction of America's fresh produce comes from, we're experiencing record droughts, and are looking at major impacts to agriculture. What will 4-6 degrees add to that? Would you like to sit around and wait to find out?

      What you're suggesting here is that we roll our dice and take the worst of what's coming without considering any mitigating action-- simply because of the chance that we might not be able to continue to pursue that mitigation. That's the same as saying "I won't go on dialysis, because it's possible I might not be able to continue." But you go on dialysis because you don't have any other options-- and you take your chances from there.

    1. You can’t annotate pages behind paywalls (as you can with our bookmarklet and Chrome extension).

      I'd also say there's a real danger that our proxy might be limited by websites that see our proxy traffic and throttle us-- possibly because we've violated a threshold of free use.

    2. So the realm of web applications that extend the browser is now becoming as balkanized as the realm of mobile apps.

      I think you try to lay this balkanization at the feet of recent cross-site scripting restrictions that affect bookmarklets. I don't think that's fair. I think people have wanted more complex apps, they've needed true extensions for those, and because browser extension environments are different, there's been the inevitable fragmentation. But this balkanization is not specifically due to recent changes only potentially exacerbated by them.

    3. But a new security regime limits the scope of what bookmarklets can do, and is forcing developers to create browser extensions instead — extensions that must be created and deployed differently for each browser.

      This central thesis seems slightly overstated to me. For instance, we created an extension before we even felt the pain of the bookmarklet restrictions-- because we wanted something that didn't need to be specifically activated on each page, but that was always there, as a button on the browser-- and that would stay on when turned on, event after you browsed to a new page. Particularly important for future features that are aware all the time. Also the experience of clicking to install, and having it there permanently is perhaps favorable overall.

      Maybe a softer message that highlights that bookmarklets were favorable option in many situations, but they're less effective now and that's a shame.

    1. فِي إِعْلاءِ شَأْنِ الوَطَنِ وَأَنْ يَعْمَلَ عَلَى مَا يَجْلِبُ السَّعَادَةَ لِلنَّاسِ

      A casual glance says selection and annotation of arabic appears to work. I also tested with a potential partner, Johnny West at OpenOil, last year, and he (a fluent arabic speaker) confirmed that our selection seemed to work on Arabic.

      (caveat: I could be completely wrong!)

    1. The Amtrak train that crashed in Philadelphia was traveling faster than 100 mph, two sources close to the investigation said Wednesday.

      I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering: How on earth can this happen? I doubt Amtrak tracks in the NE corridor are rated for 100mph anywhere, so how is it possible that the throttle even goes that fast? And-- clearly a system which limits speed according to local conditions, like curves, isn't beyond our technological capability.

    1. Libraries

      HathiTrust & OCRC / EBSCO, Proquest

    2. Social Science


    3. UPs2.0

      Ubiquity Press


    1. College/University

      I'd add MIT Media Lab in here somewhere.

    2. Funding

      Hewlett, MacArthur, Ford, Mott, Wallace, Arnold, Walton are others. Here's a handy link. By the way, the way I found that link, was to google "Education Foundations Hewlett MacArthur Gates", i.e. naming three that I knew, and letting google route me to other adjacent ones. One of my favorite techniques.

    3. Open Educational Resources (OERs)

      Rice University Connexions / OpenStax


  15. Apr 2015
    1. “You demean the office that you hold and you demean the church whom it is your sworn duty to protect and defend and advance,” said Lord Christopher Monckton, a prominent climate sceptic and former policy adviser to the former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. Monckton’s opinions have been refuted by scientists, who have called his statements “very misleading” and “profoundly wrong”.

      Why on earth does Monckton's voice continued to get amplified, even via a caveated mention like this? There are plenty of folks with no credibility and similar things to say. Why quote them?

    1. browser extension

      Also available as an embed that can be included natively on pages, as well as via a proxy service. (like to this page)

    1. resources, we will

      This felt slightly awkward the first time I read it.

    2. sync

      sync in real time

    3. They’re even more surprised when they learn you can annotate a local copy of a PDF in a way that synchronizes with a web copy of the same PDF.

      maybe "a local copy of a PDF collaboratively with someone annotating another local copy, or the same PDF hosted on the web"....

      That's a little clumsy... but the key is to capture local:local as well as local:web

    4. And make sure Allow Access to File URLs is checked

      Add a bit more space above here to separate these things.

  16. Mar 2015
    1. Margins

      I think this is an interesting option for the annotator generally, but perhaps not for something that implies a group.

    1. technology


    2. had


    3. one completed project
    4. for providing incentive and focus to annotation related development projects

      ... "to provide financial support to open source web annotation-related software projects."?

    5. like to use to clear the table of distractions

      The $ is supposed to clear the table of distractions? Hmm... how about something more like: ... "$40,000 that can go towards supporting the work of developers eager to take annotation further." (annotation shouldn't be capitalized).

    6. to clearly highlight

      Perhaps ... "as a new home for the fund. It clearly highlights" ...

    7. right



      Hi Jeremy. Respond to this annotation-- I'll reply too.

    1. Genius is different from other annotation platforms which tend to be browser plugins; rather, it looms over the web which is to say that it precedes the URL—for example, past Genius annotations on the LA Times website can be viewed by Genius users and new annotations can be made by going to http://genius.com/www.latimes.com.

      Hypothesis provides this on our homepage, paste a link and you're brought to the linked page, with the application as a layer over it. You can then share that with others. Like this link to this page.

  17. Feb 2015
  18. Jan 2015
    1. Last week, Tilburg University in the Netherlands announced the cancellation of its subscriptions to the prestigious journals Science and Nature, citing budgetary pressure and an inability to cancel big deals.

      One wonders whether moves like this will become the norm. Rather extraordinary. How do students read nature articles?