22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. ThreadDB is a multi-party database built on IPFS and Libp2p that provides an alternative architecture for data on the web.

      multi-party database

    1. Overview The Hub is the fastest way to start building and experimenting with Textile technologies. It provides: Hosted Buckets and Threads with persistent IPFS endpoints. Developer accounts for individuals and organizations. API key integration into apps.

    1. Toucan Paris@ToucanProtocolCarbon market infrastructure to scale climate action Tokenized carbon = building blocks for a regenerative economy Join the movement: http://toucan.earth/discordPolygontoucan.earthJoined March 2020389 Following12.2K Followers

  2. pinball.cash pinball.cash
    1. "Monetizing the distribution of 'free' value for ALL"

  3. pinball.cash pinball.cash
    1. EARN 7 X DAILY 0.0333 $TRI /▲33,300 gas-free, digital asset mgmt at warp speed using Pinball's L1 "lightning" TOKENIZATION TX protocol.

      Pinball airdrop wallet

    1. store critical datasets where cloud providers have proved too costly, too closed, or too restrictive

      cloud providers

      • costly
      • closed
      • too restrictive
    2. Cryptographically verified storage on a decentralized network has the potential to help humanity store its critical data for years to come. The value of Filecoin will drive many innovations for data storage never before possible on the Internet.

      cryptographically verified storage

  4. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. !- top read : IndyWeb

    2. . Baumgart and S. Mies. S/kademlia: A practicableapproach towards secure key-based routing. In Paralleland Distributed Systems, 2007 InternationalConference on, volume 2, pages 1–8. IEEE, 2007


    3. A practicableapproach towards secure key-based routing.
      • search :
    4. /kademlia sybill protection (David, Ali)
      • search :
    5. At its best, itcould push the web to new horizons, where publishing valu-able information does not impose hosting it on the publisherbut upon those interested, where users can trust the contentthey receive without trusting the peers they receive it from,and where old but important files do not go missing. IPFSlooks forward to bringing us toward the Permanent Web.
      • for : Permanent Web

      • push the web to new horizons

      • publishing != impose hosting on publisher
      • but upon those interested
      • trust content without need to trust the peer
      • old important files do not go missing
    6. sed asa global, mounted, versioned filesystem and namespace, oras the next generation file sharing system.
      • global
      • mounted
      • versioned



    7. the main contribution of IPFS is thiscoupling of systems and synthesis of designs

      !- for : main contribution - IndyWeb and Opidox

      coupling of systems and synthesis of designs

    8. Proquint Pronounceable Identifiers.There have always been schemes to encode binary intopronounceable words. IPNS supports Proquint [?

      Pronouncable Identifiers

    9. As encouraged by SFS, users can link other users’ Ob-jects directly into their own Objects (namespace, home, etc).This has the benefit of also creating a web of trust (and sup-ports the old Certificate Authority model)

      web of trust

    10. [12] D. Mazieres and M. F. Kaashoek. Escaping the evilsof centralized control with self-certifying pathnames.In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGOPS Europeanworkshop on Support for composing distributedapplications, pages 118–125. ACM, 199
    11. Self-Certified Names
      • Using the naming scheme from SFS 12 , [11]
      • to construct self-certified names,
        • in a cryptographically assigned global mutable namespace
    12. LBFS [?] also usesmutable indices and immutable chunks


    13. mutable Fossil


    14. Object content addressing constructs a web with
      • significant bandwidth optimizations,
      • untrusted content serving,
      • permanent links, and
      • the ability to make full permanent backups of any object and its references.
    15. data is expensive to move across net-work links

      expensive to move data across network links

    16. Objects are permanent

      objects are permanent

    17. What is required is some way to retrievemutable state at the same path.

      mutable state at the same path

    18. However, IPFS File objects are close enough to Gitthat conversion between the two is possible

      conversion between git and IPFSD is possible

    19. the applications were not designed as infrastructure tobe built upon.
      • not designed as<br /> infrastructure to be built upon =
    20. tens of millions of nodes churn daily [16]

      t 10s of millions of nodes churn daily

    21. BitTorrent [2] deployed largefile distribution systems supporting over 100 million simul-taneous user

      100 million simultaneous users

    22. IPFS has no singlepoint of failure,
      • no single point of failure
      • nodes need not trust each other
    23. IPFScombines a distributed hashtable, an incentivized block ex-change, and a self-certifying namespace
      • distributed hashtable
      • incentivized block exchange
      • self-certifying namespace

