22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. Robotic Process Automation - RPA Solutions for Business


    1. Any which sufficiently symmathetic comment thread, is indistinguishable from one building block of an MVP of our own making.

      Found this page by searching for symmathetic on Google and found this

      clearly problems define their own solutions

      • pearl :
      • this is a perfect way of describing how we are
      • making our own MVP: IndyLab, for bootstrapping Participatory Inquiry eventually global scaling to Symmathetic Synthesys in an Open Learning Commons
    2. We made it? What happened? We happened.

    3. Participatory Inquiry, episode 135: User Flows“In a network, social cognition is how we coordinate movement.”@johnkellden

      !- rhymes with : Symmathetic Synthesis

      !- combine into : Participatory Inquiry lscaling to Symmathetic Synthesys in an Open Learning Commons

    1. where users are in control of their personal data

      do not build systems that disguise people as data hoard them and use it against them and deprive them from benefiting from it to its full extent

    1. Indynet is part of Master Technology Cia.Ltda. a company that was born in the city of Quito at the initiative of four young indigenous people of the Saraguro nationality, from the San Lucas parish, was initially created with the purpose of providing technical service in the aforementioned city.


    1. Petnames: A humane approach to secure, decentralized naming

      decentralization is in the right direction


      we simply need a People Centred Architecture

      a new Reneissance where the dignity of Man can be restored

      as the measure of everything that we are creating in the Digital World honouring our interdependence with All

      not conquering nature but for mutual thriving

    1. Riley!@riley_stewsA fast-paced world of user-created content almost looks like the Flash portals of the 2000s, whose simpler and more accessible programming pushes it towards more diverse authoring. Mostly memes, but some really stunning creativity.

    1. Riley!@riley_stews·Aug 2Replying to @riley_stewsScratch's statistics are pretty mind-boggling: peaked close to 1M MAUs this year, most of those children building and exploring a world of amateur multimedia and simple programming. https://scratch.mit.edu/statistics/


    2. !- about = Scartch

      experimenting with alternative syntype (syntax implied by the way you type for #Trailmarks

    1. Fri, Aug 5th: Polywrap overview for the IPFS communityhttps://lu.ma/e91yilt2

    1. I know I could probably move them to some cloud, but I have no idea which one could work (the most popular ones seem not to)

      you can use https://web3.storage/

      just sign up and you get 1 TB of Interplanetary File System Storage.

    1. https://fightwithtools.dev/projects/context-pages/

      context pages

    2. building easy to use websites, archives – in a way that allows them to interact with each other

      !- value prop - IndyWeb - building easy to use - websites - archives - allow them to interoperate

    1. This site is set up to provide deep lists of links about any topic, providing useful resources to understand that topic along with timelines and useful notes.

      list of links about any topic

    1. Most tools come from one or two of these dimensions; almost none cover all of them. A radar (or spider) diagram is a good way to visualize them (this illustration doesn’t map to the dimensions above, but should): 

    1. Level Up With React QueryThe official React Query course will get you building apps like a pro.

    1. And to prove they’re not playing favorites, they changed their name from React Queryto TanStack Query

      TanStack Query

    1. StackEdit@stackeditFull-featured, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.stackedit.ioJoined April 201330 Following1,879 Followers

    1. for static sites, with embedded edit links in each page. There's also https://stackedit.io/
    2. "static site" handler

      !- extend : perkeep

    1. What if every individual thing in your personal computing domain could be linked or backlinked in your overall digital graph?
      • concepts : IndyWeb IndyNet, IndyHub
    2. The future of computing is in its past

      I've seen the future of Personal computing: It is InterPersonal Computing To twist a bit @TheTedNelson prediction about the Web

      The future of computing is in its past We could have had it all



  2. www.indyproject.org www.indyproject.org
    1. Indy is Open Source and developed solely by volunteers and with the help of its corporate sponsors. Indy has had a long history that goes back to 1993. Indy has grown over the years and now is the largest, most comprehensive socket library available on any platform.


  3. Jul 2022
    1. Cryptoeconomics is the combination of cryptography and economics for the goal of social coordination towards desirable outcomes. The realization that decentralization needs to come with an incentive layer was a key insight.

      how about People Cantered

      InterPersonal Networks instead of decentralized

    2. like an alternative to DNS

      alternative to DNS

    1. reuse and build off past thoughts.

      reuse and build off past thoughts

      is the main motivation for conceiving RTrailMarks

      as a plain text mark in Notation

      You may even have nice UX flows which can generate

      trailmarks mark ins and complete structures in plain text markinned HTML Hypermedia

    2. Structural affordances in current tools conflict with our desire to work at the speed of thought.

      Structural affordance is TrailMarks are not offered as user gestures or UX flows

      These are considered harmful in that they lock you in into a specific carefully constructed smooth flows

      rather the idea is to offer affordances in a context dependent way driven by cursor position and or hiughlights and content discovery

    3. working at the speed of thought

      !- principles : TrailMarks !- for : Augmented Articulation/Elaboration

      working at the speed of thought

      • write anywhere
      • organize content into explicit clues byt naming the subject of the text and use trailmarks to indicate/name intent/meaning.aspec/relevance and associate in explicitly named ways relevant content in relevant context, introduce clues to designate and delimit relevant context so as to obtain high resolution permanent evene reifiable intent addressable contexts
      • structure at leisure, later
      • using TrailMarks Intentional/Symmathetic Mark Ins

      where the focus is on making explicit/ articualte/highlight, emphasize structure, relevance salience, aspects

      on third pass

      first pass is to break linera text into outlines/nested lists

      interperse clues at leisure

    1. infamously hard problem

      problem have simple solution at the meta level

      • empower individuals to articulate their own terms
      • make them discoverable, extractable by examining related content in context

      for starters can use

      'same as' 'alike'


      eventually can plugout to mapping logic developed by tech savy participant in the network

      in fact can have a whole market for such solutions

    2. A common assumption from builders is that the answer is to focus on individual synthesis with the expectation that distributed synthesis will happen out of band.

