22,069 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. I’d like digital garden to be like a bonsai tree. Carefully growing, trimming, pruning, artfully shaping a beautiful tree of resources and ideas

      back in the sweet spot days of Palm computing my favourite program was an Outliner called Bonsai

    2. Right now, traditional ‘ tools for thought Tools for Thought Related: Extended Mind Hypothesis, Networked thought, interaction design Questions: How can we create tools that aid our thinking? As an extension, how do... Updated 5/26/2022 ’ are not great for this aspect, lacking the ability to publish, edit, and share notes with others.


      This is where IndyGarden = excells evergreen publishing = future proof = share notes with others

      with full provenace even of reading

      fruit Description

    3. I use Curius to keep a backlog of things that are interesting but not interesting enough for me to read at this exact moment.

      4 IndyDig

      *I use hypthesis for that + IndyGarden

    4. Networked Thought Last updated April 7, 2022

      Note that it is a Fruit

      . _ ._ \/ @ @ \._/ //

    5. do not silo notes into categories. Sometimes, the presence of specific ‘folders’ or ’topics’ prevents us from making surprising connections between otherwise related topics (e.g. urban planning Urban Planning notes from A people-centric smart city for racial justice cities are the backbone and hope of social change either great benefit but... Updated 5/26/2022 and data structures A City is not a Tree A City is not a Tree More diagrams in Figma?node-id=0%3A1) Why trees instead of graphs Both the tree and the semilattice are ways... Updated 5/26/2022 ).

      no silos no folders

      everything is deeply intertwingled

    6. bonsai tree.

      yes Bonsai

    7. I use Draft by Slite to have a ‘scratch space’ in my new tab page where I have my running list of todos, temporary thoughts, and things to read in the next little bit. It’s my Apple Notes for my laptop.

      Draft by Slite

    8. Name notes to be as simple as possible

      Every thing is in the name

    9. Link by concept rather


    10. “[One] who works with the door open gets all kinds of interruptions, but [they] also occasionally gets clues as to what the world is and what might be important.” — Richard Hamming

      work with the door open

    11. a dash of chaos and entropy is good for new ideas.

      dash of chaor and entropy

    1. aim for a massively multiplayer platform, to build a network of Kosmik users that can collaborate together, and where the information is never lost.

      instead of building a massively multiplayer platform, build the constellations needed to empower players to be their own(ed) hub, not locked into one set of capabilities but integrate born interoperable/exchangeable open commons based peer produced capabilities of which digital gardening is only the first one


    1. living hypertext notebook.


      hyper notebook

      It really is a kind of interpersonal collaborative digital Garden

    2. 4- IndyWeb, IndyHub

      0- scalling synthesis

    3. I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval

      TrailMarks provides a WorkBench for elaborating and implementing user defined DSLs

    4. I- Search as a primitive

      yes search has to be, but it needs to be interpersonal intercommunity and even global search needs to surface networkd contexts not just relevant content. Both with full audit trails of participants and their engagements, not just contributions but in fact access,sharing, reading and annotating

    5. ideas are associative.

      ideas associative

    6. Start Here

      living hypertext notebook

    1. Running exactly the same validation twice wouldn’t make data more valid.


    2. It feels stupid.

      It is worse than that.

      Call me the carpenter who blames his tools. And in doing so you acknowledge that the current paradigm is in a crisis and the revolution is nigh.

    3. Traditional web architectures require DB, server and a browser, stitched together with RPC and REST calls:

    4. Server not required

      The concept WebNative Constellations was introduced by fission.codes


      Exploring the possibility of constellations that could answer the question

      "What if the only thing you would need is a browser"

      This is possible as we have now protocols like IPFS which makes the entire network the data store or even the database


    1. Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web.

      We are seeking to explore the potential synergy between the IndieWeb and the new emerging, commons based peer produced, homebrew constellations for a People Centered InterPersonal Web we call IndyWeb

    1. If you’re worried about the trustworthiness of every tweet and Facebook post you share, as well as the news stories you read, you are experiencing hypernormalisation right now.

      Hypernormalization non-linear war

      It was an English documentary about hypernormsalisation https://indylab1.fission.app/hyp?hypernormalisation

    1. publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record. The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships.