    24. ersionedfile systems, blockchains, and even a Permanent We
      • versioned file systems
      • blockchains
      • Permanent Web
    25. eneralized MerkleDAG

      Merkle DAG

    26. high through-put content-addressed block storage model, with content-addressed hyper links
      • high through-put
      • content-addressed
      • block storage model
      • content addressed hyperlinks
    27. exchanging objects within one Gitrepository

      object in one git repository

    28. a sin-gle BitTorrent swarm

      single swarm

    29. connect all computing de-vices with the same system of files

      connect devices same system of files

    30. peer-to-peer dis-tributed file system

      p2p file system

    1. Az elégedetlenség könyvéből

    2. A világ leglassúbb folyamata: az érzés megváltoztatása a gondolat által.

    1. publish first to yours then you syndicate out

      !- for : value prop - IndyWeb

      store on web3.storage

      share with context under your control connect with your audience

    2. pesos published elsewhere it's indicate 00:10:41 to your own site


    3. a project that you keeps your content and your online memories forever

      keep your content forever

    4. our advice is that you should own your data so that you can you know stay 00:09:26 in control of it

      own your data

      stay in control

    5. people put all their crap elsewhere on the web 00:08:07 and those sites shut down I also want to have unified search amongst all these silos I want to do search queries like show me all tweets that occurred you know two hours after I had been checked into a bar or something like that these are search queries that no one 00:08:21 silo can provide you because you know Twitter has your tweets but Foursquare or swarm has your check-ins and so you can't join these data sources

      !- for : feat - omniSearch | IndyWeb


    6. LinuxFest Northwest 2018: Perkeep

    1. Finally, for further information you can check this last talk (and its corresponding slides) where Perkeep latest release is explained.
    2. named by its content-addressable digest, like in IPFS

      content-addressable digest

    3. Perkeep’s Architecture

    4. @adlrocha - Permanently store your things for life in the post-PC eraAnd Perkeep’s cute official mascot

    1. boggle/ˈbɒɡ(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce verbinformalverb: boggle; 3rd person present: boggles; past tense: boggled; past participle: boggled; gerund or present participle: boggling(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something."the mind boggles at the spectacle"

      !- for : product idea - bloggle

      blog with mind-bloggling ideas

    1. extremely surprising and difficult to understand or imagine:
      • for : product idea - MindBlogling

      extremely surprising

      difficult to imagine

    1. correlative features

      !- for : kernel - Open Software Suits

    2. !- for : - concept - Software Suite

      !- disadvantages : Software Suites

      • Take it or leave it terms
      • app-siloed data
      • sign away rights
      • not able to set control own terms
      • loss of :
        • ownership
        • sovereignty
        • privacy
    3. add-on programs not available for purchase separately.

      add-ons not available to purchase separately

    4. More efficient acquisition process by installing all programs at once, instead of one at a time.

      !- for : suites - IndyWeb

      • efficient acquisition process
      • installing

      !- contrast : Software Suites - vs - Open Software Suites | IndyWeb

      • discovery of adjacent capabilities
      • free choice while strong guarantees for inter(operability|(ex)changeability) permanence of both data and capabilities needed to create/make use of it
    5. synergy and compatibility

      !- for : suites - IndyWeb

      • synergy
      • compatibility
    6. Similar user interface in each program, reducing the learning curve and improving familiarity.