      !- value prop : IndyHub combined with TrailMarks and MindGraph - ground up designed for interpersonal communication - threaded, resumable, conversational/discursive/dialogical multiplayer threaded interpersonal discovery and synthesis

      focus on individual synthesis

      distributed synthesys out of band

    1. represent latent connections in imported text or quick capture quick capture Quick capture refers to the general idea of getting a thought down quickly. Some apps, like Drafts and Weavit, are designed around this concept.... 06/07/2022 thoughts. Linking unlinked references is tool for structure in hindsight structure in hindsight ... 06/07/2022 .

      structure in hindsight

    1. Perkeep Alternatives

      <span style="background-color:green">xxx https://alternativeto.net/static/logo.svg

      <svg width="509" height="105" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g fill="#FFF" fill-rule="evenodd"><g fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M91.72 47.7a2.61 2.61 0 00-2.36 1.21c-.94-.59-3.49-1.83-4.48-2.34l-.36-.18a.23.23 0 00-.18 0v-.06a1.55 1.55 0 000-.22c1-20.58-19.83-36.57-40-30.38a31.64 31.64 0 00-20.57 20.59 36.54 36.54 0 00-1.3 9.19l-.76.3-.55.23c-1 .44-2 .91-3 1.42-1 .51-2 1-2.91 1.63a.31.31 0 00-. 0 00.41.15c1-.46 2-.87 3-1.25s2.05-.72 3.09-1h.06c.5-.15 1-.28 1.51-.41l.78-.18h.09l.7-.15c1.05-.23 2.11-.37 3.17-.5h.12a1.09 1.09 0 10-.51-2.11c-1 .24-2 .5-2.91.81l.19-.06a33.6 33.6 0 011.19-8.19 29.25 29.25 0 0119-19 30.317 30.317 0 012.43-.63c.79-.17 3.95-.62.5 1.31a26.34 26.34 0 00-12 14.94c-1 3.23-1.39 9.6-.69 14.49.22 1.53-.3 1.83-1.25 2.23-2 .85-5.5 2.39-7.3 4.57-.7.84-1 0-1.17-.6a30.69 30.69 0 01-.64-5 .49.49 0 00-.61-.45c-.49.12-1 .24-1.46.4a.49.49 0 00-.33.48c.28 6.43 1.91 12.41 5.81 12.22a.52.52 0 00.47-.63 3 3 0 01-1.35-1.5c-1.29-3.86 10.67-8.91 26-11.2 14.08-2.11 26.17-1.15 28.27 2.06.434.55.482 1.31.12 1.91a9.5 9.5 0 01-3.81 0 00-. 0 00.74.2 11.1 11.1 0 004.7-4.36 11.87 11.87 0 001-4.48c1 .31 3.64 1.37 4.65 1.78H89a2.85 2.85 0 00-.08.51 2.9 2.9 0 002.62 3 2.63 2.63 0 002.75-2.53 2.88 2.88 0 00-2.57-3.05v-.13zM72 41.2a1.37 1.37 0 01-1.44 1.42 53.31 53.31 0 00-10.1.18 1.37 1.37 0 01-1.48-1.41v-1.18a.64.64 0 01.5-.62 39.21 39.21 0 0112-.14.6.6 0 01.5.61L72 41.2zm7.06-3.35a.52.52 0 01-.63.2c-8.72-3.31-22.33-1.44-22.33-1.44a55.42 55.42 0 00-13.66 3.14 1.54 1.54 0 01-2.09-1.48 25.26 25.26 0 01.36-3.57 18.16 18.16 0 013.77-8.83c.12-.14.24-.28.37-.41a.39.39 0 01.08-.1l.06-.07.15-.16.07-.07c5.93-6.2 16.36-6.91 23.68-2.87a23.26 23.26 0 018.78 8.72c.32.6 2.34 5.27 1.39 6.94z"/><path d="M74.42 30.09a15.15 15.15 0 00-7.19-6.3 22 22 0 00-10.65-1.62 14 14 0 00- 0 00.13 1 31.21 31.21 0 018.21.22c10 2 13.2 6.81 13.55 7 .1.05.22-.05.17-.15a10.45 10.45 0 00-.44-1M29.7 47.54a1 1 0 001.53.12 2.84 2.84 0 00.71-1.2 5.63 5.63 0 00-.21-3.51 3.4 3.4 0 00-1.47- 0 00-.41-.07 1.93 1.93 0 00-1 .77.33.33 0 00.09.49 3 3 0 011.55 2.11 3.24 3.24 0 01-.79 0 000 .43M11 49a3.24 3.24 0 00-3.5 3 3.46 3.46 0 003.28 3.51 3.24 3.24 0 003.46-2.94A3.44 3.44 0 0011 49"/><path d="M104.69 52.5c.002-24.442-16.938-45.62-40.783-50.988C40.06-3.856 15.68 8.022 5.209 30.107-5.262 52.192.972 78.585 20.22 93.65l1 .79c. 1 .76a52.08 52.08 0 0017.81 8.1h.15l. 1.08.167 1.62.24l. 52.09 0 0016.11-37.74M68.35 70c-.07-.58-.14-1.17-.23-1.75-.09-.58-.17-1.16-.28-1.73-.11-.57-.2-1.15-.31-1.72-.11-.57-.25-1.15-.39-1.67a.78.78 0 011.48-.47c.22.62.37 1.18.53 1.17.43 1.76.25 1.19.45 2.37.64 3.56.24 1.56.4 3.13.53 4.69 1 .05 2.07.12 3.1.22a40 40 0 018.22 0 01-.34 1.37h-.05c-1.34-.23-2.64-.55-4-.7l-1-.15-.5-.07h-.5l-2-.19c-.34-.05-.68 0-1-.07l-1-.06h-.74v.51l.08 1.79v5.4c0 1.2-.09 2.39-.13 3.58-.04 1.19-.17 2.39-.28 3.58a.78.78 0 01-1.55-.07c0-1.18 0-2.36.06-3.54.06-1.18 0-2.37 0-3.55 0-1.18 0-2.36-.06-3.53L69 78.93V77v-.67h-3.34c-.68 0-1.36.06-2 .08-.64.02-1.36.07-2 .13-1.36.09-2.72.22-4.07.37-2.71.31-5.43.7-8.08 1.22a.72.72 0 01-.84-.56.72.72 0 01.51-.82c1.37-.37 2.71-.66 4.08-.93s2.73-.49 4.11-.7c.68-.11 1.38-.18 2.07-.27.69-.09 1.38-.16 2.07-.22s1.38-.13 2.08-.16c.7-.03 1.39-.1 2.09-.11 1.1-.05 2.2-.06 3.31 0-.12-1.47-.26-2.93-.44-4.38m-26.7-7.09c-.5 1.66-1.67 5.66-2.4 8.79a251.51 251.51 0 00-4.09 27.62 49.27 49.27 0 01-12.59-6.86 112.65 112.65 0 013.85-17.78 29 29 0 012.62-6.05 8.49 8.49 0 013.52-2.94l.26-.12.43-.24.55-.28c.38-.18.75-.36 1.12-.52l.57-.25.56-.23 1.14-.44c1-.37 2.7-.89 3.76-1.2.55-.16.84 0 .7.5m44.54 14c-1.56-5.81-3.67-14.91-9.9-17-6.64-2.26-13.78-2.51-20.68-2.07a65.42 65.42 0 00-14.49 2.59c-2.09.61-8.79 3.18-10.12 3.86a9.13 9.13 0 00-3.77 3.15 31.08 31.08 0 00-2.81 6.48 124 124 0 00-3.85 17c-1.17-1-2.31-2-3.4-3.11-19.41-19.404-19.498-50.844-.196-70.356C36.476-2.078 67.915-2.33 87.528 16.87c19.612 19.2 20.029 50.637.932 70.35a80.89 80.89 0 00-2.07-10.32"/></g><path d="M130.08 94.873c-3.27 