- Feb 2020
www.nationaalenergieklimaatplan.be www.nationaalenergieklimaatplan.be
Elektrificatie van gebouwenverwarming
elektrificatie gebouwenverwarming
Het is immers enkel voor deze niet-ETS sectoren -de gebouwen, transport, landbouw, afval en een klein deel van de industrie -dat de lidstaten zelf doelstellingen moeten naleven.
niet-ets sectoren
Een verlaagd btw-tarief van 6% voor het volledige Belgische grondgebied kan heropbouw na sloop stimuleren.
verlaagd btw tarief sloop heropbouw
In de periode 2005-2018, een periode van 13 jaar, zijn de niet-ETS emissies in Vlaanderen bovendien slechts met 5% gedaald.
daling niet-ETS vlaanderen
Gewesten zetten hierbij voornamelijk in op de grootschalige renovatie van de gebouwensector.
gewesten: gebouwen renoveren
Hiervoor zullen de grootste inspanningen moeten komen van de sectoren die het meeste bijdragen tot de broeikasgasemissies: de gebouwen-en de transportsector. Voor de gebouwensector ligt de nadruk op sterk verbeterde energie-efficiëntie, gekoppeld aan de vergroening van de energiedragers.
emissiereducties gebouwensector
ussen 1990 en 2017
verandering in emissies per sector
In vergelijking met de afgelopen jaren daalden de emissies van de residentiële sector en de tertiaire sector in 2017, hoewel een aantal indicatoren in stijgende lijn gaan. Voorbeelden zijn de stijging van het aantal woningen en van het aantal werknemers in de tertiaire en de institutionele sector. Dit komt door de overschakeling op een andere brandstof en betere isolatie. In de tertiaire sector blijft er een netto-stijging van emissies sinds 1990 door de ontwikkeling van de activiteit in deze sector.
emissies residentiële sector
Sinds 1995 is het aantal gebouwen met 12% gestegen. In dezelfde periode steeg het aantal woningen met 20%. Het Belgische woningbestand kenmerkt zich door een hoog percentage oude gebouwen. Aardgas is de voornaamste verwarmingsbron. Het aandeel van huishoudelijke toestellen die energie verbruiken, blijft stijgen
De residentiële en tertiaire sectoren zijn de belangrijkste verbruikers van finale energie(40% in 2017 ), gevolgd door industrie (30%) en transport (30%).
residentiële sector
lexparency.org lexparency.orgScope1
greenhouse gas emissions from IPCC source categories of energy, industrial processes and product use, agriculture and waste as determined pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 525/2013, excluding greenhouse gas emissions from the activities listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC.Without prejudice to Article 7 and Article 9(2) of this Regulation, this Regulation does not apply to greenhouse gas emissions and removals covered by Regulation (EU) 2018/841.For the purposes of this Regulation, CO2 emissions from IPCC source category 1.A.3.A civil aviation shall be treated as zero.
scope ESR (Effort Sharing Regulation)
www.borderless.net www.borderless.net
Ineos said in July that it had approved construction of the PDH unit and ethane cracker at a single site. Each unit will benefit from US shale gas economics. The cracker will be designed to produce 1 million metric tons/year (MMt/y) of ethylene, and the PDH plant will have capacity for 750,000 metric tons/year of propylene.
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Table S10. Manufacture cost.
manufacture cost
ST12.2. Sensitivity analysis on the design and cost assumptions
sensitivity of costs
Table S9. List of economic parameters
economic parameters
For the designed biorefinery, the total CAPEX was calculated at 477 MM€.
total CAPEX
2.10.3 Economic analysis
economic assessment
Table S8. Overview of the mass and energy flows in the integrated (birch wood-to-phenol, propylene, lignin phenolic oligomers, and carbohydrate pulp) biorefinery.