      !- for : suites - IndyWeb

      • similar user interface
      • reduced learning curve
      • familiarity
    1. caching virtual filesystem

      caching virtual file system

    2. Likewise with blog posts, comments, likes, bookmarks, etc. They’re just objects.

      just objects

    3. If I take a bunch of photos, those don’t have filenames (or not good ones, and not unique). They just exist.

      photos just exist

    1. The Opportunity in Productivity A tour of the big ideas in new productivity app mymind

    1. "The Opportunity in Productivity" Dan Shipper
      • search : "The Opportunity in Productivity" Dan Shipper
    2. In "The Opportunity in Productivity" Dan Shipper writes that he'd love to see more productivity apps think about how automatic hierarchies can be created to help us more frequently bump into the things we weren’t looking for but needed to see. Heyday is doing just that by building an AI-powered research assistant that automatically saves and resurfaces the content you visit when relevant.

      The Opportunity in Productivity

    1. Retain more of what you learn. Automatically. Heyday is an AI-powered research assistant that resurfaces content you forgot about with enhanced search results, article overlays, and a knowledge base that fills itself.




    1. Enhanced SearchSurface content from past research alongside Google results Article OverlaySupplement your reading with content from around the web Knowledge BaseCreate a knowledge base that fills itself SecurityAll your data is encrypted Enhances Most BrowsersChrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, and Vivaldi supported Enhances Most Search EnginesGoogle, DuckDuckGo, Brave, and Google Scholar supported App IntegrationsResurfaces content from Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Slack, Dropbox, Evernote, Pocket, LinkedIn, and Twitter Founder Support1:1 support from Heyday co-founders in Slack

      Enhanced Search Surface content from past research alongside Google results

      Article Overlay Supplement your reading with content from around the web

      Knowledge Base Create a knowledge base that fills itself

      Security All your data is encrypted

      Enhances Most Browsers Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, and Vivaldi supported

      Enhances Most Search Engines Google, DuckDuckGo, Brave, and Google Scholar supported

      App Integrations Resurfaces content from Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Slack, Dropbox, Evernote, Pocket, LinkedIn, and Twitter

      Founder Support 1:1 support from Heyday co-founders in Slack

    2. Pricing


    1. Budo Attitude présente un enchaînemement yangsheng de Yang Jwing Ming70,181 views

    1. Taiji Ball Qigong 1 by Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming (lo res 360p) Tai Chi Ball instruction from YMAA


    1. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming classic demonstration of the 108 "Old Yang" taijiquan (low res 360)


    1. A software suite[1] (Also known as an application suite) is a collection of computer programs (application software, or programming software) of related functionality, sharing a similar user interface and the ability to easily exchange data with each other.

      collection of software with similar user interface and the ability to easily exchange data

    1. “It’s not the black side. It’s not the white side. It’s the interface. It’s the edge.

      its the edge yin and yang

    2. Strange, transcendental, or transpersonal images.


    3. neotenizing thing is like the condition of unconsciousness
      • neotenizing
      • condition of unconsciousness
    4. That language—spoken language—is the original code for hacking virtual reality
      • pearl : language is the original code for hacking virtual reality
    5. Description



    6. a precondition is a kind of unconsciousness, a kind of drifting, a certain taking your eye off the ball


    7. I feel the ambiance of the people and the throb of the Zeitgeist


    8. every person hears something different. Which is what is supposed to be going on, you know?

      !- pearl : every personb hears something different - which is what is supposed to be going on

    1. Digitally mediated and augmented human identity approached primarily for psychological, sociological, and ecological health.

      We need to build systems for Augmenting Human Intellect. http://1962paper.org/web.html#annotations:1i1anAwMEeutPrtso0kK7w To realise Engelbart's Dream debuted 60 years ego

      Need to figure out how we can "improve the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being" and build a People Centred internet, the IndyWeb, that works for the people by the people

      where each individual can be their own autonomous hub, empowered to weave their own networks of people ideas and pursuits, to engage in deep conversations, mutual learning for the benefit of participants, in trusted but verifiable networks of evergreen Autonomous Ambient Digital Spaces through which all can experience the Web as an extension of their Minds. Create an Open Learning/Doing Commons where

      ideas can self-organize, contextualized, their growth is recapitulable and attributable with full provenance not only of contributions but sharing, accelerating co-evolution for Symmathesy.