0-4.395-2.792-4.395-5.347 0-2.379 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4.12zm7.292-.177v-10.34h4.65c2.61 0 3.45 1.521 3.45 3.146 0 1.182-.675 2.511-2.16 2.954l2.1 4.24h-2.025l-2.025-4.048h-2.19v4.048h-1.8zm1.8-5.732h2.88c1.17 0 1.56-.709 1.56-1.462 0-.694-.33-1.462-1.56-1.462h-2.88v2.924zm13.142 5.909c-3.27 0-4.395-2.792-4.395-5.347 0-2.379 1.155-5.348 4.395-5.348 1.995 0 3.21 1.108 3.66 2.201l-1.62.724c-.525-.783-1.05-1.226-2.04-1.226-1.935 0-2.535 2.024-2.535 3.649 0 1.713.765 3.633 2.535 3.633.945 0 1.53-.546 2.01-1.33l1.665.621c-.645 1.433-1.8 2.423-3.675 2.423zm6.377-.177v-10.34h6.84v1.669h-5.04v2.496h3.105v1.67h-3.105v2.835h5.37v1.67h-7.17zm9.917-10.34h3.24c3.675 0 5.055 2.6 5.055 5.17 0 2.363-1.26 5.17-5.115 5.17h-3.18v-10.34zm3.435 8.67c2.235 0 3-1.876 3-3.5 0-1.743-.84-3.501-2.835-3.501h-1.8v7.001h1.635zm15.514 1.847c-1.935 0-3.39-1.034-3.96-2.674l1.665-.605c.435.945 1.275 1.595 2.355 1.595s1.8-.488 1.8-1.433c0-.99-1.065-1.359-2.25-1.758-1.5-.502-3.18-1.078-3.18-3.043 0-1.506 1.245-2.777 3.45-2.777 1.83 0 2.985.946 3.36 2.216l-1.62.532c-.27-.606-.87-1.064-1.86-1.064-.945 0-1.5.4-1.5 1.108 0 .753.915 1.064 2.01 1.418 1.53.532 3.42 1.182 3.42 3.368 0 1.994-1.62 3.117-3.69 3.117zm10.742 0c-3.375 0-4.605-2.792-4.605-5.347 0-2.556 1.23-5.348 4.605-5.348 3.39 0 4.605 2.792 4.605 5.348 0 2.555-1.215 5.347-4.605 5.347zm0-1.699c2.025 0 2.745-2.068 2.745-3.648 0-1.7-.705-3.649-2.745-3.649s-2.745 2.053-2.745 3.649c0 1.683.705 3.648 2.745 3.648zm7.502 1.522v-10.34h6.78v1.669h-4.98v2.496h3.18v1.67h-3.18v4.505h-1.8zm13.337-8.642v8.642h-1.8v-8.642h-2.985v-1.698h7.77v1.698h-2.985zm7.157 8.642l-2.25-10.34h1.845l1.245 6.085c.09.473.15.754.18.99.03-.236.09-.517.21-.99l1.545-6.085h1.53l1.575 6.07c.135.473.18.754.21.99a9.48 9.48 0 01.18-.975l1.245-6.085h1.815l-2.265 10.34h-1.65l-1.695-6.396a5.635 5.635 0 01-.21-.96 6.59 6.59 0 01-.195.945l-1.665 6.41h-1.65zm18.242 0l-.825-2.26h-4.155l-.825 2.26h-1.905l3.915-10.34h1.785l3.9 10.34h-1.89zm-1.395-3.856l-1.155-3.102a8.588 8.588 0 01-.345-1.049c-.09.31-.24.754-.345 1.05l-1.17 3.101h3.015zm5.612 3.856v-10.34h4.65c2.61 0 3.45 1.521 3.45 3.146 0 1.182-.675 2.511-2.16 2.954l2.1 4.24h-2.025l-2.025-4.048h-2.19v4.048h-1.8zm1.8-5.732h2.88c1.17 0 1.56-.709 1.56-1.462 0-.694-.33-1.462-1.56-1.462h-2.88v2.924zm9.197 5.732v-10.34h6.84v1.669h-5.04v2.496h3.105v1.67h-3.105v2.835h5.37v1.67h-7.17zm14.314 0v-10.34h4.65c2.61 0 3.45 1.521 3.45 3.146 0 1.182-.675 2.511-2.16 2.954l2.1 4.24h-2.025l-2.025-4.048h-2.19v4.048h-1.8zm1.8-5.732h2.88c1.17 0 1.56-.709 1.56-1.462 0-.694-.33-1.462-1.56-1.462h-2.88v2.924zm9.197 5.732v-10.34h6.84v1.669h-5.04v2.496h3.105v1.67h-3.105v2.835h5.37v1.67h-7.17zm13.562.177c-3.27 0-4.395-2.792-4.395-5.347 0-2.379 1.155-5.348 4.395-5.348 1.995 0 3.21 1.108 3.66 2.201l-1.62.724c-.525-.783-1.05-1.226-2.04-1.226-1.935 0-2.535 2.024-2.535 3.649 0 1.713.765 3.633 2.535 3.633.945 0 1.53-.546 2.01-1.33l1.665.621c-.645 1.433-1.8 2.423-3.675 2.423zm10.457 0c-3.375 0-4.605-2.792-4.605-5.347 0-2.556 1.23-5.348 4.605-5.348 3.39 0 4.605 2.792 4.605 5.348 0 2.555-1.215 5.347-4.605 5.347zm0-1.699c2.025 0 2.745-2.068 2.745-3.648 0-1.7-.705-3.649-2.745-3.649s-2.745 2.053-2.745 3.649c0 1.683.705 3.648 2.745 3.648zm17.057 1.522h-1.8V89.2c0-.37.03-.96.06-1.241-.135.399-.33.9-.48 1.27l-2.55 5.643-2.55-5.672c-.165-.355-.36-.842-.495- 1.24v5.496h-1.8v-10.34h1.815l2.7 6.07c. 0h-1.8V89.2c0-.37.03-.96.06-1.241-.135.399-.33.9-.48 1.27l-2.55 5.643-2.55-5.672c-.165-.355-.36-.842-.495- 1.24v5.496h-1.8v-10.34h1.815l2.7 6.07c. 0v-10.34h6.84v1.669h-5.04v2.496h3.105v1.67h-3.105v2.835h5.37v1.67h-7.17zm18.077 0h-1.635l-4.35-6.53a8.91 8.91 0 01-.435-.768c. 6.425c. 7.47 0 01-.045-.783v-6.425h1.785v10.34zm3.272-10.34h3.24c3.675 0 5.055 2.6 5.055 5.17 0 2.363-1.26 5.17-5.115 5.17h-3.18v-10.34zm3.435 8.67c2.235 0 3-1.876 3-3.5 0-1.743-.84-3.501-2.835-3.501h-1.8v7.001h1.635zm14.102 1.67l-.825-2.26h-4.155l-.825 2.26h-1.905l3.915-10.34h1.785l3.9 10.34h-1.89zm-1.395-3.856l-1.155-3.102a8.588 8.588 0 01-.345-1.049c-.09.31-.24.754-.345 1.05l-1.17 3.101h3.015zm8.522-4.786v8.642h-1.8v-8.642h-2.985v-1.698h7.77v1.698h-2.985zm5.657 8.642v-10.34h1.8v10.34h-1.8zm9.377.177c-3.375 0-4.605-2.792-4.605-5.347 0-2.556 1.23-5.348 4.605-5.348 3.39 0 4.605 2.792 4.605 5.348 0 2.555-1.215 5.347-4.605 5.347zm0-1.699c2.025 0 2.745-2.068 2.745-3.648 0-1.7-.705-3.649-2.745-3.649s-2.745 2.053-2.745 3.649c0 1.683.705 3.648 2.745 3.648zm15.662 1.522h-1.635l-4.35-6.53a8.91 8.91 0 01-.435-.768c. 6.425c. 7.47 0 01-.045-.783v-6.425h1.785v10.34zm6.632.177c-1.935 0-3.39-1.034-3.96-2.674l1.665-.605c.435.945 1.275 1.595 2.355 1.595s1.8-.488 1.8-1.433c0-.99-1.065-1.359-2.25-1.758-1.5-.502-3.18-1.078-3.18-3.043 0-1.506 1.245-2.777 3.45-2.777 1.83 0 2.985.946 3.36 2.216l-1.62.532c-.27-.606-.87-1.064-1.86-1.064-.945 0-1.5.4-1.5 