mass balance plant
The unit design is based on the following core data:
production capacity proposed facility
able S13 shows that the GWP of bio-phenol from lignin in this integrated approach is 0.736 kg CO2 equivalent, which is much lower than the fossil-derived phenol (1.73 kg CO2 equivalent). The reductive catalytic fractionation process shows a negative GWP for bio-phenol as the lignocellulose feedstock is a carbon stock. The main contributor of the GWP of bio-phenol is from conversion of monomers fraction to phenol (via hydroprocessing, dealkylation and distillation), which is attributed to the non-renewable H2 (GWP=8.20 kg CO2 / kg H2) used for hydroprocessing to obtain partial deoxygenated products-alkylphenols. Similarly, bio-propylene has a GWP of 0.469 kg CO2 equivalent
GWP new process
he GWP of phenol, propylene and nonylphenol from fossil oil is 1.73, 1.47 and >1.58 kg CO2 equivalent, respectively
GWP fossil
this in plantalignin depolymerization strategy produces a select number of methoxylated and alkylated phenolic monomers in close-to-theoretical yields, viz. 20 and 50 wt.% for soft- and hardwood
new process
Industrial phenol production currently proceeds through the Hock process, involving exothermic autoxidation of cumene, obtained from benzene alkylation with propylene, followed by acid-catalyzed decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide into equimolar amounts of phenol and acetone (Fig. S2).(44, 50) Besides the fossil, non-renewable nature of the feedstock, and the use of dangerous intermediates/catalysts, such as hydroperoxide (explosive) and sulfuric acid (corrosive), the overall phenol yield (on benzene per single-pass basis) in the current process is only 5%,(51)while the overproduction of acetone is a potential market burden.(50)
hock process
Phenol is a bulk chemical in today’s industry with a global annual production projected at 13.5 million tonnes in 2026.(49) Its main downstream use comprises the production of bisphenol A (46%), phenolic resins (28%), caprolactam (13%), aniline (3%), and alkylphenols (3%) (Fig. S1).
nieuws.kuleuven.be nieuws.kuleuven.be
CO2 storage Through smart forest management, wood can be harvested sustainably. “Moreover, as a result of the shrinking paper industry, there is currently a surplus of wood in Europe”, Sels explains.
oversupply of wood
This implies that the Bank will phase out support to (i) the production of oil and natural gas; (ii) traditional gas infrastructure (networks, storage, refining facilities); (iii) power generation technologies resulting in GHG emissions above 250 gCO2 per kWh of electricity generated, averaged over the lifetime for gas-fired power plants seeking to integrate low carbon fuels and (iv) large-scale heat production infrastructure based on unabated oil, natural gas, coal or peat
referentie 250 gCO2/kWh final EIB climate energy policy
www.eib.org www.eib.org
OnlyIn general, the Bank will only support power generation projects which emit less than 250 gCO2e per kWhe.This criterion applies to all technologies including to power generation based on low-carbon energy sources is eligible for Bank support
mention 250 gCO2/kWh in first revised draft
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
They derive50%or moreof theirrevenues come from electricity generation with a GHG intensityof lifecycle GHG emissionsabove 100 gCO2e/kW
100 gCO2/kWh second mention
Electricity producers with carbon intensityof lifecycle GHG emissionshigher than 100gCO2e/kWh (50%+ revenues
100 gCO2/kWh fist mention
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
argest absolute increase between the lowest and highest income decile is found for COICOP categories transport (07; +7.4 ton CO2-eq.)
inkomensverschil transport
transport (07; 21%)
transport totale uitstoot
www.wemcouncil.org www.wemcouncil.org
Watch the workshop recording here:
workshop recording
Watch the webinar recording here:
launch webinar recording
static.ducky.eco static.ducky.eco
european average car emission per kilometer / per passenger
Emission factors
Ducky emission factor references
- Jan 2020
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
The extra cost of the hydrogen-ready boiler would be about £50, it says.
The firm wants the government to stipulate that by 2025, all new boilers on sale should be hydrogen-ready.
The 20% proportion was chosen because it’s an optimal blend that won’t affect gas pipes and appliances.