      That is the key issue

    1. Man cannot hope fullyto duplicate this mental process artificially

      says the man who had alledgedly been dreaming of a



      fake news

    1. Dendrite is a second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go. It intends to provide an efficient, reliable and scalable alternative to Synapse:


    1. Open Tech Will Save Us #16 — Resilience

      run dendrite on a phone as a server

      1:28 dendrite for raspberry pi


    1. "The Simplest Backlink-y Digital Garden app to host both your public and private sense-making." backlinks for compounding network of thoughts browser/cloud-based so can use on mobile, open multiple windows, etc. 2 spaces: 1 private, 1 public (to-read) Markdown standard

      0 FluxGarden

    1. This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (17k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)


    2. WebSeitz/wiki

    1. https://lnkd.in/gDzGYfY

    2. "If a user is viewing that HTML page while logged in, they can take any object from the page and republish it. That’s how we think people will create knowledge gardens in the future: by reusing parts of someone else’s knowledge garden, republishing them as a whole with new comments, allowing these objects to update wherever they are transferred, and tracking the ownership and versions of those objects, whether they are private or public."

      tracking oewnership

    3. "Kosmik is probably the only tool for thought currently available to run on IPFS (

      tool for thought


    4. 1) Control the content objects you create.2) Share content objects you create with anyone you choose.3) Post your own objects in HTML on the web, and allow others to add their own annotations.

      4 digital garderning


    1. deniz@denizaydemirReplying to @TrailMarks and @logseqThanks for the link I’ll check it out! I’m hoping to have a live demo of the structure later this summer. If you haven’t seen already, check out https://scalingsynthesis.com

      4- Digital Gardening - 4 : Digital Gardening - for : Digital Gardening

    1. become a family’s digital garden.

      4 Heirloom Computer

      family's digital garden

    1. 4 IndyWeb

    2. Digital Gardening Last updated April 7, 2022

      Digital Gardening

      . _ ._ \/ @ @ \._/ //

    1. if backlinks can be expressed as a query, we might as well allow the user to edit those queries


    1. A cloud peer is not a hosting provider, it is rather a different type of a personal device.

      cloud peer

    2. data-persistence and identity layer for the distributed web.

      data persistence identity layer

    3. fallback to a trusted server to act as a proxy but this comes at the same price of decentralization. Lots of protocols provide their own signalling and rendez-vous servers you can run but people don’t want to run/host/maintain their own servers either!

      fallback to trusted servers

      eventually consistent communication

    4. Collaborative: multiplayer gardens with ease


      need people themselves to be first class

      local first data and use capablities that are swappable

    5. Interoperable: data should be first-class, not applications

      data first class

    6. Collaboration at scale while keeping local conditions in mind

      collaboration at scla local conditions in mind

    7. Imagine a web where it is easy and normal to create vast and rich collaborative spaces that allow you co-browse the internet and collectively digital garden Digital Gardening As of 2021, this process is no longer accurate. I've embraced a much more networked form of note taking which... Updated 5/20/2022 with friends.

      collectively digital garden with friends

    8. personal cloud

      you can have pocketcloud

    9. local units are composable—modular and interoperable with each other, essentially “stackable” to a more global scale—to enable decentralized systems to efficiently solve problems that may at first blush seem to require centralization for coordination

      local units




    10. platforms should be used to support efficiency of collaboration at scale, the average person doesnt need this to talk to friends for example

      indyviduals do not need that scale

    11. vendor lock-in / agreeing to arbitrary terms of use out of ‘convenience’ at the application level?

      vendor lock-in

      arbitrary terms


    12. extractive and siloed



    13. easily portable because it gives agency to the user who has an intention of transferring data from one context to another the exact steps for them to do so


      along intents

    14. Perhaps the current episteme is best rendered as a rhizome: a subterranean plant stem that can shoot out roots that grow, hydralike, even when snipped in two… a system without beginning or end, “always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo.” –Claire Webb in Noema

      episteme rhyzome

      “always in the middle, between things, interbeing = , intermezzo.”

    15. infrastructure for collaborative local-first applications.

      collaborative local first applications

      4 IndyWeb

    16. Rhizome Proposal Last updated May 19, 2022

      . _ ._ \/ @ @ \._/ //

    1. If you want to see your own on here, submit a Pull Request adding yourself to this file!


    1. A squad is a collective identity in which I can participate to create something more intricate, comprehensive, and wonderful than with just myself.


