6 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2017
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Page notes here
ollowing President Trump’s calls for “extreme vetting” of immigrants from seven Muslim majority countries, then–Department of Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly hinted that he wanted full access to visa applicants’ social-media profiles.
Interesting section
- Sep 2017
www.thenation.com www.thenation.com
the term “trump” indicates positive feeling, something which is likely no longer true for a sizable number of Americans.
How can these technologies account for these linguistic contingencies?
customer relations, where live emotion estimation could be used when a customer phones into a call center.
Mark Andrejevic has an interesting article about this kind of cross-over between homeland security and fields like marketing and advertising. He calls the use of emotional data in sentiment analysis and predictive analytics "affective economics."
After extracting particular “emotional words” from a user’s tweets, the PEARL system rated the tweets based on their emotional “dimensions” as well their emotional type (anger-fear, anticipation-surprise, joy-sadness, and trust-disgust). It then segmented the stream of tweets into particular time chunks to gauge a person’s long-term mood.
Can we quantify feelings in this way?
The push to mine immigrants’ social data began well before Trump’s election, on the heels of the terror attack in December 2015 when Tashfeen Malik and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, shot and killed 14 people and wounded nearly two dozen others in San Bernardino, California.
Do you believe this is sufficient justification?