20 %
- Nov 2019
elonuniversity-my.sharepoint.com elonuniversity-my.sharepoint.com
To erect 10 000 wind turbines (“33 GW”) over aperiod of 10 years would require roughly 50 jack-up barges. These cost£60 million each, so an extra capital investment of £3 billion would berequired.
jack-up barges wind construction
www.vlaamseklimaattop.be www.vlaamseklimaattop.be
hydrogeneurope.eu hydrogeneurope.eu
cross border transport gas vs electricity
- Oct 2019
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
The international system of economic classifications
Classifications economic activity
github.com github.com
To calculate the time before depletion and yearly rate of emission decrease in the case of linear decrease until the remaining budget is depleted (here a remaining carbon budget from the start of 2019 is used) [emissions(t) = emissions(2019) - slope . t(depletion)], we can start from the premise that the total budget (budget) and starting emissions (emissions_2019) are known, out of which we can calculate the slope (rate of decrease) and time before depletion (t_depletion):
Calculation of linear decrease in budget : starting from 2019 (first year with known amount emissions to start from)
- Sep 2019
www.realclimate.org www.realclimate.org
But beware of using those end dates instead of budgets, because it is not the end date but the cumulative emissions that count! A simple illustration: if you don’t achieve reductions in the next ten years but keep emissions constant, and reduce linearly after that, the result is that you have to reach zero ten years earlier! See the next figure.
End date versus budget
www.ipcc.ch www.ipcc.ch
Table 2.2:
IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C - Table 2.2: The assessed remaining carbon budget and its uncertainties
www.eib.org www.eib.org
Technical and economic assessment criteria
technical assessment criteria
exponentialroadmap.org exponentialroadmap.org
Reduced methane leakage
reduced methane leakage
energywatchgroup.org energywatchgroup.org
2.2 Updated Methane Emissions from Natural Gas .................................................. 8
updated methane emissions
docfinder.bnpparibas-am.com docfinder.bnpparibas-am.com
even if we add in the cost of building new network infrastructure to cope with all the new wind and/or solar capacity implied by replacing gasoline with renewables and EVs, the economics of renewables still crush those of oil
even if we add in the cost of building new network infrastructure to cope with all the new wind and/or solar capacity implied by replacing gasoline with renewables and EVs, the economics of renewables still crush those of oil
www.plan.be www.plan.be
De emissies dalen ook, vooral door een lagere vraag naar het openbaar vervoer
emissies dalen door minder OV : ?
Aangezien het model alleen de tijd meet die onderweg verloren gaat, worden de bijkomende kosten om plannen te wijzigen, afspraken te verzetten, enz. (zogenaamde kosten voor plan-ningsvertraging) niet gemodelleerd. De winst door hogere productiviteit als gevolg van een betere ruimtelijke allocatie wordt ook niet opgenomen
- Aug 2019
www.itab.asso.fr www.itab.asso.fr
Figure 10: Impact sur le changement climatique de la production d’agneaux biologiques et conventionnels, en kg eqCO2 / 100 kg vv –dispersion des résultats et contribution des différents postes à l’impact moyen
Figure 10 : Impact sur le changement climatique de la production d’agneaux biologiques et conventionnels, en kg eq CO2 / 100 kg vv – dispersion des résultats et contribution des différents postes à l’impact moyen
Lien aux indicateurs techniques
Lien aux indicateurs techniques
Lorsque l’on tient compte du stockage de carbone annuel par les sols, les pastoraux, conventionnels et surtout bio, affichent un impact sur le changement climatique très faible à l’hectare et négatif par kg produit.
Lorsque l’on tient compte du stockage de carbone annuel par les sols, les pastoraux, conventionnels et surtout bio, affichent un impact sur le changement climatique très faible à l’hectare et négatif par kg produit.