1.108 0 .753.915 1.064 2.01 1.418 1.53.532 3.42 1.182 3.42 3.368 0 1.994-1.62 3.117-3.69 3.117zM150.988 57.162h-9.066c-1.247 0-1.912.656-2.162 1.72l-2.246 9.256c-.415 1.801-1.746 2.784-3.66 2.784h-5.405c-1.83 0-2.828-.983-2.329-2.784l13.224-49.143c.5-1.72 1.747-2.703 3.577-2.703h7.568c1.83 0 3.077.983 3.576 2.703l12.975 48.897c.5 1.802-.499 3.03-2.329 3.03h-5.655c-1.913 0-3.244-.983-3.66-2.784l-2.245-9.256c-.25-1.064-.915-1.72-2.163-1.72zm-5.95-9.5h4.906c.915 0 1.497-.41 1.248-1.393l-3.66-15.48-3.742 15.48c-.25.983.332 1.392 1.247 1.392zm36.757-28.586V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.827 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703V19.076c0-1.883.915-2.784 2.745-2.784h5.24c1.912 0 2.827.9 2.827 2.784zm6.817 42.345V37.67h-.915c-1.83 0-2.744-.901-2.744-2.703v-3.604c0-1.802.914-2.703 2.744-2.703h.915V22.68c0-1.72.333-3.685 2.578-4.34l4.408-1.23c2.412-.655 3.826.165 3.826 2.458v9.091h3.577c1.83 0 2.744.901 2.744 2.703v3.604c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.744 2.703h-3.577v22.196c0 2.13 1.248 2.867 2.828 2.867h1.164c1.248 0 2.08.41 2.08 2.293v2.785c0 2.785-2.828 3.931-5.822 3.931-5.49 0-11.062-3.03-11.062-10.32zm49.567-19.411v8.108c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.745 2.703h-16.551v2.949c0 4.587 2.162 7.044 7.236 7.044 3.493 0 4.824-1.393 7.07-1.393 1.995 0 2.744 1.557 2.744 2.703v1.31c0 3.44-3.327 6.307-10.48 6.307-11.394 0-17.382-6.552-17.382-16.872v-12.86c0-8.681 6.404-14.169 15.054-14.169s15.054 5.488 15.054 14.17zm-10.73 2.703V42.01c0-3.932-1.663-5.897-4.324-5.897-2.662 0-4.242 1.965-4.242 5.897v2.703h8.567zm27.028-.246v23.752c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.744-.9-2.744-2.703V31.444c0-1.884.914-2.785 2.744-2.785h5.24c1.996 0 2.828.901 2.828 2.949 1.663-1.72 4.241-3.768 7.485-3.768 1.996 0 2.246 1.229 2.246 2.294v4.34c0 2.376-2.08 2.622-4.076 2.867-3.41.41-5.655 3.113-5.655 7.126zm33.597 23.752V42.665c0-3.358-1.58-5.815-4.74-5.815s-4.741 2.457-4.741 5.815V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.744-.9-2.744-2.703V31.444c0-1.884.915-2.785 2.744-2.785h5.24c1.83 0 2.828.901 2.828 2.703 0 0 2.828-3.522 8.4-3.522 8.068 0 11.894 5.897 11.894 14.825V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703zm29.69-32.516c-4.825 0-6.655 1.229-8.235 1.229-.998 0-2.245-.492-2.245-2.048v-2.211c0-3.522 5.406-4.833 10.645-4.833 7.236 0 16.635 1.802 16.635 13.433v26.865c0 1.883-.915 2.784-2.745 2.784h-3.992c-1.747 0-2.662-.737-2.828-2.13-.25.246-2.911 2.95-7.818 2.95-8.068 0-13.723-5.98-13.723-13.597 0-12.777 10.063-16.545 20.293-17.61-.166-2.866-1.33-4.832-5.988-4.832zm-3.494 21.295c0 3.03 1.497 5.57 4.74 5.57 3.078 0 4.741-2.457 4.741-5.57v-8.763c-4.824 1.064-9.481 2.62-9.481 8.763zm26.611 4.423V37.67h-.915c-1.83 0-2.744-.901-2.744-2.703v-3.604c0-1.802.915-2.703 2.744-2.703h.915V22.68c0-1.72.333-3.685 2.579-4.34l4.408-1.23c2.412-.655 3.825.165 3.825 2.458v9.091h3.577c1.83 0 2.744.901 2.744 2.703v3.604c0 1.802-.914 2.703-2.744 2.703h-3.577v22.196c0 2.13 1.248 2.867 2.828 2.867h1.165c1.247 0 2.079.41 2.079 2.293v2.785c0 2.785-2.828 3.931-5.822 3.931-5.49 0-11.062-3.03-11.062-10.32zm31.935-29.977V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703V31.444c0-1.884.915-2.785 2.745-2.785h5.24c1.913 0 2.828.901 2.828 2.785zm0-12.368v3.44c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703v-3.44c0-1.883.915-2.784 2.745-2.784h5.24c1.913 0 2.828.9 2.828 2.784zm31.435 9.583h4.075c1.83 0 3.16 1.229 2.329 3.604l-12.06 35.956c-.416 1.393-1.414 2.703-3.576 2.703h-3.826c-2.162 0-3.16-1.31-3.576-2.703l-11.395-35.956c-.748-2.375.5-3.604 2.329-3.604h4.574c2.246 0 3.244 1.065 3.66 2.785l6.654 23.261 7.152-23.26c.5-1.72 1.414-2.786 3.66-2.786zm39.586 13.35v8.11c0 1.801-.915 2.702-2.745 2.702h-16.55v2.949c0 4.587 2.162 7.044 7.235 7.044 3.493 0 4.824-1.393 7.07-1.393 1.996 0 2.744 1.557 2.744 2.703v1.31c0 3.44-3.327 6.307-10.48 6.307-11.394 0-17.382-6.552-17.382-16.872v-12.86c0-8.681 6.404-14.169 15.054-14.169s15.054 5.488 15.054 14.17zm-10.73 2.704V42.01c0-3.932-1.663-5.897-4.324-5.897-2.662 0-4.242 1.965-4.242 5.897v2.703h8.567zm43.338-28.421c1.913 0 2.828.9 2.828 2.784v3.932c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-7.153c-1.08 0-1.663.573-1.663 1.638v40.87c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.745 2.703h-5.655c-1.913 0-2.828-.9-2.828-2.703V27.35c0-1.065-.582-1.638-1.664-1.638h-7.152c-1.913 0-2.828-.901-2.828-2.703v-3.932c0-1.883.915-2.784 2.828-2.784h28.86zm.662 41.526V41.764c0-9.747 7.652-13.924 15.47-13.924 7.818 0 15.47 4.177 15.47 13.924v16.054c0 9.746-7.652 13.923-15.47 13.923-7.818 0-15.47-4.177-15.47-13.923zm10.812-16.054v16.054c0 3.194 1.83 4.914 4.658 4.914 2.828 0 4.657-1.72 4.657-4.914V41.764c0-3.194-1.83-4.914-4.657-4.914-2.828 0-4.658 1.72-4.658 4.914z"/></g></svg>


