- Jan 2018
s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com
“sink or swim”
This article has been great and all, but I would love to hear some of the other side of this argument. Where are the teachers that 'swim'? What does their education, field-experience, and day-to-day look like? More importantly, where are the teachers who swim AND are happy with life?
This article makes it seem as though beginning teachers are doomed to either pass or fail, and even if they pass they are still likely to be so busy that they hate their life and wish that they had failed and gone to do something else. While this could very well be the case for some teachers, I know for a fact that this is not the kind of world that I would like to go into for the rest of my life.
So how does one 'swim'?
higher standards of academic achievement.
This is the goal, but how common is this in most schools already? I went to a good high-school and I can only think of a handful of teachers that were like this. What are modern teachers lacking, and how can a better college education help to change that?
s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com
help each student achieve a more mature under-standing.
The importance of a teacher searching for incomplete understandings is to mature the student, not to brainwash them by replacing the students' understanding with their OWN incomplete understanding. How often does this happen via informal learning outlets (social media, for example) in today's society, and how does a teacher avoid this? More importantly, how do teachers teach their students to avoid misinformation via informal outlets on their own?
sense-making, self-assessment, and reflection on what worked and what needsimproving
This seems very similar to the concept of 'mindfulness' researched and taught by Dr. Frank Diaz. In what ways is active learning different from this? Is 'mindfulness' simply an application of active learning unto oneself?
evidence of transfer.
How will the understanding of learning gained through this class allow us, as music educators, to innovate in new learning environments? Is the key 'transfer' from this understanding of learning one where we are capable of facilitating a learning environment unique to our own person, as well as being unique to the needs and desires of our students?
s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com s3.us-central-1.wasabisys.com
design your own classroom or classroom activities, to assess whether your students have learned, and adjust your instruction accordingly.
Adaptive teaching and learning is a great thing