      This way Augmented Human Identity will take care of itself.

    1. I'm going to give you an overview of what came before the demo in fact I think of it as the real demo it was what Doug himself 00:00:21 called the public debut of a dream and you would think oh well that's got to be the demo that was public but no it was a 1962 research report as is often the case with what Doug leaves us we think 00:00:35 we understand public debut of a dream dream demo no it's this 1962 report and he wrote those words the public debut of a dream and a letter to one of his 00:00:47 intellectual heroes than Eva Bush what he meant was the dream was a conceptual framework completed as a project report for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

      public debut of a dream


    1. Human identity: the number one challenge in computer science

      Build system from trust for trust where individuals have autonomous agency in their owned networks of connection to other individuals and self-organizing autonomous communities

      on a people centred internet

    2. identifiers artificially separated from any kind of contextual co-emergence and reciprocity with information exchange in relationships, severely curtailing personal freedoms, both physical and psychological, and eroding long-serving social mechanisms.

      separated from contextual co-emergence

      Autonompus interpersonal connections, conversation

      Put people at the centre of the very architecture.

      We need to build a People Centred internet that works for People

      If you get personal first, autonomous connectivity and sharing in trustful ways evergreen, permanent,

      individual-owned information identity will take care of itself and it will be for our benefit

    3. Joins give the dots their meaning, their contextual relevance, their identity, just as dots give the information exchange direction and potency.

      joins give the dots their meaning

    4. In other words, the dots (the nodes, the people) don’t simply define the joins (the edges, the relationships) as Social Networking 101 might have it. We dot the joins in contextual information exchange just as much as we might be said to join the dots.

      !- for : value prop - IndyWeb

    5. rather than individuals tout court

      individuals tout court

    6. individual autonomy and self-empowerment (Giannopoulou & Wang 2021), it is fundamentally a mutation carrying computer science’s false premise further into community.

      autonomy self-empowerment SSI false promise

  5. bafybeidqh6gqrrrpb5zjuw3dl6nc5tvivrkwy37qt6uowmquj4ah6xk7uq.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidqh6gqrrrpb5zjuw3dl6nc5tvivrkwy37qt6uowmquj4ah6xk7uq.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. https://www.organism.earth/library/document/dreaming-awake-at-the-end-of-time https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeic5kphwtr4mfvmgiqfotpldimq37qxssvhv55wsonjzzezxx4y5r4?filename=Dreaming%2520Awake%2520at%2520the%2520End%2520of%2520Time%2520-%2520Terence%2520McKenna.pdf

    1. “But if I’m right, that the universe has an appetite for novelty, then we are the apple of its eye

      novelty apple of its eye


    1. The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) —which is a set of protocols to create a content-addressed,peer-to-peer (P2P) filesystem
      • about : IPFS

      • to : 27

      about : IPFS

    2. Content-based addressing is where the content itself isused to create an address which is then used to retrievesaid content from the network

      content itself is used to create an address

      used to retrieve said content from the network

    3. [27] J. Benet, “IPFS: Content addressed, versioned, p2pfile system,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3561, vol. (Draft3), 2014.
      • from :
    4. [26] R. Mört, Content Based Addressing : The case formultiple Internet service providers. 2012.
    5. addressing content bylocation is problematic, such as duplication of storage,inefficient use of bandwidth, invalid/dead links (link rot),centralized control, and authentication issues

      !- pitfalls : location addressing

      • duplication of storage
      • inefficient bandwidth usage
      • link rot
      • centralized control
      • authentication issues
    6. routed to a specific endpoint based onprior knowledge (e.g. the domain name or IP address)

      routed prior knowledge

    7. location-based addressing
      • it
    8. clients (users) communicating toendpoints (hosts or servers).

      clients users endpoints hosts or servers

      master slave

    9. , it is not possible to model everysystem as a CRD

      not possible to model every system as a CRDT

      !- hypothesis :

      • Logs + CRDT + Content Addressing
      • sufficient for people-centred interpersonal constellation
    10. “counter”-basedtime-stamps to provide partial ordering.