    1. And here's to you, <span style="background-color:green">Mrs. Robinson</span>, Jesus loves you more than you will know."

    1. if the pink plane there is reality then what do people think the blue plane is like insanity 00:39:07 you are insane and learning a new idea something that your brain isn't well set up for could require almost as much creativity as inventing it in the first place because you have to invent it 00:39:24 inside your head
      • reality : pink plane
      • insanity : blue plane
      • takes one to know one
        • learning a new idea could require almost as much creativity as inventing it in the first place because you have to invent it inside your head
    2. the biggest problems with computing is in a sense we have too many smart people it attracts 00:36:44 cleverness and you can do clever hacks but the clever hacks don't scale well and it's very hard to build a halflife into software it just stays around forever and so what what's actually 00:37:00 happening is kind of something like building a large garbage dump that makes it the odor of which makes it very hard to think about other things so if we 00:37:10 take news or normal we can think we can solve problems avoid obstacles beg every once in while we have an outlaw thought

      !- biggest problem : with computing - it attracts cleverness - clever hacks don't scale well - hard to build half life into software - stays around forever?

    3. Newton is a perfect example because before Newton the smartest people in the world couldn't do things that a high school calculus student can easily do so calculus is like getting an extra brain 00:36:16 and it makes you much much more able than a genius who doesn't have it so these outlook changing things are really critical

      calculus is like having a second brain

    4. try having one when you're going out for tenure think of all the different reviewers who already have an idea of what computer science should be 00:37:52 about it's crazy and people start winding up gaming the system and doing lots and lots of little papers that mean nothing at all in order to get the 00:38:04 approval of these reviewers whose ideas about computing might be completely off

      !- hint : ideas about computing might be completely off

    5. i don't want this to be like uh it only works for me um and the only way to see this is to have people try it out

      not only works for me

    1. Quinn Warnick Deputy Executive Director at Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Iowa State University Blacksburg, Virginia, United States

    1. Who needs a new iPhone? I want a memex in my office.

      memex in my office


      Working on it. Getting so close.

      Mark the trails you blaze across the web with TrailMarks

      Experience the Web as an extension of your mind

      Share your trails and be the master with the legacy that contains the entire scaffolding with whch they were erected


    2. and on yourmobile

    1. Kwisatz Haderach

    2. Indeed, it appeared that the majority of people did not realize that to know the future is to be trapped by it.


    1. Boris Mann@bmannReplying to @csageland @RobertHaisfield and 3 othersthese are all roughly in the same class of tools. The question is — can it be setup in such a way to engage / entrain multi-user participation. So much of online talks are either synchronous live discussion or lean back experiences. Group note taking FTW!5:14 AM · Jul 27, 2022·Tweetbot for iΟS

      perfect timing

    1. Our own @csageland will be kicking off a series looking at sensemaking in groups! On August 9th come talk with @RobertHaisfield about his research on #ScalingSynthesis. Join us in the #ToolsForThought community, catalyzed by @FISSIONcodes's @bmann

    1. Warning: this post is a “brain dump first draft” of my chapter’s Abstract and Introduction, so it’s long.

      brain-dump rules at the edges of knowl

    2. From Personal to Social Knowledge Graphs: a vision statement

    1. That's why they're "usually just one of an array of tools... cobble[d] together for discovering, bookmarking and reading content; developing ideas in private and discussing them in public; writing, publishing and sharing" .../2

    1. I'll be writing a chapter of @PkgBook (PKG = Personal Knowledge Graphs) over the summer. Which is ironic, because I think @jmrphy is pretty spot on - as standalone tools, PKGs are not that useful for deep writing: https://otherlife.co/pkm/ /1

    1. If I had to share one image from my current model, it'd be how linking Personal knowledge graph-based thinking tools together via the Fediverse creates personalised Social knowledge graphs for everyone.