    2. Tribe Flourishing Last updated April 3, 2022

      * _ *_# \/ \._/# //

    1. Public Goods Last updated February 15, 2022

      publlic goods funding * _ *_# \/ \._/# //

    1. cultivating and building things I find interesting.

      cultivating and building




    1. What quick and long-term solutions would help deal with the impacts of heatwaves?

    1. Maintaining organizing systems with long expected lifetimes mean that incremental changes to description vocabularies and classification schemes need to happen over time – even when the categories are not always explicit

      long expected lifetime

      allow incremental changes to schemes

    2. No two people have the same requirements for the same information system.


    3. Examples of emergent organization are desire paths Desire path The path usually represents the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination. The width and severity... Updated 5/20/2022 , swarm intelligence in local interactions (e.g. ants, bees, fish, etc.), or crowdsourcing. rel: emergent behaviour

      emergent organization

      desire path

    4. Intentional Arrangement Last updated February 15, 2022

      Intentiaonal arrangement

    1. C- Programmable text interfaces are the future C- Programmable text interfaces are the future Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]] Programmable text interfaces are the future, not GUIs People who don’t code are accustomed to interacting with apps with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) . In order to give instructions to a GUI app, users need... 5/24/2022 .

      yes, but if you get that right "programming" will be hidden in primitives and what people will need to do is learn about, extend if need be existing capabilities and simply compose them to suit their needs" very much like the idea progamming in the large"" which ceases to be programming*

    2. I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval

      need to read it but at first glance it seems that you are using these specific discours graph types as qualifier of content and in fact part of the identity of a page, This is what we do with TrailMarks except that leave it for the user to extend the vocabulary. You may do that as well for all I know. And indeed these 'trailmarks' as we call them are like terms in an AST for a DSL

    1. a trusted partner who can keep pace with us

      keep pace

      share learning trails tailored to the needs of the indyvidual

    2. trusted collaborator with shared context

      improve the indyvidyal's ability to articulate and share contexts to build trust and ability to co-create

    3. 4 IndyWeb, IndyHub

    4. synthesis occurs in a single mind.

      thats why Personal First = Indyvidual digital aunotnomy

      Let indyviduals be their own Hub in their own(ed) networks connecting People Ideas Contexts Associative Complexes Comunities at Dunbar scale

    5. distributed synthesis

      need personal first interpersonal constellation to support interpersonal synthesis

    6. making discourse graphs widely available could accelerate human synthesis work, and thereby accelerate innovation and scientific discovery

      discourse graph

      human synthesys

      effective synthesis

      prudent move to avoid stating synthesis of what, clearly knowledge won't do, even understanding is too limited. Symmathesy would be broad and appropriate enough but intoducing the concept itself is non -trivivila just saying mutual learning mway not suffice

    7. C- Synthesis is hard to do with people who don’t share context with you

      4 IndyWeb

      What we need is to have people AND context AND the very capabilities needed to be first class objects on the Web

      we are developing IndyWeb to do just that

      I am adding comments and write about related ideas on the margins using hypothesis

    1. The handle_links manifest entry aims to allow registration of installed web applications as link handlers, to grant them the possibility of opening links like their native counterparts.

      4 IndyWeb Intents

      installing web apps so that the OS way of launching apps would work

    2. creates the cohesive and integrated experience mentioned previously.

      cohesive integrated experience

    3. This document is a starting point for engaging the community and standards bodies in developing collaborative solutions fit for standardization. As the solutions to problems described in this document progress along the standards-track, we will retain this document as an archive and use this section to keep the community up-to-date with the most current standards venue and content location of future work and discussions.

      engaging community

      standard bodies

      developing collaborative solutions

      fit for standardisation

    4. Web App Link Handling Manifest Options

      link handling options

    1. Web Incubator CG@wicg_·Sep 2, 2020PSA: We're changing our process for well-formed proposals and moving it to Github!discourse.wicg.ioIntroducing a new home for proposalsToday we are introducing a wicg/proposals repo, a place for well-formed ideas to start their incubation journey. Plan to use the proposals repo issue tracke