      "counter"-based time-stamps

      partial ordering

    11. Cryptographically linked events can also represent aclock

      cryptographically linked events as clocks

    12. one peer’s concept of “now” is notnecessarily the same as anothe

      peer's concept of "now"

    13. local timestampscan’t be used to determine “global” event causality

      local timestamps

      "global" event causality

    14. CRDTs can provide an alternative to log-basedconsensus

      CRDTs alternative to log-based consensus

    15. A conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT)assures eventual consistency through optimisticreplication
      • about : CRDT
    16. many distributed systemsare now designed to provide availability and partitiontolerance by trading consistency for eventual consistency.

      availability and partition tolerance

      trading consistency for eventual consistency

    17. partition tolerance

      the system continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped [or delayed] by the network

    18. availability

      every request receives a [possibly out-of-date] non-error response

    19. consistency

      every read receives the most recent write or an error

    20. deterministic resolution strategy can be insufficient incases with complicated data structures or complicatednetwork topologies.


    21. multi-writer systems,

      conflict resolution CRDT

    22. The flexible event-based structure enables client applications to deriveadvanced applications states, including queryablematerialized views, and custom CRDTs

      event based structure

      advanced application states

      custom CRDTs

    23. push-based synchronization that iscommon in distributed protocols

      push-based synchronization

      distributed protocols

    24. pull-based replica synchronization

      !- concept : pull based replica synchronization

      !- idea : pull based syndication

    25. build a network for user-siloed data

      !- for : value prop - IndyLoom

      • Personal first, Interpersonal companion to https://idealoom.org/
      • Why not Individual owned data https://perkeep.org/
      • build network of user-siloed IndyWeb Apps
      • that are not only designed to operate on data that
      • is owned and kept by the individuals
      • on their own(ed) devices
      • but are amenable to be processed by any other IndyWebApps that individuals choose to make use of.
      • IndyWeb Apps do not treat individual as users (losers)
      • but empower individuals to indwell in their
        • own(ed)
        • autonomous digital spaces.
      • Share and collaborate with others on their own terms and chosen means that promote high degree of inter(operability|exchangebaility) not only of data that matters to them but the very capabilities that they use..
      • By construction both their data and the capabilities are EverGreen.

      held by the individual !- concept : user-siloed data

    26. D. Betts, J. Dominguez, G. Melnik, F. Simonazzi, andM. Subramanian, Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing:A Journey into High Scalability, Availability, andMaintainability with Windows Azure, 1st ed. Microsoftpatterns & practices, 2013
    27. [12] Martin Fowler, “CQRS,” martinfowler.com, Jul. 14,2011. https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html(accessed Sep. 20, 2019).
    28. 13] M. Fowler, “Event Sourcing,” martinfowler.com. https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html(accessed Sep. 19, 2019).
    29. command queryresponsibility segregation (CQRS) patterns [7]

      !- jargon : CQRS

  6. bafkreihamvi36ritwbgfwtvtgmxigxqa4jia2wt7jjdytpl66jbuwlboki.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreihamvi36ritwbgfwtvtgmxigxqa4jia2wt7jjdytpl66jbuwlboki.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Content Based Addressing: The case for multiple Internetservice providersBachelor's thesisRobert Mörtrmort@kth.se
    2. As soon as there is morethan one request for the same content there is a gain in using CCNx rather than HTTP for contenttransfer.