    1. Follow a Hub to get a feed of high-quality content piped into your Private Reading Queue, and ReBlog individual resources straight to your Hub.


    2. Imagining new MyHub.ai features as the pilot Hubs launch

    1. Mathew@mathewlowryFounder: http://MyHub.ai. Info. architect, editor & more, Knowledge4Policy & others. Writer: The Mission, Better Humans, Chatbot Mag. = curation not endorsementBrusselsmyhub.ai/@mathewlowry/Joined October 20071,681 Following2,374 Followers

    1. What you Like, Think and Do, together in one place.

      The one place should be You and Yours!

      Let the players be their own hubs!



    1. The NDN project is investigating Jacobson's proposed evolution from today's host-centric network architecture IP to a data-centric network architecture (NDN).
      • about : Named Data Networking

      !- contrast : host-centric with data centric architecture NDN

      evolution from a host centric to a data centric architecture just like IPFS. Look at the hour glass Description


    1. we do not 00:25:20 yet have is international settlement based on cbdc's

      no international settlement

    1. Simonyi invented Bravo, the first word-processing program that showed on-screen exactly how a document would look in print-a concept commonly referred to as “what you see is what you get.”

      !- for : WYSIWYG

      !- contrast with : WYSIWYM

      What You See Is What You Mean, Intend

    1. “The Cockroach of Cyberspace.”


    2. Crossroads, Explore and Infinity—sounded like drug treatment programs or new car brands.

      sounded like drug treatment program

    3. Thus, he has renamed the Platform A advertising unit AOL Advertising; changed its unfortunately named People Networks–which is made up of the communications and community properties–to AOL Communications; and done the same for its MediaGlow, which is now under AOL Media.

      It is not that people did not know instincively that the internet is for people to connect with each other, but we ended up with one that is acknowledge to be


  4. Local file Local file
    1. Konrád, György. 1989. Antipolitika—az autonómia kísértése [Antipolitics: The temp-tation of autonomy]. Budapest: Codex RT


    2. Cushman asks why the taboo of engaging in politics wasso powerful in the musicians’ symbolic critique of their society andits institutions. A respondent who condemned the politicized rock ofhis fellow musicians answered: “They think that they are fightingagainst this but adapting such methods of struggle, they become thesame. You see? This is interesting . . . when you begin fightingagainst somebody with his own means, you somehow grow likehim” (106). Here is a powerful reiteration of Konrad’s antipolitics.Politics in Soviet society was too corrupt and banal to encourage themusicians to adopt its language, symbols, and categories, Cushmanconcludes. Yet their search for an autonomous space was anythingbut escapist: musicians saw their distance from politics as potentially


    3. György Konrád’s (1989) idea of “antipolitics” is certainly perti-nent here as a form of personal and artistic self-assertion in the faceof institutions, collectivities, and, most important, the state. In a soci-ety entirely colonized by state power, he suggests, individuals whoseek autonomy withdraw their language and philosophy frompoliticians. Artists’ participation in antipolitics translated into a re-fusal to commit themselves to politics in what Goehr defined as itsfirst (direct, overt) meaning. Antipolitics in art reiterated such appar-ently high cultural ideals as the complexity and autonomy of art’slanguage, meanings, and effects

      konrád antipoitics


    1. Konrád György 1984: Antipolitics. Pushing the State out of our Nightmares.Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego. Magyarból fordítoa Richard E.Allen. Magyarul: Az autonómia kísértése – Antipolitika. Codex Rt., Budapest,1989.

      antipolitics last chaper

      aa alkotó értelmiség és a szabadság

    1. Matt Derocher@mjamesderocherFollows youI'm a front-end designer and developer. I love CSS and SVG.Portland, MEdelightfullabs.comJoined May 2010355 Following77 Followers
    1. Paul Fairie@paulisciA Brief History of Nobody Wants to Work Anymore 12:52 AM · Jul 20, 2022·Twitter Web App
    1. FollowClick to Follow paulisciPaul Fairie@paulisciResearcher, instructor @UCalgary, joke tweeter mostly. Usually politics or curiosities from old newspapers. Dr Cronk. Headline of the Year host. @DowntownCoreCACalgary, AB, CanadaJoined December 20092,687 Following39.4K FollowersFollowed by Ian O'Byrne and Marc Andreessen

    1. Bardia ⠕ and 3 others likedWinston@syncretizm·10hPlaying around in Blender and found this particular user interaction so intuitive and powerful. Holding down a button `, I'm able to pull out a menu that surrounds my mouse and is available to be clicked. I wonder if this can be implemented in a PKM for quick access

    1. One app to replace them all. All of your work in one place: Tasks, Docs, Chat, Goals, & more.
      • for : Opidox

      one app

    1. say no to programming

      intentional software as a conversation about intents and effective concepts required to articulate them


      • is : oximoron : Intentional Progrmming

      !- note : 1992 Language Oriented Programming in MetaLisp

      considered the task of program design to be reducible to the task of language design.

      programs theemselves to be intertpreters for their input data languages (application domain specific languages)

      using a meta language with explicit meta-linguistic capabilities the artivulation of the intented behaviour of the software revolved around forumlating "effective concept" as non terminals in a grammar for the input datalanguga with "semantic actions" which themselves

    2. computer programs have been traditionally represented as a stream of characters intentional programs are represented not as text but as a database not a database about the program but a database

      programs represented as a database

      program is a database

    1. Saved 28 times between October 6, 2011 and April 20, 2022

      !- for : Intentional Programming

    1. HyLighter is a thought processor and external memory technology

      thought processor

      !- for : thought processor

      !- idea : use IndyWeb/app/TrailMarks to make it InterPersonal

      Thought Processor lost annotation https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdD96lNXgAAg3dr?format=png&name=medium

    1. A virtual world for making a real differenceDonate to charities with the power of blockchain and get a proper picture of the good you do.

      BetterVerse App

      • for : CODO

      • slogan : The charitable metaverse


    1. I'm curious what a Betterverse would look like for anyone stopping by this post....




    1. Platform.sh Unified, secure, enterprise-grade platform for building, running and scaling fleets of websites and applications. Technology, Information and Internet Paris, Île-de-France 8,236 followers See all 316 employees on LinkedIn

    1. We’re building something big, to bring you a brand new experience. 🚨 Are you ready to build anything together? Follow us to be the first to know

      !- for : meme - Cloud is Toast

    1. to create a more thorough picture of the subject matter at hand [1] (see Figure 3).

      diachronic view is king


    2. Fig. 2: A futures wheel with single, double, and triple arrows to denote first, second and third order consequences. Source [1].

