- Jul 2022
bafkreid7fzg5f6jb7rugtsu2lu33hzkvs4xfaoxzr5b75swqzandabzije.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreid7fzg5f6jb7rugtsu2lu33hzkvs4xfaoxzr5b75swqzandabzije.ipfs.dweb.link
A conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT)assures eventual consistency through optimisticreplication
- about : CRDT
many distributed systemsare now designed to provide availability and partitiontolerance by trading consistency for eventual consistency.
availability and partition tolerance
trading consistency for eventual consistency
partition tolerance
the system continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped [or delayed] by the network
every request receives a [possibly out-of-date] non-error response
every read receives the most recent write or an error
deterministic resolution strategy can be insufficient incases with complicated data structures or complicatednetwork topologies.
multi-writer systems,
conflict resolution CRDT
The flexible event-based structure enables client applications to deriveadvanced applications states, including queryablematerialized views, and custom CRDTs
event based structure
advanced application states
custom CRDTs
push-based synchronization that iscommon in distributed protocols
push-based synchronization
distributed protocols
pull-based replica synchronization
!- concept : pull based replica synchronization
!- idea : pull based syndication
build a network for user-siloed data
!- for : value prop - IndyLoom
- Personal first, Interpersonal companion to https://idealoom.org/
- Why not Individual owned data https://perkeep.org/
- build network of user-siloed IndyWeb Apps
- that are not only designed to operate on data that
- is owned and kept by the individuals
- on their own(ed) devices
- but are amenable to be processed by any other IndyWebApps that individuals choose to make use of.
- IndyWeb Apps do not treat individual as users (losers)
- but empower individuals to indwell in their
- own(ed)
- autonomous digital spaces.
- Share and collaborate with others on their own terms and chosen means that promote high degree of inter(operability|exchangebaility) not only of data that matters to them but the very capabilities that they use..
- By construction both their data and the capabilities are EverGreen.
held by the individual !- concept : user-siloed data
D. Betts, J. Dominguez, G. Melnik, F. Simonazzi, andM. Subramanian, Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing:A Journey into High Scalability, Availability, andMaintainability with Windows Azure, 1st ed. Microsoftpatterns & practices, 2013
[12] Martin Fowler, “CQRS,” martinfowler.com, Jul. 14,2011. https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html(accessed Sep. 20, 2019).
13] M. Fowler, “Event Sourcing,” martinfowler.com. https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html(accessed Sep. 19, 2019).
command queryresponsibility segregation (CQRS) patterns [7]
!- jargon : CQRS
bafkreihghrd4kauazniloonb2bjrvg7yr6yykpcmegyukzdxdumuuhco6u.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreihghrd4kauazniloonb2bjrvg7yr6yykpcmegyukzdxdumuuhco6u.ipfs.dweb.link
The Boundar
thread traverses the boundary
can and did mislead us to ignore real issues
Harvest & Yield
near realtime messages can be lost
as there are strong guarantees to be able to get complete results for designated time periods
message-passing clusters
People acting as agents, hubs to themselves in their owned networks
Constant evolution (internet time)
Need Evergreen combination of data and capabilities
both available together within specific time periods
auto archiving
and auto upgrade chains
Time series with predefined granuality is permanent
Harvest Options
- ignore lost nodes
- pair up nodes
- n-member replica groups
dynamic replica groups
Can’t do pass--byby--reference (pointers)reference (poin
This is the key
we can pass content addreses = act as shared memory to named data
- for : concept - Networked Collaborative Memory systems
Symptom of a deeper problem
yeah need a people centred interpersonal computing paradigm powered by anti-databses, nbamed data networks
the data that us shared is out there
while echa participants have autoinbomous, redundant durable evergreen redundant storage (mutual backup) intight knit trusted networks of people build on trust fgor trust
The CAP Theorem
!- contrast : People centred, InterPersonal Constellations
can have Consistency, Availability
since all data shared is available in the network and is owned by and controlled by contributors partition tolerance is a given
need to centre on discoverability and reach
!- contrast : People centred, InterPersonal Constellations - atomicity - isolation - (eventual) consistency - durability
no need to forfeit Consistency and Isolation
Persistent State is HARD
Classic DS focus on the computation, not the data
- this is WRONG, computation is the easy partt
Data centers exist for a reason
- can’t have consistency or availability without them
Other locations are for caching only:
proxies, basestations, set-top boxes, desktops
- phones, PDAs ...
Distributed systems can’t ignore location
for : concept - Constellations
- constellations for provisioning
- persistence
- communication
- platforms
www.geeksforgeeks.org www.geeksforgeeks.org
ACID properties
!- concept :ACID - atomicity - Consistency - Isolation - Durability
for transactions
relax to informatioin exchange
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Growing older is a privilege not everyone gets, so it seems rather perverse to be an (old) grump about it.
"Growing older is indeed a privilege not every one gets"
bafybeie54o6dvlw72hi46le7filt6e67vufjqnogzy64b3txomhcg525ua.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeie54o6dvlw72hi46le7filt6e67vufjqnogzy64b3txomhcg525ua.ipfs.dweb.link
h e f o r m a l notation became known as B N F -standing for "Backus N o r m a l F o r m , " or "Backus N a u r F o r m " torecognize the further contributions by Peter N a u r of Denmark.
