- Jun 2020
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
it would be amiss of me to suggest that the online version of ed tech is the only one.
Participants at ShapingEDU event in 2018 shared their first interaction with digital learning as early as the 1970's and captured by graphic facilitator https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uvimgp9qr4vxaa1/AAB-c7WA06WovGa2FQxF4ldXa?dl=0&preview=ASU+Unconference_All+Charts_Linked+Presentations.pdf
y what they leave out
This is also generative for those of us annotating--all the examples you include inspire everyone else to be clever by coming up with what you left out and then speculating why.
latest ed tech start-up to have “invented”
my pet peeve--I've been contacted my so many vendors who claim to have finally solved the problem of engaging students in the lecture--that problem can be solved without any technology--just quit lecturing! Pedagogy not technology problem.
year-zero mentality
Right--we have seen multiple examples of digital pedagogy in different disciplines where people independently discover some technique that another community has long been using https://digitalpedagogy.hcommons.org/introduction/digital-pedagogy-beyond-digital-humanities
it’ll be too late to catch up
Or maybe you could just leapfrog their mistakes . . .
- Nov 2018
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
I feel like there is a tension between this idea that learning happens across an ecosystem and the need for formal institutions to be able to control and track learning.
nteroperability and integration
Integration is the key here--with learning opportunities available in disparate locations, institutions of formal education need to help students make sense of their world and integrate their learning.
- Mar 2018
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
The worst digital tools attempt to dictate our pedagogies, determining what we can do with them and for whom
Right--we have to be conscious of how the affordances of technology determine our actions--cf. Design of Everyday Things for more on affordances
It looks like careful planning without attachment to or fetishizing of outcomes
Is this a reaction to a perceived over-focus on assessment?
Depends on what you think authority means . . .
What is the point of rote memorization when everything is available online all the time?
Good question--what do you think, BLCC-AH? (I think there is a role, but I am curious about your thoughts.)
that their interface and functionalities control how teachers teach online
For the BLCC-AH class--what are ways that Canvas or other tools have constrained the way you teach?
mindfully aware teaching
I think this is his definition of pedagogy
The etymology of pedagogy reveals that leadership is at its core;
from the Greek: paidos + ago or the noun "child" + the verb "I lead"
instantaneous, momentary, vital exchange
This phrase implies that pedagogy is synchronous (and therefore can't apply to asynchronous online), but I don't think that is necessarily what Sean is getting at.
Pedagogy has at its core timeliness, mindfulness, and improvisation.
I think this is more like teaching as vocation--pedagogy is the craft practiced by teachers.
What’s the difference between digital pedagogy and teaching online?
- May 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Some teachers will use web annotation as a tool throughout the semester for this purpose
I've used this technique with students reading Vergil's Aeneid in Latin: I assigned different types of annotation for sections of the text: grammatical, formal elements of the poetry, e.g., scansion, similes, etc., and literary or cultural analysis, e.g., themes in Vergil.
For ten more examples of annotation, see the annotation keyword in Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: https://github.com/curateteaching/digitalpedagogy/blob/master/keywords/annotation.md
sites.stedwards.edu sites.stedwards.edu
blog on a scheduled day
don't get off schedule