Tableau 9: Résultats environnementaux2013(ovins viande) –ComparaisonAgneaux Bio et conventionnels (Inosys-Réseaux d'Elevage)
Tableau 9: Résultats environnementaux2013(ovins viande) –ComparaisonAgneaux Bio et conventionnels (Inosys-Réseaux d'Elevage)
hal.archives-ouvertes.fr hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
Tableau 2. Consommation d’énergie finale spécifique pour deux chaînes d’approvisionnement et pour deux modes de transport dans le cas de la viande d’agneau
Tableau 2. Consommation d’énergie finale spécifique pour deux chaînes d’approvisionnement et pour deux modes de transport dans le cas de la viande d’agneau
www.alimenterre.org www.alimenterre.org
A titre illustratif, les consommations d’énergie liées au transport et à la distribution pour un agneau élevé en Nouvelle-Zélande et commercialisé en Allemagne et pour un agneau élevé en Allemagne et commercialisé localement en vente directe « sontplutôt comparables [...] malgré de grandesdifférences dans les distances de transport. »(Schlich et al. (2006) [2]), car les transports massifiés que sont les poids lourds et les cargos réduisent considérablement les émissions par kilo transporté. L’agneau néo-zélandais est dans cette étude transporté par bateau réfrigéré sur 20 000 km (le bateau retourne ensuite en Nouvelle-Zélande à plein) puis par poids lourds avec conteneurs réfrigérés sur 400 km (retour à vide). L’agneau allemand est, lui, transporté en camionnette par le producteur sur 100 km (retour à vide).
A titre illustratif, les consommations d’énergie liées au transport et à la distribution pour un agneau élevé en Nouvelle-Zélande et commercialisé en Allemagne et pour un agneau élevé en Allemagne et commercialisé localement en vente directe « sontplutôt comparables [...] malgré de grandesdifférences dans les distances de transport. »(Schlich et al. (2006) [2]), car les transports massifiés que sont les poids lourds et les cargos réduisent considérablement les émissions par kilo transporté. L’agneau néo-zélandais est dans cette étude transporté par bateau réfrigéré sur 20 000 km (le bateau retourne ensuite en Nouvelle-Zélande à plein) puis par poids lourds avec conteneurs réfrigérés sur 400 km (retour à vide). L’agneau allemand est, lui, transporté en camionnette par le producteur sur 100 km (retour à vide).
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
This large datasetenabled an assessment of the relationship between farm variables and carbon footprint at a multi-farmlevel. Mean carbon footprints of 10.85, 12.85 and 17.86 kg CO2e/kg live weight finished lamb wererecorded for lowland, upland and hill farms respectively, from samples with coefficients of variation of33%, 23% and 34%.
This large datasetenabled an assessment of the relationship between farm variables and carbon footprint at a multi-farmlevel. Mean carbon footprints of 10.85, 12.85 and 17.86 kg CO2e/kg live weight finished lamb wererecorded for lowland, upland and hill farms respectively, from samples with coefficients of variation of33%, 23% and 34%.
watermark.silverchair.com watermark.silverchair.com
The carbon footprint averaged 19 kg of CO2 eq./kg of lamb meat, with 80% from the cradle-to-farm-gate (mainly animal methane and nitrous oxide emissions), 3% from processing, 5% from all transportation stages (predominantly from shipping), and 12% from retailer/consumer/waste stages (dominated by retail storage and home cooking; Figure 2; Ledgard et al., 2009a, 2010)
The carbon footprint averaged 19 kg of CO2 eq./kg of lamb meat, with 80% from the cradle-to-farm-gate (mainly animal methane and nitrous oxide emissions), 3% from processing, 5% from all transportation stages (predominantly from shipping), and 12% from retailer/consumer/waste stages (dominated by retail storage and home cooking; Figure 2; Ledgard et al., 2009a, 2010)
www.ft.com www.ft.com
the current policy pathway — maximising the development of renewable electricity — is unlikely to get us to net zero by 2050.
the current policy pathway — maximising the development of renewable electricity — is unlikely to get us to net zero by 2050
--> it will be even less if this path is chosen, because CCS needs a lot of energy:
"The energy needed to run direct air capture machines in 2100 is up to 300 exajoules each year, according to the paper. This is more than half of overall global demand today, from all sources, and despite rising demand this century, it would still be a quarter of expected demand in 2100."