Backus's work alongside John Allen's Anatomy of Lisp book discussing Syntax Directed Translation, and Abelson and Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs inspired my PhD on "Language-Oriented Programming in Meta-Lisp" at Leeds University.
Revisiting this paper allows me to articulate on the margin the ideas relating to a revival of Simomnyi;s intentional software, based on the recognition that Software is a conversation about intents and a matter of Mutual Learning Symmathesy.
The original motivation for managing complexity by maintaining referential transparency and intellectual manageability over the past two decades, inspired by the works of Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay and Ward Cunningham, evolved into the recognition of the need to developing means that augment the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being and bootstrap collaboration co-creation of co-evolution of man-computer symbiotic systems.
Can Programming Be Liberated from the vonNeumann Style? A Functional Style and ItsAlgebra of Programs
When will programming be liberated from the von Neuman Style? When programming itself will be obsoleted. The end of programming is nigh.
I despair at the the ephemerality of the Web
It is utterly broken
We need IPFS
only one state transition occurs per major com-putation.
one state transition per major computation
instead of state need to consider information spaces make the intent/purpose of transition in intentional digital information spaces articulated through "thought vectors" in concept space, that are themselves are presentable in forms that conducive to human comprehension yet are machine processable
inability to effectively use powerful combining forms forbuilding new programs from existing ones
- claim: inability to use effectively powerful combining forms for building new "programs?" from existing ones.
It is not programs we want
division of programming into aworld of expressions and a world o f statements,
world of expressions with referential transparency
and statements
r close coupling o f semantics tostate transitions,
coupling of semantics to state transition
there is more to program than semantics
*it is all about intent and intended behaviour a matter of digital experience and habitability of the system for individual human beings with an intent, a purpose, a task to be accomplished"
"Programming" as Simonyi pointed out:
Programming today is the opposite of diamond mining. In diamond mining you dig up a lot of dirt to find a small bit of value. With programming you start with the value, the real intention, and bury it in a bunch of dirt. - Charles Simonyi https://hyp.is/YWmmNM6ZEeuV7xf1-U7Q1g/www.quotemaster.org/qcfd525f5b7bc2370751ba06007edecbb
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
martinfowler.com martinfowler.combliki: CQRS11
The change that CQRS introduces is to split
no need to split if you have available dynamically everything you ever need to extract from a uniform graph model that is self-explicating buy using 'shapes'
after all everything articulated as "thought vectors in concept space"
or rather
"intent vectors in digital spaces"
This structure of multiple layers of representation
slay those layers
If you're using a Domain Model, then this is usually the conceptual representation of the domain. You typically also make the persistent storage as close to the conceptual model as you can.
all you need is a metaricular establishment of meta conceptual/intentional models in terms of which domains, intent, interpretations and transformation themselves can be ellucidated, organized and necessary mappings organized
provide persistence mechanisms matching each conceived required interaction collaboration scaling provisionming alternatives. this is possible if you adopt a people-centred viewpoint, after all at the end of the day any system will be used by individuals so put them and their needs at the centre of all architecyure for all computer systyems we build
stop creating data as people in disguise*
Developers typically build their own conceptual model which they use to manipulate the core elements of the model.
let us articulate conceptual/intentional models and their processing explicitly in a form that is intellectually manageable and ipso facto amenable to arbitrary interpretations and transformations
each of which is a different representation.
why oh why oh why should we change representation
change in representation requires new mechanisms to be established for each, why
we need a universal uniform way of making sense, articulating processes by making explicit (in a uniform way) the intent the purpose and the required mappings
users are losers
we are concerned wit individual human beings augmented by machine capabilities
As this occurs we begin to see multiple representations of information.
need uniform, self-explicative organization of information# universal representation that gives us the ability to create intentional presentations control surfaces and affordances that are co-evolvable with the growth of understanding as we explore (problem) domains of interest and intents
even infer data
infer data
complex manipulation in the aid of discovery and comprehension sense making, articulation
MVC breaks down when the primary goal of information processing is to discover create evolve models
collapsing multiple records into one, or forming virtual records by combining information for different places
collapsing multiple records
comnbining information
CRUD datastore
*data store is a concept that separates information model and intentional model and consistent writing(
The alter native is to have a fully auditrailed attrtibuted tranistional record of all meaningful states with explicit indication about the nature og transitions. This is critical when information is gathered as we grow understanding of a system
beware that for most systems CQRS adds risky complexity.
- claim : CQRS adds complexity
should we say complications
cscoxk.wordpress.com cscoxk.wordpress.com
Identity by Presence
This short video from the MIT Open Mustard Seed Project describes the idea of an Identity by Presence.
is working with the World Economic Forum to build frameworks for the use of personal date to create both social and economic value.)
surely personal data
personal data is an oxymoron if you consider with Jaron Larnier that "information is but people in disguise"
www.crunchbase.com www.crunchbase.com
social ecosystem of trusted, self-healing digital institutions.