    2. Web Incubator CG@wicg_Web platform incubations. By the people. For the people. https://discourse.wicg.iowicg.ioJoined July 20150 Following629 Followers

    1. This proposal gives installed web applications a way to register their ability to handle (read, stream, edit) files with given MIME types and/or file extensions. This then allows an operating system's file manager or other operating system flows to use a PWA to handle opening the file, similar to how it would open the file using a native app.

      file handlers for PWAs

    1. Web capabilities like share target, file handlers and link capturing can cause new instances of the web app to be opened even if an app window is already open, putting the user in a non-ideal state.

      launch handlers

    1. Gödel'sAiming for completeness and consistency is honorable but futile - Gödel’s is a newsletter about interweaving ideas and making decisions under uncertain conditions. I talk about knowledge management, mental models, and supporting Tools for Thought.By Alexander Rink · Launched 5 months ago



    1. 355,643 views355K viewsMay 19, 20187.1K I like this Dislike I dislike this Share Share Download Download Clip Clip Save Sam Johnson Sam Johnson 5.68K subscribers Subscribe The cult documentary maker explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative handholding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total inauthenticity.

      cult documentary

    2. HyperNormalisation (2016) by Adam Curtis | FULL DOCUMENTARY

    1. Structure and Interpretationof Classical Mechanics

      4 SICP

    1. A Reflection on Mapping ToolsI hold two conflicting views on sophisticated mapping tools.1. The tools matter.Well-designed tools can accelerate the learning process exponentially.If tools can reduce the friction of the mapping process, then more energy can be devoted to questions that matter, such as, “Why here over there?”Mapping tools with a disposition towards becoming a commodity could unleash a faster pace through the Strategy Cycle (efficiency enables innovation, after all).

      wardley map

    1. identify the connected components of a graph

      determining connected components

      4 TrailGraph

    2. 4 Barabasi

    1. A user agent MAY use these members to treat the web application differently as an application with note-taking capabilities (e.g., integrate with operating system note-taking surfaces).


    2. 4 IndyWeb, intent, app, surface

    3. The note_taking member of the Web Application Manifest is an object that contains information related to note-taking. It has the following members: new_note_url A user agent MAY use these members to treat the web application differently as an application with note-taking capabilities (e.g., integrate with operating system note-taking surfaces).

      integrate with os note taking = surfaces =

      are dedicated screen real estate dedicated to carrying out a designated intent

    4. The note_taking new_note_url member is a string that represents the URL the developer would prefer the user agent load when the user wants to take a new note using the web application (e.g., from an operating system shortcut icon or keyboard shortcut). The new_note_url member is purely advisory, and a user agent MAY ignore it or provide the end-user the choice of whether to use it. The user agent MAY provide the end-user the choice to modify it. Note The new_note_url member is parsed with manifest URL as the base URL and is ignored if not within scope of the manifest.

      url for note taking

      paving the way towards note being a web intent

    1. Creators can now monetize their expertise on QuoraAmanda Silberling@asilbwrites / 9:17 PM GMT+2•August 5, 2021

    1. Dr. Gunn@mrgunnCreators can now monetize their expertise on Quora https://tcrn.ch/3jHWAB5 via @techcrunch Good article by @asilbwrites, picking up on the major points. I would add that @Quora's unique distribution platform and the way writers can see reader demand is what really sets it apart.

    2. Creators can now monetize their expertise on Quora https://tcrn.ch/3jHWAB5 via @techcrunch Good article by @asilbwrites, picking up on the major points. I would add that @Quora's unique distribution platform and the way writers can see reader demand is what really sets it apart.


    1. Dr. Gunn@mrgunn·Aug 5, 2021Creators can now monetize their expertise on Quora https://tcrn.ch/3jHWAB5 via @techcrunch Good article by @asilbwrites, picking up on the major points. I would add that @Quora's unique distribution platform and the way writers can see reader demand is what really sets it apart.