      more than one request gain

  7. bafkreihghrd4kauazniloonb2bjrvg7yr6yykpcmegyukzdxdumuuhco6u.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreihghrd4kauazniloonb2bjrvg7yr6yykpcmegyukzdxdumuuhco6u.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. The Boundar

      thread traverses the boundary

    2. XML

      can and did mislead us to ignore real issues

    3. Harvest & Yield

      near realtime messages can be lost

      as there are strong guarantees to be able to get complete results for designated time periods

    4. Conclusions

      message-passing clusters

      People acting as agents, hubs to themselves in their owned networks

    5. Constant evolution (internet time)

      Need Evergreen combination of data and capabilities

      both available together within specific time periods

      auto archiving

      and auto upgrade chains

      Time series with predefined granuality is permanent

    6. Harvest Options
      • ignore lost nodes
      • pair up nodes
      • n-member replica groups


      dynamic replica groups

    7. Can’t do pass--byby--reference (pointers)reference (poin

      This is the key

      we can pass content addreses = act as shared memory to named data

      • for : concept - Networked Collaborative Memory systems
    8. Symptom of a deeper problem

      yeah need a people centred interpersonal computing paradigm powered by anti-databses, nbamed data networks

      the data that us shared is out there

      while echa participants have autoinbomous, redundant durable evergreen redundant storage (mutual backup) intight knit trusted networks of people build on trust fgor trust

    9. The CAP Theorem

      !- contrast : People centred, InterPersonal Constellations

      can have Consistency, Availability

      since all data shared is available in the network and is owned by and controlled by contributors partition tolerance is a given

      need to centre on discoverability and reach

    10. ACID vs. BASE


      !- contrast : People centred, InterPersonal Constellations - atomicity - isolation - (eventual) consistency - durability


      no need to forfeit Consistency and Isolation

    11. Persistent State is HARD
      • Classic DS focus on the computation, not the data

        • this is WRONG, computation is the easy partt
      • Data centers exist for a reason

        • can’t have consistency or availability without them
      • Other locations are for caching only:

      • proxies, basestations, set-top boxes, desktops

        • phones, PDAs ...
      • Distributed systems can’t ignore location

      • for : concept - Constellations

      • constellations for provisioning
      • persistence
      • communication
      • platforms
    1. ACID properties

      !- concept :ACID - atomicity - Consistency - Isolation - Durability

      for transactions

      relax to informatioin exchange

    1. Growing older is a privilege not everyone gets, so it seems rather perverse to be an (old) grump about it.

      "Growing older is indeed a privilege not every one gets"

    1. h e f o r m a l notation became known as B N F -standing for "Backus N o r m a l F o r m , " or "Backus N a u r F o r m " torecognize the further contributions by Peter N a u r of Denmark.

      Backus's work alongside John Allen's Anatomy of Lisp book discussing Syntax Directed Translation, and Abelson and Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs inspired my PhD on "Language-Oriented Programming in Meta-Lisp" at Leeds University.

      Revisiting this paper allows me to articulate on the margin the ideas relating to a revival of Simomnyi;s intentional software, based on the recognition that Software is a conversation about intents and a matter of Mutual Learning Symmathesy.

      The original motivation for managing complexity by maintaining referential transparency and intellectual manageability over the past two decades, inspired by the works of Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay and Ward Cunningham, evolved into the recognition of the need to developing means that augment the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being and bootstrap collaboration co-creation of co-evolution of man-computer symbiotic systems.

    2. Can Programming Be Liberated from the vonNeumann Style? A Functional Style and ItsAlgebra of Programs

      When will programming be liberated from the von Neuman Style? When programming itself will be obsoleted. The end of programming is nigh.

      I despair at the the ephemerality of the Web

      It is utterly broken

      We need IPFS


    3. only one state transition occurs per major com-putation.

      one state transition per major computation

      instead of state need to consider information spaces make the intent/purpose of transition in intentional digital information spaces articulated through "thought vectors" in concept space, that are themselves are presentable in forms that conducive to human comprehension yet are machine processable

    4. inability to effectively use powerful combining forms forbuilding new programs from existing ones
      • claim: inability to use effectively powerful combining forms for building new "programs?" from existing ones.