!- constrast that with - building on live interpersonal trust
- video : https://bafybeiesxz7b4osoyc7v3oiue6f3dvjbdxayeymjc6mljmpk3zbwdkcmvi.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=Open%2520Mustard%2520Seed%2520Intro%2520identity%2520by%2520presence.mp4
empowering individuals to assert greater control over their data, onlineidentities and authentication, and in so doing, enable them to design and deploy a new generation of trusted digital institutions and services globally.
!- contrast that with : - empowering individuals to own, in perpetuity their data and identities and digital spaces and capabilities s that are build from trust for trust
Local file Local file
Individual Controlled Identity by Presence systems are low cost to deploy and manage andare easily retrofitted to existing systems
!- about : concept - individual-controlled identity
presence systems - to : https://hyp.is/BgP1GgD8Ee2wRdf3mH71qw/cscoxk.wordpress.com/2014/12/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Alan Watts: Aesthetics and Mystical Vision – Being in the Way Ep. 14
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ISKO UK Meetup June 2022 - Why graphs? The limits of hierarchical thinking53 views53 viewsJun 21, 2022
fairforall.substack.com fairforall.substack.com
Does postmodernism impede learning?
Why you shouldn’t keep your startup idea secret
cdixon.org cdixon.org
“stealth mode” is a bad idea.
- claim :
Imagine, for example, that you were thinking of starting Netflix back when it was founded in 1997.
neflix 1997
But the reality is that ideas do matter,
C- ideas do matter
The idea maze
scalingsynthesis.com scalingsynthesis.com
navigating the idea maze, and form your own conclusions about the claims, questions, and trails between them.
navigating the idea maze =
Local file Local file()2
pure XMLtextual encoding formats prove to be limiting under several point of view
!- claim : XML textual encoding format is limiting to say the list
Toward textual encoding based on RDF
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
Google Translate is nothing but the robo-sum of human intelligence and skilled labor. “Digital information,” Lanier writes, “is really just people in disguise.”
Digital Information is really just people in disguise
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web? The digital pioneer and visionary behind virtual reality has turned against the very culture he helped create
cscoxk.wordpress.com cscoxk.wordpress.com
Identity by Presence – A Privacy and Cost Nightmare
identity by presence
search.brave.com search.brave.com
!- search - brave : the rise of devops
The rise of the DevOps mindset - Stack Overflow Blog stackoverflow.blog › home › the rise of the devops mindset
- search : the rise of devops
10 July 2020 - DevOps has become one of those buzzwords with many conflicting definitions. What’s for certain is it’s on the rise. In our 2020 developer Survey, around 80% of the respondents believed that DevOps is at least somewhat important. We take a look at the phenomenon, some definitions, and talk ...
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
The Death and Rise of Enterprise DevOps by Made Mulia Indrajaya
shadow-soft.com shadow-soft.com
Second, containers are self-documenting. During the old process of manually provisioning infrastructure and environments,
containers automate and document provisioning
DevOps brings the agile focus on communication and collaboration between developers and the operations team, giving the post-code software process the same responsiveness that the coding process has.
bring responsiveness to post-code software processes
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
: concerned with events existing in a limited time period and ignoring historical antecedents
- define : synchronic
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
History and Etymology for synchrony synchron(ous) + -y entry 2 Note: As a linguistic term borrowed from French synchronie, it was introduced along with synchronique synchronic by Ferdinand de saussure; see note at diachrony.
- history, etymology : synchrony
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
borrowed from French diachronie, from dia- dia- + Greek chrónos "time, duration" (of obscure origin) + French -ie -y entry 2 Note: Term introduced, along with the adjective diachronique, by Ferdinand de saussure in the posthumously published Cours de linguistigue générale (Lausanne/Paris, 1916), compiled from lecture notes by his students. See also synchronic, synchrony.
- is : history, etymology
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
borrowed from French diachronique, from diachronie diachrony + -ique -ic entry 1
- is : etymology
: of, relating to, or dealing with phenomena (as of language or culture) as they occur or change over a period of time
- is : definition
blog.archive.org blog.archive.org
a year’s worth of my own writing had been suddenly blocked from being read on the internet by an expired certificate.
expired certificate
rapid, unpredictable cycles of creation, dissemination, and destruction
cycles of creation dissemination and destruction
living amid an unprecedented availability of information, and of the unprecedented unavailability of that same information.
unprecedented availability/unavailability of the same information
the fear that one’s work will be stolen, and the fear that one’s work will be lost.