      The Software Crisis is half a century old The Future of Programming is bleak

      The current paradigm is FOOBAR


    3. For illustrative purposes, first order consequences of 80% of online traffic shifts to the metaverse

      It all depends what the meaning of the metaverse is

      The current concept may well prove to be totally unreal

      or may trigger opposition that would imply render the central proposition meaningless on every account##You have been warned

    4. One may go on adding concentric rounds to the wheel up until fourth or fifth order consequences.

      That would be by necessity really really sparse

      remember 6 degree of separation

    5. First order consequence should be written parsimoniously, and attention should be payed to whether they are directly originating from the source of change without intervening factors.

      first order consequences

    6. The Real Strength and The Overstated Power of the Futures/Implications Wheel

    1. I'm curious what a Betterverse would look like for anyone stopping by this post....

      !- for : BetterVerse IndyVerse MetaVerse

    1. Data as the New Soil, Not Oil

      Soil is better than Oil

      but remember "Data/information is but People in disguise"

      We want interpersonal connections for mutual learning to sustain us

    1. HubPages@HubPagesDotComWe are an open community of passionate writers, explorers, knowledge seekers, and conversation starters. Find your niche today. https://hubpages.com/about/usSan Francisco, CAdiscover.hubpages.comJoined February 2009106 Following11.2K Followers

    1. am a long-time Futurist, and technologist. In my career, I have spanned the birth of personal computers, to the rise of Cloud Computing.


    2. There's no question that the more useful the device, the more you use it.

    1. use the citations to identify interesting opportunities

      citations opportunities

    2. introduce the next speaker uh professor 00:25:01 joel chan uh joel is going to walk through you know his use case of site but also you know his research in general


    3. not just using it to 00:25:56 focus on credibility and veracity but it's actually for creativity

      not just credibiity and veracity

      but actullay for creativity

    4. by this amazing researcher patrice lopez who's developed and worked on you know this open source tool that we contribute back to 00:18:30 to to extract this information from pdfs and so uh that is you know a core engine is is processing these pdfs through through uh um grab it and you know some sophisticated tweaks we've made uh and 00:18:42 then once we have that text around that citation callout we then have a deep learning model uh that you know has been trained on roughly 50 000 annotated citation statements to try to indicate is this author presenting supporting or 00:18:55 contrasting evidence or is it just mentioning it and again that relates a bit to like us looking at reproducibility you can build other models looking at other things and maybe we'll look at that someday but right now we're trying to keep it

      text around the citation callout

    5. the title tells a story right

      title tells story

    6. x

    1. A wise man recently told me that being kind to others is truly just treating ourselves with dignity, respect and kindness.

      !- by : Linda Goetze

      kindness dignity

    2. Blockchain is enabling peer-to-peer interconnectedness, in an immutable way, that people can actually see and hopefully begin to understand. Synchronicity at its finest!

      p2p interconnectedness


    1. Linda Goetze 1st degree connection 1st Blockchain CoC Board of Directors #Foundation I Co-Founder/EVP DFM Data Corp. | First Female CEO Blockchain Chamber of Commerce | Thought Leader | Educator | International Keynote | Ethical Investor | "Leading to Serve"

    2. I believe perspective is key so I am daily working to connect with founders, developers, business builders, innovators and other proponents of positive change around the world

      perspective is key

    3. A blockchain-enabled universal framework of things will reshape global commerce and community — growing with the opportunity, rather than being made irrelevant by it, is vital.

      bockchain0enabled universal framework

      DHT rather than DLT

    4. Crypto Age


  5. bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. “The con-ditions of a true critique and a true creation are the same: the destruction of an imageof thought which presupposes itself and the genesis of the act of thinking in thoughtitself.”

      the conditions of a true critique creation are the same

    2. the nature ofthought sans image

      thought sans image

    1. Will Google start deleting YouTube content that is super long tail and unviewed?

      delete long tail

    2. It's so annoying that Google strips the geolocation data. What would be the reason for this? It has been frustrating following along with the ticket that goes nowhere for years: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/80379228

      !- for : why - perKeep - own your won Google photos - tweets - all your own data backed up, replicated on all your home devices - Heirloom computer https://indylab-2022.fission.app/hyp?heirloom

    1. camlistore.net domain
    2. localhost: Accept connections coming from localhost. On Linux, this means connections from localhost that are also from the same user as the user running the server.

      accept connections from localhost

    3. Configuring the server
      • about : perKeep
    1. a deep passion and curiosity for learning about why people do what they do and a drive to make an impact.
      • learning about
      • why people do what they do
      • drive to make an impact
    2. a behavior design and gamification consultant, meaning that I apply behavioral science and video game design principles to tech products to enable users to better accomplish their goals.

      behavioral game design tech products

    1. accelerating scientific discovery by lowering barriers to 00:00:42 user-generated synthesis of scientific literature which will include discussing how scholarly practices could be transformed

      individual generated. not users

    2. integrate that into the the document itself

      Integrate into the document itself

      TrailMarks Mark In

    3. connections to wikidata

      exists for mindgraph

    4. how do we enable 00:41:50 portability transferability interoperability uh in particular

      enable portability transferabiity interoperability


    5. three ingredients you need a convention 00:34:24 for note writing which people are actually pretty open to adopting and actually most people already do something like this um we need something like a hypertext notebook that allows understanding of links between things 00:34:36 of which there are many this is roman research we have obsidian we have notion we have tinderbox we have emacs we have athens lockseek foam rimnote lots and lots of different tools can implement 00:34:48 this kind of protocol and then a simple plugin that parses no singularities

      convention for note writing

      hypertext notebook

      plugins to implement the protocol

    6. issue based information systems is pretty uh pretty famous back in 80s for structured thinking over design and even there we have this 00:32:43 observation that you know the early phase of consideration of writing is uh needs to proceed with a contradictory incomplete forms and if you force people to only think in terms of structured nodes 00:32:55 and edges for example it sort of kills the thinking process right


      !- why - TrailMarks MindGraph IndyWeb

    7. idea of incremental formalization where this targets a key long-standing bottleneck and sort of integrating structure into this 00:32:19 early stage creative knowledge work like literature reviewing and thinking

      incremental formalization

      progressive formaliation

    8. is it even possible to tap some of this creative exhaust that's research question too right is it social technically possible to integrate authoring of shareable discourse files

      !- question : - is it socially technically possible to tap into this creative exhaust? - integrate authoring and shareable discourse graph