    1. João Rosa@joaoasrosaReplying to @joaoasrosa @AndrewPadilla1 and 5 othersit is easy to change once is in production. (Assuming proper engineering practices). I feel that organisations increase the awareness on sociotechnical systems, and the ones that are getting it, have a competitive advantage. In summary: yes we need to learn together. :) 2/2

      learn together

    1. Balisage Paper: Interchange vs. Interoperability

      4 Flip Everything

      false dichotomy

      We can have it all, nay we must

      Interchange AND interoperability

      Can have both

    2. longevity of the digital object


    3. longevity


    1. Jared Jacobsen@JaredJacobsen2Replying to @KanopiApp and @bmannFor note-taking and web annotation tools, we need strong interoperability where different apps can share the same underlying data store (a Solid pod, eg) and rely on shared backend infrastructure. But there is a tradeoff btn interop and expressiveness https://balisage.net/Proceedings/vol7/html/Bauman01/BalisageVol7-Bauman01.html

      tradeoff between interoperability and expressiveness

      https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1345708749244170244/t5X8mL-Q_400x400.jpg Trail\Marks intentional Mark Ins enables interoperability while enhancing expressiveness and collaboration

    1. Kanopi@KanopiAppReplying to @JaredJacobsen2 and @bmannYeah. Im trying to understand whether this group is more interested in avoiding lock-in or enabling interaction between users of different tools.

      enable interaction between users of different tools

    1. Heptabase@Heptabase·Jan 16We're happy to announce that @Heptabase is a part of the @ycombinator W22 batch. We remain dedicated and focused on building tools to help people learn better, think deeper, and make sense of the massive information in our complex world. https://ycombinator.com/companies/heptabase

    1. You can listen to the weekly episodes where João Rosa (@joaoasrosa) interview one guest. We will discuss the views on one heuristic (or rule of thumbs). It will be a relaxed conversation about the crafts around the software.

    1. Here are the most important execs at Microsoft under Satya NadellaPublished Sun, Feb 23 20209:31 AM ESTUpdated Sun, Feb 23 202011:45 PM EST


    1. Intentology: an articulation of an Intentoptimised for human comprehensiononce we elaborate it completelyall terms introduced are dully ellaborated with due dilligenceand all the concepts introduced as "effective concepts" (executable)that would be a working system.


    1. “It’s been in the background since the early days of knowledge management, butthe connection between personal and organisational effectiveness has so far beenignored” (Associates, 2004). However, in the past two years people have begun torecognise the importance of PKM and there are several activities around PKM

      0 PKM, Personal Knowledge Management, Organizational Knowledge Management

      the connection between personal and organisational effectiveness has so far been ignored

      I wonder why?



  2. intentology.wordpress.com intentology.wordpress.com
    1. intentology.com the philosophy of conceptual intent

      philosophy of conceptual intrnt

    1. but a broken wheel won't work  and so attempts to fix a broken wheel  produce more variations of a broken  wheel

      That's why we have Framework Fatigue.

    1. The Declarative Link Capturing proposal allows developers to control the action that is taken once a user navigation is captured e.g. open a new app context or navigate an existing one.

      declarative link capturing

    2. Allow sites that control multiple subdomains and top level domains to behave as one contiguous web app.

      allow top level domains to behave as

      one contiguous web app

      4 IndyWeb

    1. The list of fields comes from the latest Web Application Manifest Incubators supported in Google Chrome for Android (stable or experimental).
    2. iOS PWA CompatibilityWhat's supported on Safari on iOS and iPadOS for Progressive Web Apps

      Key to inter App sharing from the browser Time to abandone ship.

      If Apple could have had its way it would have banned Javascript in the browser as it does not like virtual machine=tinkerability

    3. Manifest Incubations

      Key to inter App sharing from the browser

      Time to abandone ship.

      If Apple could have had its way it would have banned Javascript in the browser as it does not like virtual machine=tinkerability

    1. Layering in Subconscious

      This is an interplanetary vision for Knowledge Federation


    2. ask for a file using the hash of its contents.

      content addressed by hash

    3. A pragmatic protocol for syndicating notes, knowledge graphs, and other docs.

      protocol for syndicating notes kgs

    4. Versioned like a lightweight Git

      versioned like lightwight git

    5. easy to write, easy to read, and easy to parse, so you can easily integrate it into other tools.