stolen or lost
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
As We May Think
www.collaborative.tech www.collaborative.tech
Collaborative Technology Alliance
www.conversence.com www.conversence.com
convergence: a deeper mutual understanding of issues, enabling community-scale collaboration
!- for : IndyLoom
all annotations are created from the perspective of IndyLoom
!- do how : - italicize the text that is intended to be part of the discussion about the topic designated with the ClueMark clue:
'!- for : IndyWeb'
!- for : ClueMark - stub: - ClueMark comprise a sequence of TrailMark Terms separated by a hyphen '-' the end of that sequence is marked syntactically by a colon ':' optinally followd by the name of a target node in the indyvidual's MindGraph
reinvent the practice of group conversations
!- for : IndyLoom
reinvent conversations by making them People Centred, rooted in the individuals own networked thinking shared and co-created through trusted inter personal collaboration
numinous.productions numinous.productions
memory systems
!- for : associative recall, -auto
!- for : What's in a Name
!- for : auto-associative search, auto associative search
!- for : associative memory - is powered by searches for shapes, patterns of connections in a graph with possibly matching terms in the associated contents
- *names for nodes in MindGraph can inf act be search strings, or alternatively can have their own declared collection of auto-associative and associative search terms"
www.quotemaster.org www.quotemaster.org
Programming today is the opposite of diamond mining. In diamond mining you dig up a lot of dirt to find a small bit of value. With programming you start with the value, the real intention, and bury it in a bunch of dirt. - Charles Simonyi
- auto associative search terms : simonyi diamond mining
!- gloss : auto associative terms - x - x programming
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Now I would like to read to you from the footnote to Howl, Allen Ginsberg's famous poem, that for many people embodied at the time what it meant to be engaged in this new literary project. So, this is footnote to 00:07:28 Howl:
Footnote to Howl Holy
So, that's one small way in the language that they practiced tried to imitate the experience that they were immersing themselves in
art imitates life
language imitates experience
The Computer Arts imitates Creation itself
creating boundless spaces of shared digital experience
in that sense Terrence McKena's notion of
Language as the original Virtual Reality
comes to be realized
language has to be wrenched out of its conventions; syntax can be set aside; 00:14:31 language needs to move at the speed of experience
language move speed experience
Embarrassment tells us we're in the presence of the excess,
embarrassment presence excess
Embarrassment is thematized in On the Road, and it's assigned what I think is a very interesting provenance.
embarrassment thematized provenance
all the ecstasies that come from that embodiment
ecstasies embodiment
the source of the poetry is that holy, lived experience
source poetry holy lived experience
Everything is holy!
Howl Holy
Professor Amy Hungerford:
Amy Hungerford
The Golden Bough; I have used especially the two volumes Adonis, Attis, Osiris
The Golden Bough
So, first I want to read to you the footnote to T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland. Now The Wasteland was the first poem to have footnotes, and you have to ask yourself: what do you have to think the poem is in 00:05:24 order to think that it needs footnotes?
9. Jack Kerouac, On the Road (cont.)
0:40 not a call for revolution 1;00 language that itself is a kind of experience
the original virtual reality see McKenna
18:50 experience through
twitter.com twitter.com
What is a Personal Knowledge Graph?
What is a Personal Knowledge Graph?
Here's the answer of @AshleighNFaith
What is your answer? @AlanMorrison @pacoid @namedgraph @maribelacosta @cathal @TrailMarks
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Business Persons' Guide to: What is a Personal Knowledge Graph? In 10 minutes or less
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
We’ve lost control of our personal data
control of personal data
personal collection of information
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
revolutionary “starfish,” which rely on the power of peer relationships.
power of peer relationships
If you cut off a spider’s leg, it’s crippled; if you cut off its head, it dies. But if you cut off a starfish’s leg it grows a new one, and the old leg can grow into an entirely new starfish.
star fish leg grows a new start fish
The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations
By making information available across peer networks, traditional hierarchical structures are often rendered obsolete.
peer networks vs hierarchical structures
The way the web works will shape how we see the world – and how we organize ourselves in society
the way the web works
matrix.org matrix.org
the first major existing chat platform to switch to natively speaking Matrix!
major chat platfo0rm natively speaking matrix
Welcoming Gitter to Matrix!2020-09-30 — General — Matthew Hodgson
blog.gitter.im blog.gitter.im
Gitter is moving to Element!
twitter.com twitter.com
Exciting news: Gitter is joining @element_hq and entering the @matrixdotorg community!
Exciting news: Gitter is joining @element_hq and entering the @matrixdotorg community! 🚀
Looking forward to bridging with the wider decentralised Matrix network & bringing Matrix magic to Gitter like E2EE, VoIP, and the Matrix API!
Read more here:
GitLab based communities and rooms
How to write threaded messages
Threaded conversations and GitLab based communities and rooms
search.brave.com search.brave.com
- search : gitter chat thread
www.inc.com www.inc.com
nod in the direction of "doing the right thing."
"do the right thing" when combined with power
tend to do evil things while pretending to be "for the greater good"
the road to totalitarianism" of high tech
a new initiative that he says is meant to "make the online world a place worth being in."
- for : value prop - IndyWeb
make the online space worth being in
The Internet Is Broken and Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Invented the World Wide Web, Thinks He Has a Plan to Fix ItIn an op-ed, the World Wide Web's founder is championing a new vision for how the internet should work. Will it matter at all?Shape
gitter.im gitter.im
a web that gives much more power to the individual.
- for : IndyWeb
a web that gives much more power to the individual.
Philippe Duchesne @pduchesne Jun 24 10:39 Is anyone familiar with the International Data Spaces initiative (https://internationaldataspaces.org/) ? On paper it is very similar in intent to Solid, and appears to be backed by a lot of academic and industrial partners. Has anyone more insights ?