      It is not programs we want

    5. division of programming into aworld of expressions and a world o f statements,

      world of expressions with referential transparency

      and statements

    6. r close coupling o f semantics tostate transitions,

      coupling of semantics to state transition

      there is more to program than semantics

      *it is all about intent and intended behaviour a matter of digital experience and habitability of the system for individual human beings with an intent, a purpose, a task to be accomplished"

    7. Programming

      "Programming" as Simonyi pointed out:

      Programming today is the opposite of diamond mining. In diamond mining you dig up a lot of dirt to find a small bit of value. With programming you start with the value, the real intention, and bury it in a bunch of dirt. - Charles Simonyi https://hyp.is/YWmmNM6ZEeuV7xf1-U7Q1g/www.quotemaster.org/qcfd525f5b7bc2370751ba06007edecbb

    1. The change that CQRS introduces is to split

      no need to split if you have available dynamically everything you ever need to extract from a uniform graph model that is self-explicating buy using 'shapes'

      after all everything articulated as "thought vectors in concept space"

      or rather

      "intent vectors in digital spaces"

    2. This structure of multiple layers of representation

      slay those layers



    3. If you're using a Domain Model, then this is usually the conceptual representation of the domain. You typically also make the persistent storage as close to the conceptual model as you can.

      all you need is a metaricular establishment of meta conceptual/intentional models in terms of which domains, intent, interpretations and transformation themselves can be ellucidated, organized and necessary mappings organized

      provide persistence mechanisms matching each conceived required interaction collaboration scaling provisionming alternatives. this is possible if you adopt a people-centred viewpoint, after all at the end of the day any system will be used by individuals so put them and their needs at the centre of all architecyure for all computer systyems we build

      stop creating data as people in disguise*

    4. Developers typically build their own conceptual model which they use to manipulate the core elements of the model.

      let us articulate conceptual/intentional models and their processing explicitly in a form that is intellectually manageable and ipso facto amenable to arbitrary interpretations and transformations

    5. each of which is a different representation.

      why oh why oh why should we change representation

      change in representation requires new mechanisms to be established for each, why

      we need a universal uniform way of making sense, articulating processes by making explicit (in a uniform way) the intent the purpose and the required mappings

    6. users

      users are losers

      we are concerned wit individual human beings augmented by machine capabilities

    7. As this occurs we begin to see multiple representations of information.

      need uniform, self-explicative organization of information# universal representation that gives us the ability to create intentional presentations control surfaces and affordances that are co-evolvable with the growth of understanding as we explore (problem) domains of interest and intents

    8. even infer data

      infer data

      complex manipulation in the aid of discovery and comprehension sense making, articulation

      MVC breaks down when the primary goal of information processing is to discover create evolve models

    9. collapsing multiple records into one, or forming virtual records by combining information for different places

      collapsing multiple records

      comnbining information


    10. CRUD datastore

      *data store is a concept that separates information model and intentional model and consistent writing(

      The alter native is to have a fully auditrailed attrtibuted tranistional record of all meaningful states with explicit indication about the nature og transitions. This is critical when information is gathered as we grow understanding of a system

    11. beware that for most systems CQRS adds risky complexity.
    1. Identity by Presence


      searched for 'individual congtrolled identity' and found this


    2.  This short video from the MIT Open Mustard Seed Project describes the idea of an Identity by Presence.
    3. is working with the World Economic Forum to build frameworks for the use of personal date to create both social and economic value.)

      surely personal data

      personal data is an oxymoron if you consider with Jaron Larnier that "information is but people in disguise"

    1. social ecosystem of trusted, self-healing digital institutions.