      • !- answer : Yes, with TrailMarks and IndyWeb
    9. problem of private public alignment personal notes are 00:22:35 contextual they're idiosyncratic they're informal they lack structure what we want is something that's general shareable that has some level of standardization and reliable capture how do you bridge this is it possible

      private public llignment

      !- for : value prop - IndyWeb

    10. looking for uh where are scholars already creating artifacts 00:19:42 that have properties of compression contextualizability and our composability

      creating artifacts with 3 Cs

    11. give people tools to build personal discourse wraps for themselves or for their labs we give them the means to share and 00:18:28 federate this discourse graph with others and then over time we can layer protocols on top of this to start to aggregate these into decentralized comments of resource graphs

      do personal discourse learning synthesis graph

      interpersonal collaboration with full provenance, permanence, evergreen social annotation

      social discovery Open Learning Commons

    12. extend the space of possible contributions to look at this thing that we haven't explored yet which is what i 00:15:29 call scholar power contributions

      scholar power contribution


      "I find it odd that we are not, as humans, trying to capture some of our own internal semantics when we are writing in the way we link. Machine Learning coming the other way down the track, ah this is what the human beings are thinking"

      Dr Mark Anderson




    13. text mining uh this happens to be partially in my field um it's very cheap but it's significant accuracy and transparency challenges

      text mining

      accuracy and transparency challenges

    14. research objects hub or nanopublications the number of active users is actually very very small

      research objects nano publications

    15. specialized curator model where you basically pay people or ask people to volunteer to do this extra work on top of the literature you can think of systematic reviews

      specialized curator model

    16. an authorship bottleneck um we have a different models for authorship that don't seem to be quite enough on their own

      authorship bottleneck

    17. we want to have an ocean of these micro publications uh these disgust at the moment it's no more than a puddle

      want an ocean of micro publications, got a puddle

    18. we basically have most of the warehouses 00:13:24 they're built but they're still mostly empty

      warehouses built but mostly empty

    19. contextualizability is super important right this distinction between claims and evidence uh turns out to be pretty important right to really understand the scope of the claim uh be able to question it be able to 00:10:24 repurpose it um it's really important to dig into right if you have a claim


    20. if we break things down um that enables you to more creatively combine them with new uh theories and models and concepts

      composability (combinability)

    21. manipulate compressed units like claims not just whole papers right papers contain lots of different things in them but we actually care about manipulating thinking about the underlying uh ideas

      manipulate compressed units like claims

    22. compression contextualizability and composability

      three cs

    23. very mature well thought out clever standards for essentially how do 00:09:20 we represent a discourse problem gives you a little bit more intuition about why um discourse across a good idea beyond just the match on the surface with the kinds of 00:09:33 questions you're trying to ask

      discourse graph match the questions you are trying to ask


    24. Accelerating Scientific Discovery - Joel Chan20 views20 viewsJul 19, 2022
    1. Introducing Filecoin, a decentralized storage network213,201 views213K views19 Jul 2017

    1. augmenting individual and collective synthesis

      augmenting individual and collective mutual learning

    2. Discourse Graphs for Augmented Knowledge Synthesis: What and WhyJoel Chan, University of Maryland College of Information StudiesEmail: joelchan@umd.edu | Twitter: @joelchan86

      Discourse Graphs

    1. 0x@0xProjectTrusted exchange infrastructure for the internet┊http://link.0x.org/DiscordSan Francisco, CA0x.orgJoined February 201784 Following264.2K FollowersFollowed by deWeb.io, SDO Ⓐ, and 24 others you follow

    1. feed-forward system

      !- concept : feed-forward system

        • for : claim - TrailMarks Clues
        • Trailmark Clues is a feed-forward intentional/semantic notation for intentional/semantic associative memory
        • why :
    2. A manifesto is a feed-forward system.
      • claim : Trailmark Clues is a feed-forward intentional/semantic notation for intentional/semantic associative memory
    3. Gordon Brander@gordonbranderA manifesto is a feed-forward system.
      • claim : Trailmark Clues create is a feed forwar intentional/semantic notation for intentional/samantic associative memory
    1. The home-space project is nearing a full version release. The demo features a customizable virtual space hosted on IPFS and ENS, like a decentralized web version of VRChat.


    2. IPFS VR

    1. only one real answer that scales that's actually going to work which is they have to figure out how to talk to each other right they need to negotiate with each other that the probe each other if the dynamically figure out a common language so they can exchange information and fulfill the goals that the human programmer gave to them so that's why this goal directed stuff is 00:14:58 gonna be so important

      have to figure it out

      better still exchange explicit intentional structures

    1. decentralized protocol based on the mechanics of word of mouth.
      • for : interpersonal networks
    2. Those technologies are not peer-to-peer, because each component is either a server or a client, but not both.

      server or client not both

    1. Ethereal is a free e-mail catching service, mostly aimed at (but not limited to) Nodemailer users. Configure Ethereal as your outbound SMTP service and start sending mail. Nothing is actually delivered, all emails are caught and stored for review. What makee Ethereal stand out is the IMAP support and the freedom to create as many accounts as you wish, even programmatically.
      • for : indy.hub.pda.mail

      • experimenting with names ; ``` indy.<constellation>.<suite>.<app>

      indy.<constellation>.<suite>.<app> ```

    1. Ethereal is a fake SMTP service, mostly aimed at Nodemailer and EmailEngine users (but not limited to). It's a completely free anti-transactional email service where messages never get delivered. Instead, you can generate a vanity email account right from Nodemailer, send an email using that account just as you would with any other SMTP provider and finally preview the sent message here as no emails are actually delivered. So far Ethereal has caught 46 654 emails sent using Ethereal testing accounts.

    1. You can also use Redemption (I am its author) and its RDOSession.GetMessageFromMsgFile method. It is accessible in JavaScript (IE only), Java (through COM bridge) and any .Net language.

    1. RDOSession object is the top level object in the RDO object hierarchy from which all other objects are retrieved. To be able to use RDOSession object properties and methods, log on to a MAPI session first by either setting the MAPIOBJECT property or calling Logon, LogonExchangeMailbox or LogonPstStore methods.

    1. RDO exposes Outlook mail, store and address book accounts through the RDOSession.Accounts collection and RDOMail.Account property


    1. Send Email Messages (and Attachments) Using Delphi & Indy Full Source Code For an Email Sender Application

    1. Lumír Indy@indymailJoined December 20140 Following4 FollowersNot followed by anyone you’re following

      !- for : search - indymail

    1. JSON Web Token authentication

      !- for : do how - JWT | ScaleDrone

    1. ThreadDB aims to help power a new generation of web technologies by combining a novel use of event sourcing, Interplanetary Linked Data (IPLD), and access control to provide a distributed, scalable, and flexible database solution for decentralized applications.

      event sourcing