It's a strange approach, but it means that if you change service providers but keep the same DID, all your old data URIs are still valid.
- for : IndyWeb
- exchangeability of
- service
- surface
- providers
- exchangeability of
make service providers exchangeable!
- for : IndyWeb
In order for machines to understand what we mean we need to refer each part of what we say to a machine readable definition so that the machine knows the difference between a music:rock concert and a geology:rock climb. Hence vocabularies defining what things mean.
vocabularies define what we mean
Jeff Zucker @jeff-zucker Jun 23 03:02 @amingst:matrix.org - it's a difference in philosophy - instead of AI gathering information about the world, analyzing it according to non-transparent algorithms, and spitting back to us the part it wants us to see, we prefer to let humans say what things mean and machines can follow along. In order for machines to understand what we mean we need to refer each part of what we say to a machine readable definition so that the machine knows the difference between a music:rock concert and a geology:rock climb. Hence vocabularies defining what things mean. And too - imagine the difference between 1,000 databases, each with their own table and column labeling system - no interoperability. Compared to 1,000 linked data sources all using related vocabularies - interoperable.
instead of AI gathering information about the world
let let humans say what things mean and machines can follow along
let humans say what things mean and machines can follow along
let humans say what they mean
mark their intents in a form that machines can help to realize
internationaldataspaces.org internationaldataspaces.org
hy Data Sovereignty Data Spaces Global Standard We The Association GAIA-X IDS in Europe Board Head Office Members Become a Member Get access to Jive Make Use Cases Open Source Working Groups Launch Coalition Communities Projects Hubs Liaisons Use Reference Architecture IDS Components Certification IDS Reference Testbed DIN SPEC Adopt Data Space Radar Implementation Partners Education Essential Services Publications Most Important Documents About IDSA Membership IDS Ram White papers Position papers Studies & external papers Scientific Publications Magazines Why Data Sovereignty Data Spaces Global Standard We The Association GAIA-X IDS in Europe Board Head Office Members Become a Member Get access to Jive Make Use Cases Open Source Working Groups Launch Coalition Communities Projects Hubs Liaisons Use Reference Architecture IDS Components Certification IDS Reference Testbed DIN SPEC Adopt Data Space Radar Implementation Partners Education Essential Services Publications Most Important Documents About IDSA Membership IDS Ram White papers Position papers Studies & external papers Scientific Publications Magazines Why Data Sovereignty Data Spaces Global Standard We The Association GAIA-X IDS in Europe Board Head Office Members Become a Member Get access to Jive Make Use Cases Open Source Working Groups Launch Coalition Communities Projects Hubs Liaisons Use Reference Architecture IDS Components Certification IDS Reference Testbed DIN SPEC Adopt Data Space Radar Implementation Partners Education Essential Services Publications Most Important Documents About IDSA Membership IDS Ram White papers Position papers Studies & external papers Scientific Publications Magazines | News, Blog, Events Blog News Fairs & Events IDSA Events & Live Sessions Archive Newsletter Registration Press JOBS Why Data Sovereignty Data Spaces Global Standard We The Association GAIA-X IDS in Europe Board Head Office Members Become a Member Get access to Jive Make Use Cases Open Source Working Groups Launch Coalition Communities Projects Hubs Liaisons Use Reference Architecture IDS Components Certification IDS Reference Testbed DIN SPEC Adopt Data Space Radar Implementation Partners Education Essential Services Publications Most Important Documents About IDSA Membership IDS Ram White papers Position papers Studies & external papers Scientific Publications Magazines | News, Blog, Events Blog News Fairs & Events IDSA Events & Live Sessions Archive Newsletter Registration Press JOBS Why Data Sovereignty Data Spaces Global Standard We The Association GAIA-X IDS in Europe Board Head Office Members Become a Member Get access to Jive Make Use Cases Open Source Working Groups Launch Coalition Communities Projects Hubs Liaisons Use Reference Architecture IDS Components Certification IDS Reference Testbed DIN SPEC Adopt Data Space Radar Implementation Partners Education Essential Services Publications Most Important Documents About IDSA Membership IDS Ram White papers Position papers Studies & external papers Scientific Publications Magazines News, Blog, Events News Blog Fairs & Events IDSA Events & Live Sessions Archive Newsletter Registration Press JOBS Why Data Sovereignty Data Spaces Global Standard We The Association GAIA-X IDS in Europe Board Head Office Members Become a Member Get access to Jive Make Use Cases Open Source Working Groups Launch Coalition Communities Projects Hubs Liaisons Use Reference Architecture IDS Components Certification IDS Reference Testbed DIN SPEC Adopt Data Space Radar Implementation Partners Education Essential Services Publications Most Important Documents About IDSA Membership IDS Ram White papers Position papers Studies & external papers Scientific Publications Magazines News, Blog, Events News Blog Fairs & Events IDSA Events & Live Sessions Archive Newsletter Registration Press JOBS setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_1_1',rl:[1280,1024,980,480],el:[900],gw:[1280],gh:[900],type:'hero',justify:'',layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"});if (window.RS_MODULES!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules["revslider11"]!==undefined) {window.RS_MODULES.modules["revslider11"].once = false;window.revapi1 = undefined;if (window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal!==undefined) window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal()} INTERNATIONAL DATA SPACES The future of the data economy is here
Given that data is but people in disguise
all businesses ultimately aimed at serving individual human needs so somewhere in the chain people will appear
we need autonomous emergent people centred interpersonal spaces
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Terry A. Davis This is Terry A. Davis. The guy single-handedly, from scratch wrote:An entire operating system (TempleOS)Different tools and demo games for his operating system2D Graphics library3D Graphics libraryHis own assemblerA bootloaderA compiler for his own C-like Programming language (Holy C)Multiple file formats and many more
Local file Local file
The development in product-lines is divided into domain engineering andapplication engineering.