      easy to write, read parse

    6. markup for note-taking

      markup for note taking

    7. Layering allows evolution to proceed at multiple speeds

      layering evolution at multiple speeds

    1. A note-taking tool for visual learning.Make sense of complex topics.

    1. taking advantage of something that seems like it shouldn't even be possible

      taking advantage of something that should not even be possible

    2. I love it when ideas seem implausible in the right way

      idea seem implausible the right way

      yes, and the second you need to know when the time is right for that idea

    3. let's see what happens right the way implausible if this would ever be a 00:06:12 startup

      see what happens

    4. you have this sort of inkling that something you could do something that somebody else hasn't done before and it's probably a bad idea but you're too lazy to learn Windows and 00:06:00 so you want to do it that way righ

      do something that else hasn't done before

    5. in retrospect they see him obvious

      retrospect seems obvious

    6. clunky website 00:04:58 builder that worked by clicking on links

      clunky website builds worked bhy clicking on links

    7. people could get through the hole and click on links in 00:04:46 the browser and control the software

      peopl get through the hole and control the software

    8. Netscape people had already gone through the pain of making Netscape work on Windows hey just like that was like a hole onto Windows

      netscape on window a hole

    9. could deploy then without having to ship software

      deploy not shipping software

    10. we could like actually do 00:04:19 this without ever having to learn pointing windows

      never having to learn pointing windows

    11. you can use SMTP why not HTTP to update your 00:03:41 website whoa you could cut the software could run on the server and you could control it by clicking on links in the browser would that even work righ

      update website talking http with a web server

    12. send it updates by email right um and it would 00:03:27 change your website

      update website by email

      kind on netework native?

    13. we were really really 00:02:59 highly motivated to figure out how to write software without having to write software to run on Windows

      motivated to write software not on windows

    14. A Conversation with Paul Graham - Moderated by Geoff Ralston

    1. Awesome Summernote
      • for : Rich TrailMarks Editor - aka - TrailMarks Outliner
    1. It contains an archive of my tweets with nodes being the users, tags, dates, and months. All tweets are kept as text, no embedded, to enable full-text search.

      public graph of ivo twitter

    1. Twemex is a browser extension that replaces the distracting sidebar and makes Twitter a calmer place to explore interesting ideas.

    1. The Library of Missing Datasets (2016) Mixed-media installation The Library of Missing Datasets is a physical repository of those things that have been excluded in a society where so much is collected.

      PKG WG

    1. This is a generalized knowledge graph proposal based off of the work on Discourse Graph by Joel Chan and David Vargas, so thank you to them. Other inspiration is listed in: Resources

      Building a knowledge graph in Logseq

    1. connecting UI hypermedia is links

      control flow

    2. we use hypermedia as a thing to control our flow finally we have self descriptive messages

      hypermedia control our flow

      self descriptive messages

    3. hypermedia as the engine application state

      4 HyperMedia engine application state | IndyWeb

      4 Can Programming be Liberated from the von Neumann Style

    4. should be building a tracker hyper media format

      4 HTML as Hypermedia exchange format | IndyWeb

      should not be building an API but a hypermedia format because it would enable me to connect any client

      that knows the hypermedia format to any server that supports that simultaneously

      better still, just build a universal self-hosting HTML hypermedia format capable of defining any domain specific hypermedia format and provide webnative means to provide all the affordances needed to handle that kind of information

      XSD was supposed to be able to do that but with unusable level of complications and resources intellectually and even computationally unmanageable hard to use expensive to emulate

      need something that is easy to emulate, compelling to do

      home brewable, tinkerable, swappable, malleable permanent evergreen

    1. linkback is what the publisher of the page being referred to receives.

      4 IndyWeb

      linkback is complicated because it is intermediated via servers what happens when every indyvidual can be a first class netizen with autonomous agency a hub to themselves

    1. linkback methods
    2. A trackback allows one website to notify another about an update.[1]

      4 IndyWeb

      interpersonal trackforward

      as attention moves all indyvidual sources that are relevant come to view and the relevant resources can be asked for availability of updates

    1. One Trackback By Ceptr: Centers instead of Containers - iamronen on July 28, 2017 at 9:16 pm […] good change is a small change in one center that resonates profoundly throughout a sytem being (symathesy?) of interrelated […]


    2. What I won’t find with that lens is what is holding the systems together through time and into its evolution.

      holding together

    3. interrelational communication, learning and contextual timbre.

      contextual timbre

      4 IndyWeb

    4. We find what we are looking for

      seeking is believing

    5. They are our vehicles and our bindings.