      !- constrast that with - building on live interpersonal trust

      • video : https://bafybeiesxz7b4osoyc7v3oiue6f3dvjbdxayeymjc6mljmpk3zbwdkcmvi.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=Open%2520Mustard%2520Seed%2520Intro%2520identity%2520by%2520presence.mp4

    2. empowering individuals to assert greater control over their data, onlineidentities and authentication, and in so doing, enable them to design and deploy a new generation of trusted digital institutions and services globally.

      !- contrast that with : - empowering individuals to own, in perpetuity their data and identities and digital spaces and capabilities s that are build from trust for trust

    1. Individual Controlled Identity by Presence systems are low cost to deploy and manage andare easily retrofitted to existing systems

      !- about : concept - individual-controlled identity

      presence systems - to : https://hyp.is/BgP1GgD8Ee2wRdf3mH71qw/cscoxk.wordpress.com/2014/12/


    1. ISKO UK Meetup June 2022 - Why graphs? The limits of hierarchical thinking53 views53 viewsJun 21, 2022

    1. “stealth mode” is a bad idea.
      • claim :
    2. Imagine, for example, that you were thinking of starting Netflix back when it was founded in 1997.

      neflix 1997

    3. But the reality is that ideas do matter,

      C- ideas do matter

    4. The idea maze

    1. navigating the idea maze, and form your own conclusions about the claims, questions, and trails between them.

      navigating the idea maze =

  8. Local file Local file
    1. pure XMLtextual encoding formats prove to be limiting under several point of view

      !- claim : XML textual encoding format is limiting to say the list

    2. Toward textual encoding based on RDF


    1. Google Translate is nothing but the robo-sum of human intelligence and skilled labor. “Digital information,” Lanier writes, “is really just people in disguise.”  

      Digital Information is really just people in disguise


    1. What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web? The digital pioneer and visionary behind virtual reality has turned against the very culture he helped create


    1. Identity by Presence – A Privacy and Cost Nightmare

      identity by presence

    1. !- search - brave : the rise of devops


    2. The rise of the DevOps mindset - Stack Overflow Blog stackoverflow.blog › home › the rise of the devops mindset
      • search : the rise of devops

      10 July 2020 - DevOps has become one of those buzzwords with many conflicting definitions. What’s for certain is it’s on the rise. In our 2020 developer Survey, around 80% of the respondents believed that DevOps is at least somewhat important. We take a look at the phenomenon, some definitions, and talk ...

    1. Second, containers are self-documenting. During the old process of manually provisioning infrastructure and environments,

      containers automate and document provisioning

    2. DevOps brings the agile focus on communication and collaboration between developers and the operations team, giving the post-code software process the same responsiveness that the coding process has.

      bring responsiveness to post-code software processes

    1. : concerned with events existing in a limited time period and ignoring historical antecedents
      • define : synchronic
    1. History and Etymology for synchrony synchron(ous) + -y entry 2 Note: As a linguistic term borrowed from French synchronie, it was introduced along with synchronique synchronic by Ferdinand de saussure; see note at diachrony.
      • history, etymology : synchrony
    1. borrowed from French diachronie, from dia- dia- + Greek chrónos "time, duration" (of obscure origin) + French -ie -y entry 2 Note: Term introduced, along with the adjective diachronique, by Ferdinand de saussure in the posthumously published Cours de linguistigue générale (Lausanne/Paris, 1916), compiled from lecture notes by his students. See also synchronic, synchrony.
      • is : history, etymology
    1. borrowed from French diachronique, from diachronie diachrony + -ique -ic entry 1
      • is : etymology
    2. : of, relating to, or dealing with phenomena (as of language or culture) as they occur or change over a period of time
      • is : definition
    1. a year’s worth of my own writing had been suddenly blocked from being read on the internet by an expired certificate.

      expired certificate

    2. rapid, unpredictable cycles of creation, dissemination, and destruction

      cycles of creation dissemination and destruction

    3. living amid an unprecedented availability of information, and of the unprecedented unavailability of that same information.

      unprecedented availability/unavailability of the same information

    4. the fear that one’s work will be stolen, and the fear that one’s work will be lost.

      stolen or lost