PLA divided into domain engineering and application engineering
within a fixed architecture
consider domain engineering based on universal meta models for data and intents, surfaces, affordances (work)flows
sound like domain engineering concerns itself cross application modelling concerns within an emergent singular architecture
make the intentional domain model itself self-hosting extensible re-(usable|mixable) co-evolvable and instead of developing a PLA allow multiplicity of constellations for constructing spaces of interest that supports desired levels of scales and collaboration patterns
domain engineering is reconceptualized as comprised of two parts: instance first, discursive conversational articulation of
- domains of interest
- holonic heterarchies of muuallyu arising of intents / workflows of interest
application engineering then becomes a process of realizing constructing spaces for the domain etc of interest and instead of specializing the constellation of interest extend it in suitable ways supporting large scale emergent reuse
Development strategies based on product-lines have proven to be adequatefor achieving large-scale software reuse and reduced time-to-market
large scale software resuse and born interoperability
product-linearchitecture (PLA)
An MDA Approach for Variability Managementin Product-Line EngineeringAndr ́e L. Santos1*, Ant ́onia Lopes1, and Kai Koskimies2
MDA approach
refugeictsolution.com.ng refugeictsolution.com.ng
What Is Application Domain In Software Engineering
thoroughly confused concept
docs.npmjs.com docs.npmjs.com
npm init -w ./packages/a
create workspace
inception-project.github.io inception-project.github.ioWelcome2
In the recently funded INCEpTION project, UKP Lab at TU Darmstadt aims towards building an annotation platform that incorporates all the related tasks into a joint web-based platform.
A semantic annotation platform offering intelligent assistance and knowledge management
automatically generate annotation suggestions this makes the 00:01:36 process of annotation more efficient it also supports domain adaptation by allowing to upload pre annotated text from one domain and having the system learn from this to make annotation 00:01:49 suggestions on uninit ated texts from another domain
automatically generate annotation suggestions
hree areas of functionality which are essential to text annotation compiling a corpus of 00:00:30 text documents for annotation annotating the text documents and managing knowledge to which the text can be connected integrating these three functionalities into a single annotation 00:00:44 platform allows to perform tasks such as entity disambiguation cross document coreference focused annotation using semantic search and many more
compiling a corpus for annotation
managing knowledge
Inception a new text annotation platform currently being developed at the UK P 00:00:19 lab at the Technische universität dam start
text annotation platform
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Linking Biomedical Publications and Knowledge using the INCEpTION annotation platform @ BLAH5159 views159 views28 Feb 2019
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
INCEpTION - Introduction | Episode 14,155 views4.1K views22 Mar 2019
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Robert Haisfield @RobertHaisfieldAs of right now, no personal knowledge graph I know about gives you a way to change the weights of edges4:32 PM · Jun 28, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
weight edges
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Belülrõl izzó tûz (Az indián varázsló beavat a látás rejtelmeibe). Ford. Boreczky Elemér, Édesvíz Kiadó
Beszéljen, kérem, a hatvanas évekrõl, ak-kor az a helyes válasz rá, hogy aki emlékszik a hatvanas évekre, az nem volt ott.