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
The energy needed to run direct air capture machines in 2100 is up to 300 exajoules each year, according to the paper. This is more than half of overall global demand today, from all sources, and despite rising demand this century, it would still be a quarter of expected demand in 2100.
The energy needed to run direct air capture machines in 2100 is up to 300 exajoules each year, according to the paper. This is more than half of overall global demand today, from all sources, and despite rising demand this century, it would still be a quarter of expected demand in 2100.
- Jul 2019
www.klimaat.be www.klimaat.be
Toewijzen van een coördinerende bevoegdheid aan de federale overheid
coordinating role of the federal government in climate policy and strengthening the tasks of the National Climate Commission
www.klimaat.be www.klimaat.be
BEHAVIOUR» scenario
Behaviour scenario
negawatt.org negawatt.org
sobriété (60%)
60 % final energy reduction due to sobriety
www.eib.org www.eib.org
Technical assistance for policy advice
Support storage investments
Support further RE including the needed network infrastructure
Alignment with the Paris Agreement
www.benelux.int www.benelux.int
Hittestress is een probleem op en rond de Groenplaats in de zomer
Hittestress is een probleem op en rond de Groenplaats in de zomer
www.imo.org www.imo.org
reduce the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008
reduce the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008
www.documents.clientearth.org www.documents.clientearth.org
Include climate changeimpacts in the calculation method forcompensation
Include climate changeimpacts in the calculation method forcompensation
Ban third party funding
Ban third party funding
Allow counterclaims and ensure full participation for affected third parties
Allow counterclaims and ensure full participation for affected third parties
Require exhaustion of local remedies
Require exhaustion of local remedies
Option 2 –Adoptinga legal tool-b
Adopting legal toolbox
These proposalsmay sound radical, but in reality, a substantial amount of termination and removal of ISDS from treaties is already occurring
Sounds radical, but already occurring.
Working Group III shoulddevelop a mechanismto allow countries to easily move away from traditional investment treaties and ISDS
Working Group III should develop a mechanism to allow countries to easily move away from traditional investment treaties and ISDS
he issues of the asymmetry of the system, the relationship of ISDS with national courts and regulatory chill must all be properly addressed
The issues of the asymmetry of the system, the relationship of ISDS with national courts and regulatory chill must all be properly addressed
discussions have failed to systematically address the potential for inconsistency between investment treaty protections and broader societal objectives and commitments found in other areas of domestic and international law
discussions have failed to systematically address the potential for inconsistency between investment treaty protections and broader societal objectives and commitments found in other areas of domestic and international law
t the majority of claims are brought by investors from high-income countries (86.25%) against upper–middle-income (42.15%) and lower–middle-income (24.26%) countries.
Majority of claims are brought by investors from high-income countries (86.25%) against upper–middle-income (42.15%) and lower–middle-income (24.26%) countries.
risk of ISDS is particularly acute for developing countries which haveless capacityand resourcesto fight lengthy and expensive ISDS cases
risk of ISDS is particularly acute for developing countries which havel ess capacityand resourcesto fight lengthy and expensive ISDS cases
Canadian oil and gas company Vermilion did just that in 2017, when it threatenedto sue France under ISDS if it pushed ahead with the law to phase-out fossil fuel extraction in all French territories draftedthe French Environment Minister
Example of possible hijack: Canadian oil and gas company Vermilion did just that in 2017, when it threatened to sue France under ISDS if it pushed ahead with the law to phase-out fossil fuel extraction in all French territories drafted by the French Environment Minister
Researchalso increasingly indicatesthat foreign investors may want to use ISDS mechanisms as a strategic tool to challenge and delay emission-reduction policies
Research also increasingly indicates that foreign investors may want to use ISDS mechanisms as a strategic tool to challenge and delay emission-reduction policies
here is a growing body of evidence demonstrating this “regulatory chill”effect of ISDS on public interest measures
growing body of evidence demonstrating this "regulatory chill" effect of ISDS on public interest measures
equirementforgovernmentsto pay compensationto aggrievedinvestors that are protected by international treaties will significantly increase the cost of the energy transition. Even the cost of participating in, and subsequently winning an ISDScase,can be very highfor governments, especially in developing countries
cost of compensation and only participating in legal cases in the context of ISDS's increases the cost of the energy transition and can be very high for governments in developing countries
n estimated USD1-4 trillion worth of assets in the energy sector that may become stranded prior to 2050
1-4 trillion USD estimated stranded in the energy sector by 2050
www.unesco.org www.unesco.org
María Rosa CARDENAS TOMAZICAssociate Programme SpecialistMail: m.cardenas(at)unesco.org Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 68 08 87
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
Cette disposition est applicable à partir du 15 juin 2017 pour autant que l'acte législatif devant être adopté à la suite de la proposition sur le marché de gros de l'itinérance, visée à l'article 19, paragraphe 2, dudit règlement soit applicable à cette date.