whoever remembers the sixties was not there
that use npm workspaces
npm workspaces
is it possible that lithuania is trying to pressure the eu to end the sanctions on russian gas before winter put pressure 00:59:24 on eu sanctions with trade blockade might let baltic's baltics not freeze
end gas sanction Baltic not freeze
constantly asking the real question that only matters the only question that ever matters cui bono who benefits right now and then you can go right now in this context with this thing 00:51:29 that's what the difference between frankly good geopolitical analyst and a good data acquirer right some people are really good at acquiring data some people are good at synthesizing data 00:51:42 that's the difference you guys are really good at synthesizing data that's why i'm on the show
who benefits
data acquirers
good at synthesizing data
you could make a very credible argument that all of covid was put on us in order 00:44:53 to stop the fed from declaring independence from the central bank cartel because they already had when he raised interest rates aggressively in 2018 and 00:45:04 the u.s banks all stopped repowing european debt as collateral which broke the financial system and now with the full implementation of sofr the secured overnight funding rate 00:45:19 and the end of usd libor american banks are insulated completely and american mortgages are insulated completely from whatever happens in europe and therefore 00:45:32 powell can do whatever the hell he wants
covid was put on us to stop the fred from declaring independence from the central banks cartel
we have 00:39:50 a global south that has refused to go along with sanctions policy we have a global south that's saying look we'll pay whatever price for oil we want okay like i you know every time you create a black every time you create a price control 00:40:02 you create a black market that goes along with it every time you create a barrier you create a black market along with it and when the black market is operating it's because it's operating more efficiently than the normal market but the black market itself is a 00:40:14 prima facie evidence of a market inefficiency that was created by arbitrary diktot
global south refused to go along with the anctions
black market
evidence of market inefficiency
by the way who built california the very same people who have effectively built the european union like these are the same people over and over and over again it's the same families it's the same 00:39:01 banks it's the same olgar class so it's the same over and over and over again and you break those people by taking away their monetary spigot you break those people by taking away they're ultimately their power what's 00:39:14 happening to california in the united states everyone's leaving they're all moving to florida texas and tennessee they had to suppress the freaking um census here in the united states in 00:39:25 order to not transfer a intellectual vote away from california and suppress florida texas and most of the most of the old south should have picked up another four or five senate seats or house seats easy 00:39:38 and they didn't because they manipulated the freaking census numbers as bad and that's going to get challenged it's going to get overturned but it's not going to matter for the next 10 years well the same thing's going on around the world
take away the monetary spigot
that number especially europe is is collapsed in terms of its percentage of global gdp and therefore all they can do is take their regulatory their fading 00:38:10 power and try and extend their insane regulatory state and the insane regulatory mindset onto the world and i've been saying this for years that the european union was designed to become like california for the rest of the 00:38:24 world we here in the united states say all the time that every bad idea starts in california and then travels east and because of california's massive political power in the united states owning you know basically 12 of the of 00:38:36 the house of representatives that they can ram through and the massive economic power that they will could ram through every bad idea you've ever thought of and then impose it on the rest of the country well the eu is built on that 00:38:49 same model
eu california
these people do believe that they can repeal the laws of physics they can just write a law 00:36:15 stroke the pen law of the land kind of cool and repeal physics this is why a recent article i had to use the term the tyranny of physics right like sorry guys it you can't you 00:36:28 know there's there's no getting around physics um i wish there were maybe there are nuances to physics that we don't that we're yet to discover that will allow us to break certain ideas and certain rules but we ain't got there yet 00:36:41 and it you know whiskey costs money and oil costs money to get out of the ground and you the the idea that they can put any kind of global price control or even regional price control on the 00:36:54 price of oil is ludicrous it's a big world out there and their enforcement arm isn't anywhere close to as developed as they think it is this is this is these are ideas promulgated by people who literally think that if they 00:37:07 speak magic words that the entire world all seven billion of us will listen this is the inherent this is the takeaway that you should this is what you should take away from 00:37:21 those statements these people believe that they they're like marduk invoking jordan peterson he speaks magic words and then reality is created yeah
repeal physics
marduk and the world is created
as opposed to looking at the evil 00:28:58 corporations who are making who are making all this money i argue this stuff with leftists all the time i'm like as opposed to looking at them as the evil guys because well yeah okay they're in bed with the they're in bed with the 00:29:10 government so that's corporatism which we both hate right well maybe you should look at human and hate humanity for it maybe you should look at what we've actually been able to achieve and maintain in spite of all these people 00:29:23 yeah and in spite of all these barriers uh that was the big awakening for me as a human being i went from a nihilistic little turd as a of a teenager and a young adult to 00:29:35 the day when i you know i finally sat down having read a whole bunch of you know just a different perspective on the world and one oh my god people are amazing that they actually survive all of these 00:29:47 artificial and capricious barriers put in place by a whole bunch of evil people who just think that we don't deserve this stuff because they think you they think they think humanity is a virus i mean this is like the core 00:29:59 problem that we're facing all the other stuff all the iss little issues of the day are just manifestations of this core issue that these people fundamentally believe we don't deserve nice things that we're 00:30:13 a virus and we need to be controlled like livestock interesting because i've just read the title to this article in the delhi telegraph energy rationing is inevitable 00:30:25 without a fundamental rethink of net zero a dangerous world view is gaining ground one that dictates we must tone for the sin of prosperity yeah
atone for the sins of prosperity
my god people are amazing that they actually survive all of these 00:29:47 artificial and capricious barriers put in place by a whole bunch of evil people who just think that we don't deserve this stuff because they think you they think they think humanity is a virus
people are amazing
that they actually survive all of these artificial capricious barriers
humanity is a virus
what is creating all these problems i 00:27:31 mean these these problems are the direct consequence of this systemic sort of barriers yes that's not being erected all over the place 00:27:43 i mean those it's been their ethos since julian huxley and unesco and the club of rome and all that stuff that they don't want us having access to cheap energy they 00:27:54 don't want us having access to efficient markets they want to control all of those things control what i've called them in the past the wire the wire is the thing that transmits information right and it doesn't matter what that what the wire is it's a metaphor for 00:28:08 everything transportation communications money everything and they want the toll booth installed at every at every barrier and every place along that 00:28:20 entire system so that they can extract all the profit from it which is why they need a debt based system to constantly extract the profit from it so that we're all left on a profit drip 00:28:33 feed and we're all in effective economic service to their system that's that is what we call capitalism today this is why i have no patience for 00:28:45 progressives because this system looks a hell of a lot more like communism and technocratic rule than it does free and efficient capital markets
control the wire toll booth
communism and technocratic rule
we're gonna sanction the periodic table original question alex which is that these people live in a land of illusions 00:21:08 they live in a relationship in a fantasy world that you know you know i last i checked you can't tag atoms of gold with um with nfps or with little markers on the blockchain in order to figure out where they came from
sanction the periodic table
fantasy world
can't tag atoms of gold with urn nfts
well we have to come up with a reason why and it's all post hoc fallacy every bit of it almost almost all of it is wrong righ
post hoc fallacy
i was incredulous the us energy secretary said today that she doesn't care about high gas prices of inflation as saving the liberal world 00:11:59 order is more importan
energy prices vs saving the liberal world order
the bad information they put out to everybody is no longer being accepted let's double 00:08:39 down on the bad information and try and make it worse and you know in economic terms all prices are information the entire economy runs on information so if you if you muck with prices and you control prices then you're just propagating bad 00:08:52 behavior and just propagating bad information and eventually those bills come due
bad information
bills come due
rank authoritarians they're communists at heart
rank authoritarians
they have been living in a world of illusions and they've pulled us all along
world of illusion
Oil price caps, blockades and more sanctions w/Tom Luongo (Live
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Twenty-Five Years Later: Looking Back at the "Fischer Controversy" and Its Consequences
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Trail Marks@TrailMarksReplying to @TrailMarks @alexobenauer and @AlanKayQuotesThe first step is to find its true name You can learn from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/resources/1a-overview-and-introduction-to-lisp/… computer science is not about computers and it is surely not a science more like an art practiced by high priests of a low cult. At least in those days it was not just pop culture and cargo cult
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Install nvm, with:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
Install cURL (a tool used for downloading content from the internet in the command-line) with: sudo apt-get install curl
sudo apt-get install curl
We recommend using a version manager as versions change very quickly. You will likely need to switch between multiple versions of Node.js based on the needs of different projects you're working on. Node Version Manager, more commonly called nvm, is the most popular way to install multiple versions of Node.js.
running multiple version of node
Install Windows Terminal (optional)
- skip :
Windows start menu) and check the version and codename using the command: lsb_release -dc.
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the Chrome DevTools Protocol makes this pretty easy. Brad hacked up some Go code to drive Chrome (using https://github.com/chromedp/chromedp) and do a basic download and then Mathieu Lonjaret made this tool, fleshing out the idea.
Chrome DevTools Protocol
we might have to give up on APIs and resort to scraping
resort to scraping
There also used to be a way to sync your Google Photos to Google Drive, and then you could use the Google Drive API to download your original photos, but Google Photos removed that too.
removed that too
Google Photos used to have an API to do this (the Picasa Web Albums API) but they removed it,
api removed
This program uses the Chrome DevTools Protocol to drive a Chrome session that downloads your photos stored in Google Photos. By default, it starts at the most ancient item in the library, and progresses towards the most recent. It can be run incrementally, as it keeps track of the last item that was downloaded. It only works with the main library for now, i.e. it does not support the photos moved to Archive, or albums. For each downloaded photo, an external program can be run on it (with the -run flag) right after it is downloaded to e.g. upload it somewhere else. See the upload/perkeep program, which uploads to a Perkeep server, for an example.
download photos stored in Google Photos
github.com github.com
About chromedp Package chromedp is a faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Go without external dependencies.
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How to install Linux WSL2 on Windows 10 and Windows 11
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Please visit https://apprun.js.org/docs/apprun-site
- documentation :
AppRun Site AppRun-Site is a command-line tool for building modern web applications with AppRun.
Looks like a new version
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Global variables: increasingly, the only completely global variables will come from the language proper. Everything else will come from modules (including functionality from the standard library and the browser). That is, you statically know all global variables.
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- Jun 2022
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The Evolving mSpace Platform: Leveraging the Semantic Web on the Trail of the MemexMax WilsonPublished 2005
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If you’ve ventured on to Crypto Twitter this year, you may have seen a tweet from the meme account WTF Happened in 1971?
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Cloud computing’s fatal flaw is that it ”doesn’tleverage power in your pocket.”
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the moment you do, when mobile and personal devices will get powerfull enough and storage cheap enough, as it is today, and combine it wit h Web3
the Cloud will loose its controlling dominance
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re talking about the same concepts
their thought vectors in their con ept space with specific terminology is isomorphic or in another way mappable to each other in some ways. It is Metaphors we live by.
inked to a note about cognitive scaffolding. It was interesting because I had actually encountered his thought about cognitive scaffolding before, but I hadn’t drawn the connection that we were talking about the same thing with different language! A knowledge graph that naively uses linkages to the same term wouldn’t capture this connection.
Well yes, the answer is in 'What's in a Name?' and the Links