disposition applicable a partir du 15 juin 2017
europa.eu europa.eu
Les règles de l'UE limitent également le montant que l'on peut vous facturer lorsque vous appelez ou envoyez un SMS à partir de chez vous vers un autre pays de l'UE. Le montant maximum qui peut vous être facturé est de 0,19 euro (hors TVA) par minute d'appels vers un autre pays de l'UE et de 0,06 euro (hors TVA) par SMS envoyé vers un autre pays de l'UE.
prix appels pays contrat emis vers pays de l'EU maximales :
- 0.19 EUR/min
- 0.06 EUR/texto
Germany average emissions and exergy-based energy emissions
mean cradle-to-gate emission intensities per country are in a narrow range around the generation-weighted global mean of 1.13kgof
mean global cradle-to-gate emission intensity
www.ipcc.ch www.ipcc.ch
no train information 2
AirportParticipants are recommended to arrive at the Genève Cointrin Airport
no train information
www.auvergne-rhone-alpes.developpement-durable.gouv.fr www.auvergne-rhone-alpes.developpement-durable.gouv.fr
certains secteurs sontplacés en vigilance (Drôme, Isère et Savoie), en alerte (Rhône) ou alerte renforcée (Ain).Pour plus de détails, vous pouvez consulter le site PROPLUVIA
Reinforced alert for regions around Clermont-Ferrand and Lyon
souterrainesSur l’est de la région dans le bassin du Rhône, peu de changement par rapport au mois précédent avec en conséquence d’unerecharge faible à très faible une situation qui reste particulièrement préoccupante sur l’Est lyonnais, la Dombes, le couloir deCertines, le Val de Saône, les Vallées de Vienne ainsi que la plaine de Valloire. Sur l’ouest de la région, dans le bassin de laLoire, les niveaux des nappes alluviales de la Loire et de l’Allier restent au plus bas. Au niveau des aquifères volcaniques lesniveaux restent particulièrement bas sur la chaîne des Puys et bas sur la nappe du Devès et le Trias sédimentaire
low groundwater levels in majority of the region
Moyennée sur la région, la pluvio-métrie mensuelle est inférieure à la normale de 31 % et se classe au 13e rang des plus faibles pour un mois de mai depuis 1959
Monthly precipitation is 13 % below the long-term average, 13th driest month since 1959
- Jun 2019
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
are we going to choose to lead, or are we going to sit on our hands?
are we going to choose to lead, or are we going to sit on our hands?
floriandierickx.github.io floriandierickx.github.io
commetnbt comment
The EU has a domestic emissions reduction target and does not currently envisage continuing use of international credits after 2020.
EU not lining up with international carbon markets at the moment
enb.iisd.org enb.iisd.org
A group suggested an explicit focus on opportunities for capacity building and technology transfer. While some parties supported identifying eligible activities, others urged avoiding any limitations on scope.
Note: Article 6 = Education, training and public awareness on climate change in the UNFCCC framework.
Twitter reflection-suggestion-thread on non-monetary measures : to edit
unfccc.int unfccc.int
Elisabeth Ellegaard
Sophie Mirgaux
Jean-Pascal van Ypersele
Lucas Demuelenaere
Belgian #SBSTA50 delegation. Highlighted = present on twitter.